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The PC Game Programmer's Encyclopedia

The PCGPE is a 2 1/2 Meg collection of text files I compiled which cover numerous aspects of game programming in MS-DOS. The entire PCGPE is available via ftp download (make sure you get the patch), or you can browse the individual articles on the web.

The PCGPE contains info on assembly programming, CPU speed and type testing, graphics programming (VGA and SVGA), sound programming for various cards, programming input devices (mouse, keyboard, joystick, gamepad etc), algorithms for various graphics effects (rotation, shading, perspective projection, texture mapping, bsp trees etc), various graphics and sound file formats, using EMS and XMS memory, PIT info and lots more.

PCGPE 2 Status: 

Here are a few articles which were destined to go into the PCGPE 2 but will not be included in the Win95GPE:

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