The Wayback Machine -
Silver: Best TV Commercial.
Silver: Best Use of Music.
Bronze: Best Idea in 60 Seconds or Over.
Entrant: Fallon London
Client: BBC 1 Xtra
Product: 1 Xtra
Title: Streetmusic
Writer: Rob Potts
Art Director: Andy Jex
Producers: Kirsty Burns/Charlie Gatsky
Production Company: Academy
Director: Nick Gordon
Lighting Cameraman: Ivan Bird
Production Company Producer: Sally Campbell
Silver: Best TV production for Overseas.
Entrant: Lowe
Client: Heineken Ireland
Product: Heineken Green Music Festival
Title: Pub Walk
Writer: Gethin Stout
Art Director: Simon Butler
Producer: Thea Slevin
Production Company:
Director: Calle Astrand
Lighting Cameraman: Gorn Hallberg
Production Company Producer: Luke Beauchamp
Sound Design: 750mph
Silver: Best Idea in 10 Seconds.
Silver: Best Campaign or Series.
Entrant: HHCL & Partners
Client: Unilever Bestfoods
Product: Pot Noodle
Title: Aunty Jane
Writers: Jonathan Thake/Lee Tan
Art Directors: Jonathan Thake/Lee Tan
Producer: Vicky Baldacchino
Production Company: Traktor/Partizan
Director: Traktor
Lighting Cameraman: Tim Maurice-Jones
Production Company Producer: Jim Bouvet
Sound Design: Wave
Silver: Best Idea in 60 Seconds or Over.
Bronze: Best Use of Music.
Entrants: Fallon London/Helen Langridge Associates
Client: Umbro
Product: Umbro
Title: Goalposts
Writer: Andy McLeod
Art Director: Richard Flintham
Producer: Kate Sturgess
Production Company: Helen Langridge Associates
Director: John Hardwick
Lighting Cameraman: Danny Cohen
Production Company Producer: Doug Wade
Silver: Alec Ovens Memorial Honour for Best Direction.
Entrant: Lowe
Client: Interbrew UK
Product: Stella Artois
Title: Devil’s Island
Writer: Vince Squibb
Art Director: Vince Squibb
Producer: Sarah Hallatt
Production Company: Academy
Director: Jonathan Glazer
Lighting Cameraman: Dan Landon
Production Company Producer: Robert Smythe
Sound Design: Wave
Silver: Most Encouraging Change of Advertising Direction.
Entrant: Lowe
Client: Nestlé
Product: Fruit Pastilles
Title: Exams
Writer: Tony Barry
Art Director: Damon Collins
Producer: Russell Benson
Production Company: MJZ
Director: Kuntz & Maguire
Lighting Cameraman: Ivan Bird
Production Company Producers: Debbie Turner/Kate Collier
Sound Design: Wave
Silver: Best Campaign or Series.
Bronze: (Desperate Dan) Best TV Commercial.
Bronze: (Bombay Bad Boy) Best Idea in 20 Seconds.
Bronze: (Desperate Dan) Tele-An Honour for Best Idea in 30 Seconds.
Entrant: HHCL & Partners
Client: Unilever Bestfoods
Product: Pot Noodle
Titles: Desperate Dan/Bombay Bad Boy/Flower/Aunty Jane
Writers: Jonathan Thake/Lee Tan
Art Directors: Jonathan Thake/Lee Tan
Producer: Vicky Baldacchino
Production Company: Traktor/Partizan
Lighting Cameraman: Tim Maurice-Jones
Production Company Producer: Jim Bouvet
Sound Design: Wave
Silver: NABS Charity Advertisement
Entrant: TBWA\London
Client: The Big Issue Foundation
Title: Rip Off
Writer: James Sinclair
Art Director: Ed Morris
Producer: Diane Croll
Production Company: Method Films
Director: Richard Anthony
Lighting Cameraman: Simon Chaudoir
Production Company Producer: Patrick Duguid
Sound Design: Dave Robinson
Silver: Best Magazine Advertisement.
Entrant: Fallon London
Client: Skoda
Product: Skoda
Title: Does the thought
Writer: Simon Roseblade
Art Director: Glenn Gibbins
Typographer: James Townsend
Photographer: Blink
Silver: Best Magazine Advertisement.
Entrant: TBWA\London
Client: The Big Issue Foundation
Title: Don’t like what you smell
Writer: James Sinclair
Art Director: Ed Morris
Typographer: Dan Beckett
Photographer: Nadav Kander
Silver: Best use of Humour.
Bronze: Best Specialist PRESS Advertisement.
Entrant: Burkitt DDB
Client: The Creative Circle
Creative Directors: Mike McKenna/Greg Martin
Title: Five-A-Side Football Tournament
Writer: Dave Newbold
Art Director: Chris Owens
Typographer: Vicky Holman
Silver: Creative Review Honour for Best Art Direction.
Bronze: Best Newspaper Advertisement.
Bronze: Best Typography.
Entrant: D’Arcy
Client: COI Communications/ Department of Health
Product: Social Workers Recruitment
Title: Billy
Writers: Angus MacAdam/Paul Jordan
Art Directors: Paul Jordan/Angus MacAdam
Typographer: Steve Darsow
Photographer: Dave McKean
Illustrator: Dave McKean
Silver: Creative Review Honour for Best Art Direction.
Bronze: Best Consumer Campaign or Series.
Entrant: Saatchi & Saatchi
Client: NSPCC
Title: Little Girl
Writer: Mike Sutherland
Art Director: Anthony Nelson
Typographer: Scott Silvey
Photographer: Miles Aldridge
Silver: Best Regional Press Advertisement.
Entrant: Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy
Client: Bell’s Whisky
Product: Sponsorship of Scottish Football League
Title: One Way
Writer: Ian Heartfield
Art Director: Matt Doman
Typographer: Kerry Roper
Illustrator: Kerry Roper
Silver: Best Specialist Press Advertisement.
Entrant: Archibald Ingall Stretton
Client: Skoda
Product: Specialist Press
Title: Taxi Runner
Writer: Neil Harris
Art Director: Richard Lee
Typographer: Jaqui Ferns
Photographer: Lorentz Gullachsen
Silver: Best Specialist Press Advertisement.
Entrant: Miles Calcraft Briginshaw Duffy
Client: Campaign
Title: Handbags
Writer: Jeremy Carr
Art Director: Jeremy Carr
Typographer: Kerry Roper
Photographer: Mike Parsons
Silver: Best Consumer Campaign or Series.
Entrant: Cuba
Client: The Biography Channel
Titles: From the beginning/Mick Jagger/Clint Eastwood/Kenneth Williams/William Shakespeare
Writer: Andy Cording
Art Director: Andy Hayward
Typographer: Andy Hayward
Photographer: Richard Bailey
Silver: Best Poster.
Bronze: Best Landscape Poster.
Entrant: TBWA\London
Client: Five
Product: Michael Jackson Documentary
Title: Outside/Inside
Writer: Trevor Beattie
Art Director: Bil Bungay
Typographer: Richard Kennedy
Silver: Best Portrait Poster.
Entrant: Leo Burnett
Client: Proctor & Gamble
Product: Daz
Title: After and before
Writer: Nick Bell
Art Director: Nick Bell
Typographer: Mark Cakebread
Photographer: Giblin & James
Silver: Best Landscape Poster.
Entrant: Fallon London
Client: Skoda
Title: More Expensive
Writer: Simon Roseblade
Art Director: Glenn Gibbins
Typographer: Simone Wagener
Photographer: Tim Gutt
Silver: Best Poster Campaign or Series.
Entrant: BMP DDB
Client: Oxfam
Product: Oxfam Shops
Title: One-off
Writers: Jonathan Bowen-Thomas/Ewan MacMillan
Art Director: Ewan MacMillan/Jonathan Bowen-Thomas
Typographer: Peter Mould
Photographer: Ben Stockley
Silver: Best Poster Campaign or Series.
Entrant: Saatchi & Saatchi
Client: NSPCC
Titles: Punch/Bed/Belt/Smack
Writer: Richard Baynham
Art Director: Ian Gabaldoni
Typographer: Scott Silvey
Photographer: Luke Kirwan
Illustrator: Stuart Trotter
Silver: Best Special Effects or Computer Graphics.
Entrant: Glassworks
Client: Orange
Product: Orange Telephones
Title: Photo Messaging
Agency: Mother
Writers: Al Moseley/Susan Hosking
Art Directors: Al Moseley/Peter Robertson/Richard Hart
Production Company: RSA
Director: Chris Cunningham
Production Company Producer: Zoe Rogers
Inferno: Rachel Mills/Fasa Dyibo
Silver: Best Editing.
Entrant: Therapy Films
Client: COI
Product: Connexions
Title: Listen Carefully
Writer: Jon Lilley
Art Director: Andy Bundam
Agency: D’Arcy
Producer: Kim Knowlton
Director: Malcolm Venville
Production Company Producer: Daniel Todd
Film Editing: Adam Spivey @ Wilcox & Wilcox
Silver: Best Editing.
Bronze: Alec Ovens Memorial Honour for Best Direction.
Bronze: Best Cinematography.
Entrants: Gorgeous Enterprises/The Quarry
Client: BBC
Product: BBC 1
Title: Rush Hour
Writer: Tom Ewart
Art Director: Dave Sullivan
Agency: Abbott Mead Vickers. BBDO
Producer: Carol Powell
Production Companies: BBC Broadcast/Gorgeous Enterprises
Director: Tom Carty
Lighting Cameraman: Peter Thwaites
Production Company Producer: Edel Erickson
Sound Design: Peter Raeburn
Post-Production: The Mill
Flame: Barnsley
Silver: Best Cinematography.
Entrant: BBC Broadcast
Client: James Pestell
Product: TV BBC 4
Title: McEwan
Writer: Ben Friend
Art Director: Anton Ezer
Director: Michael Geoghegan
Film Art Director: Steve Smithwick
Producer: Sam Allison
Sound Design: Grand Central
Cinematographer: Robbie Ryan
Silver: Best Film Art Direction.
Entrant: Lowe
Client: Coca-Cola
Product: Sprite
Title: Kebab
Writer: Frank Ginger
Art Director: Sam Heath
Producer: Thea Slevin
Production Company: Independent
Director: Kuntz & Maguire
Lighting Cameraman: Barry Wesserman
Production Company Producer: Carrie Hart
Sound Design: Peter Raeburn @ Soundtree/750mph
Silver: Best Direct Response Commercial.
Entrant: Publicis
Client: Depaul Trust
Title: Choices
Writers: Joanna Perry/Damon Troth
Art Directors: Damon Troth/Joanna Perry
Production Company: RSA
Director: Jake Scott
Producer: Kai-Lu Hsiung
Silver: Best Photography.
Entrant: Lowe
Client: Weetabix
Title: Beverley Hills
Writer: Adrian Lim
Art Director: Steve Williams
Typographer: Paul Cohen
Photographer: Nick Meek
Silver: Best Photography.
Entrant: TBWA\London
Client: PS2
Product: Tekken 4
Title: Emmanuel/Noel
Writer: Tara Ford
Art Director: David Dao
Photographer: Derek Lawrence
Silver: Best Typography.
Entrant: Saatch & Saatachi
Client: T-Mobile
Product: Picture Messaging
Title: No more words
Writer: Gavin Kellett
Art Director: Nik Studzinski
Typographer: Scott Silvey
Photographer: Luke Kirwan
Silver: Most Promising Beginner(s).
Entrant: Clemmow Hornby Inge
Client: Premier International Foods
Film Titles: Painter/Office
Titles: Bus Station/Lawnmower/Hoover/Ladder
Writer: Alex Ball
Art Director: Christer Andersson
Producer: Tracey Johnston
Production Company: Godman
Director: Barnet Cokeliss
Lighting Cameraman: John de Borman
Production Company Producer: Jodie Burrows
Sound Design: Saunders & Borman
Stills Photographer: Mark Leary