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Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 10:37:08 +0200

Well, it took a bit longer than planned but here's the overview of some of Japan's more sinister organizations up through World War Two. First some disclaimers, though:

1 As this was rapidly growing out of proportion, there was considerable editing done to keep it as just an overview. Because of this, some historical incidents and characters were omitted. I have included a bibliography at the end for those wanting further details or just drop me a note and I'll try and help.

2 I've got my own mythos ideas being developed but I didn't want to throw them out in this overview, instead focusing on the historical data. Except for a minor section at the end, all of this is historical and can be used to develop whatever you would like from it.

3 I tried to include translations and other items that could be used for color. I apologize for any inaccuracies that develop from these. Since I don't speak Japanese, I've had to rely on the sources for this background.

Anyway, enjoy and if there are any questions, feel free to ask.

Dave K.


Historical Prospective

The rise of the various himitsu kessha (secret societies) and Japan's desires for an Asian empire in the 19th and 20th Centuries can be traced back to a number of concepts that developed in its ancient past. The premiere concept exploited by the ultranationalists was a decree made by Emperor Jimmu in 660 AD, the policy of hakko ichiu (All eight corners of the world under one roof). While Emperor Jimmu's policy really only extended to Japan, China and Korea, the world he knew at the time, it was the belief that all of the world should be brought under the imperial rule of the divine Emperors, a sort of religious manifest destiny. While various leaders tried it over the centuries, it was a goal that was to color Japanese thinking through the Second World War.

The tenets of the modern form of hakko ichiu were to develop after 1868 and would take the following form:

1) Japan is the center of the world, with its ruler, the Tenno (Emperor), a divine being, who derives his divinity through ancestral descent from the great Amaterasu-Omikami, the Goddess of the Sun herself.

2) The Kami (Japan's gods and godesses) have Japan under their special protection. Thus the people and soil of Dai Nippon and all its institutions are superior to all others.

3) All of these attributes are fundamental to the Kodoshugisha (Imperial Way) and give Japan a divine mission to bring all nations under one roof, so that all humanity can share the advantage of being ruled by the Tenno.

It was the third tenet, especially, that would chart Japan's course towards several wars that would culminate with World War Two.

The concept of the divine Emperors was another belief that was twisted to fit the later goals of the ultranationalists. It was an integral part of the Japanese religious structure that the Emperor was divine, descended directly from the line of Ama-Terasu (or Amaterasu, the Sun Kami or Goddess). However court life had softened the military rule of the Emperor over the centuries and in 1192 AD Yoritomo Minamoto managed to force concessions from the Imperial Family and become Shogun. To consolidate his power and eliminate threats that might arise from the direction of the Imperial family, Yoritomo declared that the Emperor's divinity was so great that to allow him to stoop to ruling Japan personally was a massive insult. The Emperors were essentially to spend the next several centuries locked up in the capital, their every whim catered to but their political power almost non-existent compared to the military leaders of Japan. In more modern times, even with the resurgence of Imperial power in the wake of the Meiji Restoration, this "Emperor Worship" would continue and be exploited by those in Japan seeking military ventures.

The final idea that was perverted in modern times was the concept of Bushido. Bushido was the warrior code and laws of feudal Japan, that while having cultural surface differences, was at its heart not that different from the code of chivalry or any other similar system in other cultures. The code of Bushido provided the social fabric of Japan at the time and while seemingly harsh to outsiders (though in reality, no worse than any other system) provided an incredibly ordered society and provided the glue that eventually allowed Japan to be united under Shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa in 1600 AD. Again, in later years, the code of Bushido found a resurgence in belief following the Meiji Restoration. At first, this allowed Japan to field what was considered one of the most professional and humane militaries in the world, one respected by friend and foe alike. Eventually, however, this belief would become a combination of propaganda and fanaticism that would lead to the brutality carried out in the China War of the 1930s and the Second World War.

The Shogunate provided Japan with incredible stability for over 250 years but at the cost of isolationism. When the forced opening of Japan's ports in the 1850s by the Americans and other Western colonial powers led to outside influence flooding into the country, the Japanese decided not to allow the nation to become the playground of these outsiders like had happened to China. The isolationism caused by the Shogunate had allowed the nation to become weak when the outsiders came and helped lead to its eventual fall and the restoration of the Emperor and the establishment of a new government.

With the reestablishment of the Emperor, Western ideas and industry began to pour into Japan. Taking a cue from the other colonial powers, Japan built up a new industrial infrastructure and revamped all levels of its political and military systems in a remarkably short period of time. Western advisors became a constant sight and left their mark on the emerging nation.

President Grant himself warned the Emperor about giving too much freedom to his subjects and directly influenced the new political system. During this time, the old samurai families took on new roles. The emerging political parties, such as the Liberal (which wanted popular democracy) and the Progressives (which wanted a more restricted form of democracy), become vehicles for the old families. The oligarchs jockeyed for position amongst themselves and used the parties as essentially fronts for their endeavors. The Mitsui family ended up taking control of the Liberal Party and the Mitsubishi family getting the Progressives. These were the first seeds of the Zaibatsu, the economic-political groups that would play a major factor in Japan's industry and political policy up through today.

After an 1889 scandal that caused the resignation of the whole cabinet, two other clans, the Choshu and Satsuma, took over the role of Prime Minister, alternating appointees to the position. In the background, this was also the time of the rise of the secret societies, many of which had symbiotic ties to the oligarchs and the Zaibatsus. The Choshu and Satsuma also came to dominate the military establishment of Japan, with the Chosu controlling the army and the Satsuma the navy.

By 1882, Japan was a formidable regional force, with a revamped infrastructure and reorganized military. By 1890, this had grown even more and Japan began looking at playing the game of colonial power under a growing belief in a modern form of hakko ichiu, one supported by the secret societies and many in the military and government (often these forces were all one in the same). The western powers were all around the Pacific and Asia, a point that was taken to heart by the Japanese. Treaties were negotiated with the other powers as an almost equal, especially with Great Britain, who developed a close relationship with the Japanese. Now, the Japanese decided to begin its empire building. Its first item was settling the Korean question.

Korea had for centuries bounced back and forth between Chinese and Japanese domination. After the opening of Japan, the Japanese had again begun to cast covetous eyes towards the peninsula nation, hoping to expel both Russian and Chinese influence. After several years of negotiating and saber rattling, which pushed the Russians out of Korea with the help of the Chinese, Japan decided to move against Korea. Using agent provocateurs in the form of an anti-Japanese group, the Tonghaks (which was secretly controlled by the Japanese), a rebellion against the Korean government was initiated. The Chinese moved in to assist in quelling the revolt, a move that Japan claimed could not be tolerated as an attack on Korea's "sovereignty". Japanese troops landed in Korea and by July 1894, the Tonghak revolt had been largely put down. On July 23, the Japanese invaded the palace in Seoul of the Korean king and forced him to expel the Chinese.

Attacks began almost immediately on Chinese forces and on August 1st, war was officially declared. The new Japanese military easily beat the outdated Chinese one and by February of 1895, they were in control of all of Korea and part of Manchuria. Peace was negotiated soon after that and Korea was transformed into a complete vassal state of Japan.

In spite of the easy victory, Japan's new infrastructure had been stretched to the breaking point by the war with China. Russia, eager for its own expansionism in the region managed to gain a number of concessions from the Japanese following the war to curb Japan's influence. This move was backed by the US and many European powers, all hungry for their own territories, with the notable exception of England. The Japanese took many of the concessions forced upon them from 1895-1904, while laying plans to eliminate Russia as a threat to her territorial desires in the region. The seeds of the Russo-Japanese War had been sown. Japanese forces made their surprise attack against the Russian navy at Port Arthur and Chemulpo on February 8,1904 destroying much of the Russian Pacific Fleet. Troop landings followed and then war was officially declared.

Initial success smashed much of the Russian military might in the area, a combination of Japanese skill and Russian ineptness, and led to the victories at Mukden and Tsushima. The war was not without its costs, however, as Japan was not completely versed in the new styles of warfare and the land war began to eat up the troops. Eventually, between Russia's initial losses and Japan wanting to avoid being bogged down in a long war of attrition it would lose, both sides came to sign the Treaty of Portsmouth (New Hampshire) on September 5th, 1905. Japan received many of the things she had gone to war for but at home the population, in a feeling fostered by the militarists and secret societies, came to feel cheated out of total victory. Riots and sabotage broke out in Japan and there were calls for the assassination of the government that were only quelled by martial law.

Japan continued its military build-up. The Americans sent the "Great White Fleet" on a thinly veiled intimidation tour of the Pacific and nearly ended up at war with Japan. Luck averted it for a time and coupled with a growing anti-Japanese sentiment in the US, more seeds were laid for the eventual war that was to come.

World War One allowed Japan to seize additional territories with little risk by activating its alliance with Britain and siding with the Allied Powers against Germany. Most of Germany's Asian and Pacific colonies, including the colony of Kiaochao in China and the Mariana, Marshall and Caroline Islands, were seized by the Japanese and kept as tribute. With the other powers occupied with the war, Japan sent its infamous 21 Demands to China in 1915. These demands would have given Japan unbelievable political and economic powers within China, essentially turning China into a vassal state. At first China refused and the Japanese mobilized troops for an invasion. The Chinese capitulated and the Japanese, with secret agreements with most of the other world powers (except the United States) began to consolidate its new empire.

The Russian Revolution also allowed further Japanese expansion as they sent a large force with the Allied expeditionary force that seized parts of Siberia, taking huge amounts of captured weapons and aiding the fleeing White Russian forces. Japanese forces continued to occupy large parts of Siberia until 1922.

The 1920s saw the last of the old-style samurai officers going and a new radical breed taking their place in the Japanese military. Officer cliques, such as the Double Leaf Society, which were secret societies themselves and with ties to the other secret societies, were formed with the fanatical beliefs of ultranationalism and the need for a purge of the Choshu elements of the army. The army became divided into two factions, the Koda Ha (Action Group) led by Colonel (later General) Sadao Araki and the Tosei Ha (Control Group) led by General Kazushige Ugaki. The Koda Ha represented the radical and ultranationalist elements growing within the army. The Tosei Ha attempted to represent the more conservative moderates. The situation was made all the worse by the fact that the army was deeply resented at the time by the Japanese public. Seen as an unnecessary drain on already strained public coffers, the army faced a public almost bent on their destruction.

Coupled with friction with the civilian government on a variety of topics, the army became more isolated and more of a power unto itself. The navy was faring a bit better but not by much. Faced with the limits imposed by the Washington Armaments Conference of 1921, the navy was also split into two factions. The Fleet Faction wanted unlimited naval growth to build the mightiest navy on the face of the earth to challenge the supremacy of powers such as the United States and Russia. The Treaty Faction realized the Japanese economy could not support such a move and argued that the limitations of the treaty actually could serve Japan for the time being. The Treaty Faction won the day, for the moment at least, and in the process won a public relations victory, also. Things continued in this manner for the next several years, with the civilian government keeping the radicals in the military generally in check and those radicals scheming to remove them.

Events in 1927 begin the spiral that draws Japan into the World War. In that year, General Giichi Tanaka, representing the Seiyukai Party, became Prime Minister. The real power rested with a little known official, Kaku Mori, who became Parliamentary Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs. Mori was a civilian but had extensive ties to Japan's ultranationalist secret societies, the Zaibatsu and Kwantung Army radicals. Tanaka, with influence from Mori and his cohorts, announces new interventionist policies concerning Manchuria and Mongolia. Within the next year, thanks to the machinations of Mori and the Kwantung Army, Tanaka would be forced to resign after the Kwantung Army attempts to formulate a crisis and seize Manchuria.

To replace Tanaka in 1928, Prime Minister Osachi Hamaguchi is chosen and forms a new cabinet. Initial public confidence bolsters Hamaguchi's government and allows him to successfully challenge the military radicals and get the London Naval Conference of 1930 treaty ratified. It is both the high point and the last pre-war instance of true civilian government and real challenges to the military radicals. For his efforts, Hamaguchi was the target of an assassination attempt on November 14, 1930. The assassin was Tomeo Sagoya, a member of the Aikoku-sha (Love of Country Association), yet another ultranationalist secret sect. Hamaguchi survives but is hospitalized for several months. He returns to his post in March of 1931 but resigns a month later. He is replaced by Reiijiro Wakatsuki.

Following the war, a bit of a peace movement developed in Japan and it seemed like the militarists might begin losing power. Several events conspired, however, to destroy any hopes of ousting the militarists from power. The first was the way in which the United States acted and came to be perceived in Japan. America grew to become Japan's rival during this period, opposing the territories she had won and any future geo-political moves she would make, all the while pursuing her own emerging colonial aspirations. Relations, already soured, continued a gradual but steady decline with each year.

The factions continued their jockeying for power until December 25, 1926 when Emperor Taisho died. Taisho had ascended the throne with the death of Emperor Meiji in 1912 but was not a strong leader and was considered to be mentally ill. Crown Prince Hirohito took the throne. This was to be just in time for the Great Depression and the unchecked military plots that were to come. The first target was the overt colonization of Manchuria and other key parts of China. Soon afterwards incidents were provoked and the Kwantung Army moved through Manchuria on its own accord.

Next, the massive economic growth the zaibatsu families had enjoyed during the war came to a grinding halt in the early 1920s as the production of the wartime industry suddenly glutted the markets and drove prices way down. Radical elements in the form of labor unions and Communists came in the wake of Japan's industrial birth, bringing violence and social unrest for their causes. A commoner and liberal thinker of the Sieyukai party, Kei Hara, came to be Prime Minister in 1918 with the rallying cry of "militarism is dead." Unfortunately, three years later it was Hara who was dead, assassinated by a railroad worker during the increasing periods of labor unrest and riots. Under the Peace Preservations Acts of the constitution, the Kempei Tai and other police groups started to crack down on the unrest and oppression that would last until the end of the Second World War began.

During this time the army began to rebel against the system and bring much more power into its grasp. Young officers and enlisted men were coming to the military from the harsh life of the peasantry. They realized that through the military they could rise above their poor former lives and become anything, even leaders of government. Back at home, these men saw their families still suffering on the farms and in the factories. Anger began to mount against the civilian authorities that were doing nothing about it while loyalty grew towards their military extended family. These men came to view their military superiors as the only law to be followed.

The time from the end of World War One until the start of World War Two was an extremely chaotic period for Japan. The militarists and secret societies waged a war against every moderating voice heard in Japan. Assassinations and coups were the rule of the day and even when they failed, the concessions gained from the actions paid off for the secret forces. The secret societies grew in immense power during this period and organizations such as the Kwantung Army and the Kempei Tai came into their own. The war in China during the 1930s set the stage for the brutal war yet to come and the collision course became inevitable. The secret powers of Japan led their country towards war.

Black Ocean Society

Originally formed in 1880 as Kayosha (National Assembly Pressure group), this secret society was reorganized in 1881 as an "unofficial" organization bent on expanding Japanese influence through Asia (notably China, Manchuria, Russia and Korea). The Japanese name, Genyosha, is derived from Genkai nada (the Black Ocean) for the strait that separates Kyushu from Korea. The founder was a wealthy samurai and mine-owner, Kotaro Hiraoka, but the most famous of the society's leaders was Mitsuru Toyama, who gathered groups of ronin (wave-men or masterless samurai) to serve as enforcers for the group.

Toyama was a mystical leader, almost a hermit and involved in extreme eastern religious beliefs, but who could command audiences with the highest members of the Japanese government and military. In addition to ultranationalists from the samurai and merchant classes, a large number of Yakuza, thugs and petty criminals also gravitated to the organization. Their motto and aims were "Honor the Imperial Family, respect the Empire and to guard the rights of the people."

The Black Ocean Society was modern Japan's first organized use of foreign intelligence assets and supplied the Japanese army with intelligence as well as spreading Japanese influence throughout the region. Financing and intelligence gathering occurred through the use of many bordellos throughout Asia. The bordellos allowed spying, bribery and blackmail to be used against foreign officials, members of rival societies and so on. These bordellos, established throughout Japan and in Hankow, Shanghai, Tientsin, and Pusan and throughout Sinkiang (now the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Northwest China) and in Russian-controlled Central Asia, were called "Halls of Celestial Delights" and proved to be one of the most successful of the Black Ocean activities. The bordellos offered many unusual sexual activities and targeted, in addition to the usual political victims, the paymasters of the secret societies. The paymasters not only knew a considerable amount of information on the various groups but by targeting them, the Black Dragons were draining the coffers of their enemies to finance their own activities. In addition, they acted as safehouses for Japanese agents in the region.

The Black Ocean Society was operating with the support of the government and in return was powerful enough to demand concessions from the government. They demanded and received promises of a strong foreign policy from the 1892 Matsuka Cabinet. To support their government allies, they gathered intelligence on opposition parties and waged a terror campaign against rival political groups in the elections but this wasn't enough to keep the opposition parties from gaining many seats in parliament. In 1882, Toyama sent 100 agents into China to begin operations. The group managed to set up spy operations throughout China from a base at Hankow, with the full support and cooperation of the Japanese army and began to infiltrate the myriad of Chinese secret societies to seek out allies and enemies. The success of these operations is best illustrated by the work of the agent, Hiraya Amane. Hiraya compiled the Zhong-guo Bi-mi She-hui Shi, the first true history of the Triads and other secret societies. Hiraya uncovered the history of these groups not only by careful research and making contacts but also by simply frequenting their teahouses and other establishments to observe them in action. By simple surveillance, Hiraya discovered and decoded the complex rituals and secret signs to unravel the mysteries of the secret societies. His work was so complete and accurate that it was classified and not published for public consumption until many years later. These agents also managed to establish the Tung Wen College in Shanghai that trained future agents for espionage in China. The Tung Wen would continue to operate until the end of World War Two, training agents for operations throughout Asia.

The Black Ocean Society began forming alliances with some of the Triad Sects and manipulating their actions. Some of the Triad leaders, such as K'ang Yu-wei and Liang Ch'i-ch'ao had been forced into an exile in Japan and traded safety for connections to their groups. They conducted more mundane intelligence and reconnaissance duties, including detailed map making operations in Korea and China. The Black Ocean also ran subsidiary groups throughout the region, the most well known being Tenyukyo in Korea. Tenyukyo (Society of the Celestial Salvation of the Oppressed) was a special unit of 15 agents picked by Ryohei Uchida to spy and wage a covert subversive campaign to prepare for the eventual Japanese conquest of the Korean peninsula. They established contact with the Korean Tonghaks, a radical religious sect with a belief in eastern mysticism and violently opposed to Western influences in the region. Together, they waged a terror campaign that included bombings and assassinations that culminated in the murder of Korean Queen Min in 1895. This situation allowed the Japanese intervention.

In 1898, the Black Ocean Society and many other similar groups were being assimilated into the East Asia One Culture Society to consolidate and continue their work. Some of the other groups affiliated included Yamaguchi-gumi (which survives today as one of the largest of these groups, with 400 sub-groups and a membership roll of approximately 10,000), Sumiyoshi-rengo (based in Tokyo), Inagawa-kai (based in Yokohama) and Ichiwa-kai (based in Kobe).

Black Dragon Society

The Black Dragons (Kokuryukai) formed in 1901 by Ryohei Uchida, a former leader of the Black Ocean Society. Actually, the name Black Dragon Society is an inaccurate Western interpretation of their name. The Chinese characters for the Amur River are translated as Black Dragon River (or Kokuryukai in Japanese), thus Westerners have incorrectly labeled this group the Black Dragon Society when the correct translation should be the River Amur Society (I will continue to use the more popular terminology, however, for our purposes). The Black Dragons were formed due to the publicity starting to surround the Black Ocean Society and to begin operations against the Russians in Manchuria. It would outgrow this function and continue as a shadow government for Japan through the Second World War, growing from a few hundred members to over 10,000 by the end of the war. From the beginning, there was a feeling of patriotic duty and romanticism concerning joining the Black Dragons and acting as one of its agents. While expenses would be paid for agents operating in the field they received little or no other financial compensation for their activities. The secrecy surrounding the group would be maintained until the 1930s and even then little information leaked out.

Its membership grew into the thousands and included high-ranking military officers and cabinet officials. The group was so powerful that all military attaches abroad had to be cleared through them. Uchida also pressured the War Office for an increased military presence and intelligence-gathering capability along the Mongolian border with Russia.

The Black Dragons were formed by one of the former leaders of the Black Ocean Society, Ryohei Uchida, in collaboration with Mitsuru Toyama. Toyama and the Black Ocean Society lent their full support to the formation of the new group. Toyama's political influence guaranteed the safety and success of the new organization and it grew to be the largest of Japan's secret societies. Toyama never officially joined the Black Dragons but remained as an advisor and patron until his death in 1944 (Toyama did join the Taisei Yokusankai- Imperial Rule Assistance Association- another powerful ultranationalist group with a hand in World War Two). The Black Dragons also attempted to initially keep some of the more criminal elements from its ranks (though this would quickly change) in a successful bid to attract more military officers to the group.

From their training camps in Hokkaido, the Black Dragons spread out to prepare for the inevitable conflict arising with the Russians. The Black Dragons followed in the footsteps of the Black Ocean Society and began to seriously penetrate the region with its agents, placing a large number in Manchuria and Siberia before war broke out. The Black Dragons even acquired a Black Ocean front, a jiu-jitsu school in Vladivostock, from which they could observe much of the Russian military and naval movements. Back in Japan, the group established a special espionage school dedicated to studying Russia and Russian. They had gathered intelligence before the Russo-Japanese War that showed detailed troop strengths and locations, as well as logistical networks. Japan essentially went to war on February 8, 1904 knowing more of the Russian strengths and weaknesses than the Russians did. Once the war erupted, the Black Dragons intensified their efforts in support of the Japanese Empire. They organized Manchurian guerrillas against the Russians from the Chinese warlords and bandit chieftains in the region, the most important being Marshal Chang Tso-lin. Black Dragons managed to infiltrate a small party of Japanese officers and NCOs for a meeting with Tso-lin and other guerrillas, allowing the alliance to be formed. The Black Dragons waged a very successful psychological warfare campaign in conjunction with the Japanese military, spreading disinformation and propaganda throughout the region. They also acted as interpreters for the advancing Japanese army.

Their missions were so well planned and their training so thorough that not one Black Dragon agent was reported killed or captured during the war.

The Black Dragons had a hand in running the legendary Japanese spy, Colonel Motojiro Akashi, who operated against the Russians at the turn of the century. Akashi, who was not directly a member of the Black Dragons, ran successful operations in China, Manchuria, Siberia and established contacts throughout the Muslim world. These Muslim contacts would be maintained through the Second World War, both as operatives in their areas and as a hedge against Soviet aggression. Akashi eventually established networks through Europe, too, that served the Black Dragons. The Black Dragons also formed close contact and even alliances with Buddhist sects throughout Asia.

After the Russo-Japanese War, Japan identified their three main enemies: China, Russia and the US (the order would vary based on events of the day). Operations in China and Manchuria generally took top priority. After the Treaty of Portsmouth, the growing threat of the US was realized and the Black Dragons unsuccessfully protested this and future treaties. It also came to be realized that the US had started a somewhat clumsy espionage operation directed at Japan.

To support operations in China, the Black Dragons were cautiously supporting the revolutionary Dr. Sun Yat-sen while infiltrating his inner circle and Triads. Similar operations with revolutionaries were established from 1906 on, targeting India, Indonesia and the Philippines, amongst others. The Black Dragons began establishing subsidiary groups to support these regional aims, such as the Advance Society in Korea (1906), the Roninkai in Mongolia (1908) and the Yurinkai to support Sun Yat-sen in China (1908). Through this last group, the Chinese rebellion of 1911 was planned and support was directed to it. The events leading up to the rebellion soured Sun and his Japanese allies on each other. Still, Japan successfully carried out the rebellion but failed to unite China behind a puppet.

The 1920s-30s saw a marked rise in the membership of the Black Dragons as well as an increase in operations. The members came to be known as the "China Wave-Men" and belonged not only to the Black Dragons but an ever-increasing number of secret societies. During this time, the political influence of the Black Dragons grew as they actually began using non-extremist language in their proclamations as disinformation on their aims. Support for underground groups around Asia grew, especially as the Anglo-Japanese alliance died and anti-British sentiment rose in Japan. As political chaos began to arise within Japan during this time, the Black Dragon leadership found itself under police surveillance. However, their political influence and alliances with the rising radical military officer cliques largely protected them from the civilian government.

By the start of the 1940s, the group was operating worldwide, as far away as North and South America and Morocco, Ethiopia and Turkey. The members referred to themselves as Brave Knights (Soshi) and their leader as the Darkside Emperor. They were a strange organization that ran the gamut from common criminal activities to major political manipulation. They even formed covert ties with the Nazis during this time but they were never extensive.

At the end of the 1930s, the group slid back into the shadows and away from public attention but did not cease its operations. After the war, Douglas MacArthur personally ordered the abolishment of the group and ordered seven alleged leaders arrested. The intelligence was inaccurate, however, as two of the men were not even members, one had died in 1938, another had committed suicide in 1943 and one had renounced his membership long before.

Epidemic Prevention Research Laboratory

The founder of Unit 731 was General Ishii Shiro, who was born in the village of Chiyoda on June 25th, 1892. While considered a selfish and pushy individual, he nonetheless excelled at the Kyoto Imperial University in the field of medicine. He also courted and married the daughter of the school president. In 1920, Ishii graduated from the school and enlisted in the Japanese army, where he was soon commissioned as an officer.

Ishii found himself assigned to the 1st Army Hospital and the Army Medical School in Tokyo in 1922. There his work impressed his superiors enough to gain him post-graduate medical schooling back at the Kyoto Imperial University two years later.

Ishii took a two-year tour of the West starting in 1928. In his travels, Ishii did extensive research on the effects of biological and chemical warfare developments from World War One and on. It was a highly successful mission and helped win him his patron, Minister of the Army Araki Sadao.

Ishii was placed in command of the Army Epidemic Prevention Research Laboratory located in Tokyo in 1932. The laboratory focused on both the prevention and conduct of chemical and biological warfare. There research quickly outgrew their facilities and a year later the lab received an additional building and land grant in Tokyo. Ishii also organized a satellite laboratory in Harbin a few months after its capture. Harbin was a major railroad hub for the whole region, a fact that Ishii would put to great use. Mirroring on a smaller scale the Nazi extermination machine in Europe, the rail system became the transports of death for thousands destined for Ishii's units. The laboratory proved to be too public, though, so Ishii continued legitimate medical studies there and prepared for a more secret location for his bio-war experiments. Ishii organized his secret group, the Togo Unit, to conduct these secret experiments. The Togo Unit made its headquarters in the Chinese village of Bei-inho (or Beiyinhe), 100 Km south of Harbin. The local inhabitants were forcibly evacuated and their village burnt down. Immediately a 100-room living quarters building and several smaller labs were constructed while work began on the true facility.

Within a year the facility that would be called the Zhongma Fortress was complete. Three-meter high walls topped with electrified barbed wire and a moat with drawbridge surrounded the buildings within. The complex contained a huge laboratory with hundreds of rooms and smaller surrounding labs, office buildings, living and dining facilities, warehouses and munitions storage, crematoria, and the infamous prisons. The road outside was closed to all traffic not related to the facility and when trains traveled nearby, their shades all had to be drawn. Local Chinese workers who were required to enter the facility had to wear a basket over their head and be escorted by the army guards. Inside, with the full knowledge that this work was a flagrant violation of the 1925 Geneva Convention, Ishii pushed forward. The Kempei Tai were assigned to act as human procurement agents for this and all subsequent units. Prisoners were almost constantly shackled. While they were well fed, the experiments performed on them were so horrible that the average life expectancy was one month. In addition to the work being conducted with pathogens, blood draining experiments and food deprivation experiments were conducted. In spite of the precautions, rumors began to circulate outside about the work being carried out there. The end for the facility came in 1936, when an escape attempt allowed several prisoners to make it to freedom and spread the word to the outside world through the Chinese resistance forces.

In 1936, the Togo Unit was again reorganized and expanded, taking the official title of the Epidemic Prevention Department of the Kwantung Army (AKA the Ishii Unit). A smaller sub-section to be based in Xinjing was created to compliment the work of the Ishii Unit. Known as the Wakamatsu Unit, this group was established to research and combat animal diseases.

Both units were approved and established with full knowledge of the Japanese Imperial Headquarters.

1938 brought another relocation to the unit, this time to Pingfan (25 Km southeast of Harbin). After the early escape from the Zhongma Fortress, this location was considered more secure. Pingfan had been cleared of its population and designated a special military zone. Construction began immediately on a huge bio-war facility. This facility was similar to the earlier Zhongma Fortress, down to the surrounding moat. An airfield was also constructed at this location and the airspace above the facility was restricted to military flights only.

The prison inside the Pingfan complex was also greatly improved over the older one. Thick concrete walls were installed to foil escape attempts. The cells were laid out side by side and faced the corridor. Some were single occupancy and some housed multiple prisoners. Each was fitted with a special door that allowed prisoners inside to stick their arms out into the corridor to have injections or blood work. Every cell had a flush toilet and a clean, wooden floor in addition to central heating and cooling. Again, the diet was good and the facilities clean so that outside diseases and other health problems wouldn't confuse the testing results. The cells were organized into buildings called ro buildings and housed either men or women and children.

The cover story was that the facility was a large lumber mill. This led to the doctors within to start referring to their prisoners as maruta (logs), a term that would stick for all the medical units throughout the war.

Research was conducted into four main areas throughout the war and a myriad of smaller ones. The four main areas were Cholera, Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever, Plague and Frostbite. The Cholera work eventually led to dogs being used as the vector in a test on a village west of Chinan. While considered successful and causing over a hundred deaths, Cholera bio-warfare applications were eventually scrapped due to its long incubation time but human experimentation continued in vaccine work. Epidemic Hemorrhagic Fever (EHF) was a disease local to the Chinese-Russian border. Japanese troops had become infected with it over the years of fighting in the region. This gave the researchers the idea of using it as a biological weapon and human experimentation began. The humans used in the EHF experiments were called monkeys as a cover story. Frostbite research grew out of the belief that eventually Japanese and Soviet forces would be drawn into war in Manchuria and Siberia, probably during a period of extreme cold to aid the Soviet forces. Human freezing experiments were conducted to study tolerances and treatments of frostbite cases.

Plague was the area of greatest interest to the doctors. Six different plague attacks were conducted in China during the war. The first occurred on the Kaimingjie are of the port of Ningbo in a joint Unit 731 and Unit 1644 endeavor. Using airdropped wheat, corn, scraps of cloth and cotton that had been infected with plague, a huge outbreak was started that resulted in over a hundred deaths. The area had to be evacuated and contained with a quarantine that kept the area off limits until the 1960s. A later attack in 1942 on the area by the two units led to the development of their final delivery system: airdropped ceramic bombs. Some work was conducted during the war with the use of liquid forms of the pathogen but the results were unsatisfactory for the researchers.

Many other research projects were undertaken during the war. There were many vivisection operations performed, most without even anesthesia. There were experiments with venereal diseases, smallpox, tuberculosis, malaria, typhoid and dysentery. The units carried out VD exams on the "comfort women" of the Japanese brothels. There were air embolism injections given to prisoners to study the effects. The units also developed and used the defoliant Dioxin, which would later become the primary defoliant of the US military in Vietnam. Poison gas tests with mustard gas, lewisite, cyanic acid gas, and phosgene gas were also conducted. Towards the end of the war, stimulant tests were done for drugs for kamikaze pilots, reducing fear and inciting frenzy in its subjects.

In 1938-39 Ishii deployed bio-war units to the Russian border to assist in the escalating skirmishes there. Most of the operations were unsuccessful tactically but provided useful research and publicity for the group.

On August 1st, 1940, the Ishii Unit was again renamed to the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army, more commonly known as Manchukuo Unit 731 (or simply Unit 731, though that wouldn't come into common usage until 1941). Unit 731 was divided into four sections: Research, Experiments, Anti-Epidemic, and Water Purification and Production. Immediately, there was an influx of doctors and medical students from Japan who went to the unit to study. Ishii had been gathering the scientific elite of Japan around him as his unit grew and now he had a very firm base to use them from. The professors of Japan were especially helpful to Ishii, finding recruits and assisting with all manner of aid and assistance to the group. By the time war came with America and the Allied Powers, Unit 731 numbered 3000 directly within the unit and when sister units and satellite facilities were counted in, Ishii had some 20,000 people working on his projects. Each of the units was officially classified as a battalion but received funding equal to at least a regiment. Each unit consisted of a mix of military and civilian doctors, medical specialists and technicians, interpreters and a variety of civilian employees.

The efforts of the medical units were supported by a number of other military and civilian elements. Almost the entire university system of Japan was at their disposal, running exchange programs between the schools and the field units. The Youth Corps regularly sent interns and laborers to work in the research centers. A symbiosis between the Kempei Tai and the medical units developed, with the Kempei Tai acting as a human procurement arm and security force but also acting as overseers to the project, ensuring secrecy and loyalty. The Kwantung Army, too, was involved in both aiding and benefiting from the research conducted in its own backyard.

The members of the medical units also received rewards. The first and foremost was the power and prestige that accompanied those working with the units. There were also better food rations and luxury items allotted to the researchers and their staff. Finally, there were the brothels and their comfort women. The brothels were classified as Class 1 (Officers), Class 2 (NCOs) and Class 3 (Civilians and Enlisted Men). These were staffed by captive women, especially Koreans and captured Western and Russian women.

The final official tally of casualties by the units in their experimentation is 3000, though many put the figures much higher. The casualties from the field testing of their diseases runs much higher with no official statistic established.

Sister Units/Facilities:

NOTE: Each unit would actually carry a "T" marking at the end of their name/title to designate them as a secret unit. For example, the official title of Unit 731 would read: Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army, Unit 731 T.

Anda: This was an open air testing area about 120 Km from the Pingfang facility. Tests were conducted on humans to see the effectiveness of pathogens and their delivery systems in a "real world" environment.

Xingjing (Changchun): Headquarters of the Wakamatsu Unit (Unit 100 under veterinarian Wakamatsu Yujiro). This facility dedicated itself to both the study of animal vaccines, to protect Japanese resources, and especially veterinary bio-warfare. Diseases tests for use against Soviet and Chinese horses and livestock were developed here. In addition to these tests, Unit 100 ran a bacteria factory to produce the pathogens needed by other units. Sabotage testing also was handled at this facility, everything from poisons and other toxins to chemical crop destruction.

Beijing- Headquarters of Unit 1855. There was also a branch experimentation unit based at Chinan. Plague and other diseases were extensively studied at this facility.

Nanjing- Headquarters of the Tama Unit (Unit Ei-1644). This unit conducted extensive joint projects and operations with Unit 731.

Guangdong (Guangzhou)- The headquarters of the Nami Unit (Unit 8604). This facility conducted food and water deprivation experiments as well as water-borne typhus human experimentation. In addition, this facility served as the main rat-farm for the medical units to provide them with plague vectors for their experiments.

Singapore- Headquarters of the Oka Unit (Unit 9420). Formed in 1942 by Naito Ryoichi, Unit 9420 had approximately 1000 personnel based out of the Raffles Medical University. The unit was commanded by Major General Kitagawa Masataka and supported the Japanese Southern Army. There were two main sub-units, the Kono Unit which specialized in malaria and the Umeoka Unit which dealt with plague. In addition to disease experimentation, this facility served as one of the main rat catching and processing centers. Evidence points towards this facility also supplying a medical sub-unit operating in neutral Thailand with diseases for unknown operations and/or experiments.

Hiroshima- At a top-secret factory at Okunoshima, chemical weapon production for the Japanese military and medical units was conducted. Starting with mustard gas production in 1928, the factory moved on to such poisons as yperite, lewisite and cyanogen. During the 1930s, as the war in China grew worse, the island the factory sat on was removed from most maps to strengthen secrecy and security.

Unit 200 (Manchuria- exact headquarters unknown): This unit was associated directly with Unit 731 and worked mainly in plague research.

Unit 571 (Manchuria- exact headquarters unknown): Another unit that worked directly and extensively with Unit 731.

Special Teams: Special units led by Ishii Shiro's older brother and only staffed with members from Ishii's hometown. They operated separately from the regular medical organizations as roving researchers and troubleshooters.

Operations and experiments continued up until the end of the war. With the Russian invasion of Manchuria and China in August of 1945, the units had to hastily abandon their work. All of the members of the units and their families fled across Manchuria and China to return to Japan. Behind them they left skeleton crews to hide the evidence of their atrocities. All the facilities were to be demolished with explosives but most were so well constructed that they survived somewhat intact as testimony to what happened there. Ishii commanded that every member of the group take the secret of their experiments to the grave with them, threatening to find them if they did and ordering none of them to go into public work back in Japan. All of the infected rats and the human prisoners were killed and their bodies quickly destroyed. Potassium Cyanide vials were issued to everyone in the event of capture. Ishii planned to see the medical secrets hidden away from any public discovery.

The Kwantung Army and the Military Ultranationals

The Kwantung Army grew from the invasion and occupation army sent to Manchuria during the war with Russia in 1905. It had remained there since then, slowly growing in both power and autonomy with its powerful forces and relative distance to the controlling civilian and military leaders in Japan. It was one of the lead military units in the Russo-Japanese War, fighting the Russian forces all through the region. The Kwantung Army was officially designated and organized as such on August 1st, 1916. By 1920, the Kwantung Army was the most powerful Japanese military force. It grew even stronger when Japanese troops finally left Siberia in 1922. There were too many troops to be used in Japan proper but the military wouldn't let go of the massive build-up it had been enjoying. As spending cuts and calls for disarmament increased, the generals found some solutions. Some troops would be transferred to the Kwantung Army while many others would go home to act as teachers. Officers from disbanded divisions found themselves at Japanese schools where compulsory military training was to be conducted after elementary school through college. There, the officers brought their way of thinking to new generations and insured their future plans.

In the Spring of 1927, Prime Minister Tanaka's advisor and power behind the throne, Kaku Mori forces the Prime Minister to send elements of the Kwantung Army into Shantung Province. Tanaka was negotiating at the time with Marshal Chang Tso-lin, the chief warlord of Manchuria, for concessions. Tso-lin was also facing Chiang Kai-shek's Nationalists who were delivering the ultimatum of join or fight. Tanaka wanted to carefully bring Tso-lin fully into the Japanese camp and away from the Nationalist forces. The radicals in Japan had other ideas.

In the Spring of 1928, Kai-shek joins other warlords for a move into Shantung Province. There are 19,000 Japanese there and they become the pretext for Mori to pressure Tanaka into reinforcing Japanese troops there with an additional 5000 men from the Kwantung Army. Kwantung Army troops move into Tsinan under the cover story of hundreds of Japanese citizens being killed there (really the number is 13). The Kwantung Army attempts to provoke incidents with the Nationalist forces on May 3rd but Chiang pulls out his troops to avoid entanglements with the Japanese. The next day the Japanese bomb the city, killing 18,000 Chinese civilians.

Prime Minister Tanaka was unaware of the events that were quickly moving out of control. Mori and his Kwantung Army cohorts decide an additional show of force is needed and march on Mukden. This action prompts a warning to be issued by the US concerning the action. The Japanese military begins to mobilize as possible war with the US is seen on the horizon. Meanwhile, the Kwantung Army is preparing to secure all of Manchuria and disarm Tso-lin's forces. The Kwantung Army plans to move on May 22nd and awaits its orders from Tokyo. Then delays in the orders occur as the government is divided over the possibility of war with the US. Finally, on May 25th, orders arrive for the Kwantung Army to stand down and Tso-lin is to be allowed to remain in power.

These orders are not acceptable to the Kwantung Army. General Muraoka, the commander of the Kwantung Army at the time, issued formal protests back to Tokyo while preparing plots of his own. The general was going to have Tso-lin assassinated. Through a number of the Kwantung Army's colonels, three Chinese were used as patsies for the "Railroad Plot." On June 4th, as Tso-lin was riding in a train, Japanese forces blew the tracks and stormed his railroad car, killing him. Two of the three Chinese patsies were killed with claims that they were the "bandit" attackers. The third managed to escape and would eventually leak the truth out, causing some embarrassment and many denials from the Japanese. Following the attack, the Kwantung Army unleashed a wave of agent provocateur attacks throughout Mukden in an effort to draw a larger Japanese commitment.

Back in Japan, Tanaka was appalled at the actions of the Kwantung Army but found himself unable to act. Hsueh-liang becomes the new Japanese puppet warlord of Manchuria. Factions and rivalries begin forming in Manchuria between the Kwantung Army, the South Manchuria Railway and the Okura Zaibatsu. All of this begins a political crisis in Tokyo and the Kwantung Army has to suspend its covert operations to allow the crisis to pass due to the coming coronation of Hirohito. That summer, Tanaka learns of the possible involvement of the Kwantung Army in the assassination. He orders a full investigation, which by fall confirms the allegations. To try and reign in the Kwantung Army, Tanaka moves all negotiations between Japan and China concerning Manchuria to Nanking, away from the influences of the Kwantung Army.

Tanaka then approaches the Emperor with his allegations and seeks punishment for the guilty officers. His cabinet and the army object to the punishments, allowing only some minor punishments to a handful of officers and complete cover-up of the army's involvement as a whole in the affair. Tanaka is forced to accept these concessions and to approach the Emperor with the new "developments" of his investigation. This reversal causes the Emperor to lose faith in Tanaka, rebuff him and force his resignation. The Kwantung Army, made bold by its successful defiance of the government, begins plotting new schemes.

General Araki had become commandant of the Army War College in 1928. From that position, he had been working with the younger officers to further the aims of the ultranationals. The radical army cliques begin unauthorized studies of China and the preparation of war scenarios. They begin their new round of plots which include the aims of taking the government away from the civilians to remove imperial advisors and isolate the Emperor (the so-called Showa Reformation), starting agitation amongst the radical Japanese civilians in Manchuria and a uniting of the many secret societies. By 1929 the conspiracy is fully formed, consisting of manly colonels and lieutenant colonels, and preparations to finally seize Manchuria begin. The officers know they will need another "incident" to justify their actions. Eventually 24 officers were pulled together to create just such an incident.

In 1930, Manchuria's warlord, Hsueh-liang begins to lean towards an alliance with Kai-shek and the Nationalists, while telling Japan that new economic treaties will have to be decided by him. These moves alarm the army and further strain relations with Kai-shek.

As the conspirators plotted their moves in Manchuria, other factions were arising that would eventually lend support to the cause. The Cherry Blossom Society developed, about 100 officers who were carefully placed to control the most important military facilities in Japan. They plotted a coup for March 20th, 1931 to put General Ugaki in as Prime Minister and gain control of the government. The plan was called off only due to the fact that the general decided against it. In Manchuria, the three main conspirators of the Kwantung Army had essentially seized control, putting one of their own, General Honjo, in as commander of the Kwantung Army. Honjo made sure there was no interference to the plotters.

1931 brought a number of increasingly violent incidents to the region, such as the Wanpaoshan Affair and the Nakamura Incident. These increased the Japanese "Manchuria Fever" and laid more groundwork for the ultranationals to exploit. Additional strains developed between the military and civilian government.

By September the Kwantung Army was out of control and tensions were rising. Rumors began to circulate that an incident was coming. The plotters' supporters were carefully diverting inquiries into these rumors, giving the conspirators time to act. On September 18th, the plotters moved, capturing several officers in Manchuria and attacked Chinese forces near Mukden, claiming they were attacked and creating their incident. Calls went out to forces in Korea, calling for reinforcements. Officials in Tokyo ordered the Kwantung Army to stop its assault and remain in place. What news was coming out was confusing and incomplete. The Emperor remained "indisposed" to avoid giving approval or disapproval until he had information. Prime Minister Wakatsuki failed to take any strong action, instead receiving a rebuff from the military. Only sporadic news was allowed out to the public.

By September 20th, the radicals had control of the army and the Prime Minister was weakening. The Kwantung Army had 12,000 men who were attacking but needed the reinforcements from Korea. The reinforcements were being held up by the government confusion and lack of approval. The Kwantung Army continued its attacks and eventually the reinforcements moved without approval. This caused even the generals in Japan to begin worrying that their forces were beyond their control. Audiences with the Emperor to decide on a course of action were all refused. America sought to stop the aggression but between isolationist thinking and an economic crisis developing, failed to take decisive action, instead issuing carefully worded protest notes. By the end of the month, the Emperor and the civilian government had caved to the military, authorizing after the fact the military's moves in Manchuria.

In October, the Kwantung Army intensified its actions and was beyond the control of Tokyo. The Cherry Blossom Society decided to act with yet another coup attempt in Tokyo to completely eliminate the civilian government. However, they got overconfident due to the success of their brothers in the Kwantung Army and let the plan slip out early. Quietly, the main conspirators, including General Araki, were arrested. The harshest sentence was 20 days confinement, with most given 10 days, to be served at local geisha houses and two resignations. Shortly afterwards, another coup attempt was defused, causing more chaos for the Japanese government.

The Kwantung Army ignored warnings from the League of Nations to stop its aggression. An investigation was planned but by the time it prepared to leave Manchuria had already fallen. Wakatsuki resigned in December and when the new cabinet was formed, General Araki was War Minister and the real power in Japan. The Kwantung Army forced the last member of the Manchu Dynasty, Henry Pu-yi, to head the Japanese colony of Manchuria. In February, 1932, Manchuria changed its name to Manchukuo and became the kingdom of the Kwantung Army.

China's main response to the Japanese aggression was to institute a boycott of Japanese goods, with Shanghai serving as the main center for the action. The Japanese needed those markets and found the situation unacceptable to them. On January 18th, a group of ultranationalist priests became involved in a bloody clash with Chinese nationals at a factory in Shanghai. Two days later fifty of them return to set fire to the factory and clash with the police. Japanese politicians demand an apology and concessions, including an end to the boycott. The Chinese attempt to compromise but refuse to lift the boycott. An ultimatum is issued to again provoke an incident. This incident forms on January 29th and the Japanese begin fighting in the city but when they engage the 30,000 troops of the Chinese 19th Route Army they are stalemated. The Chinese fight well and hold out until March, raising Chinese morale and hurting the Japanese warrior image as well as causing the disgraced resignations of several Japanese officers.

All of these incidents further emboldened the ultranationalists. A wave of assassinations broke out that could be traced back to the army and their secret society allies. Economic hardships caused many civilians to flock towards them and their causes. Another coup plot for that March caused a panic but never got off the ground. May was a different story. Radical naval officers stormed Prime Minister Inukai's residence, murdering him, while other buildings were seized. While several assassinations were successful the coup failed. Public opinion, however, backed the plotters and strengthened the military's position further. The court-martials of the plotters were all commuted.

Prince Saionji, one of the Emperor's closest and strongest advisors, attempted to stop the military take-over of the government. In a compromise, a naval officer was chosen to become Prime Minister, Admiral Makoto Saito. Araki remained as War Minister and immediately began making demands on the new government. Later that month, the Japanese unveiled its new foreign policy, which they dubbed the Japanese Monroe Doctrine that was a blueprint for Japanese expansionism in Asia.

From September of 1932 on, the Japanese were becoming more locked into the course that would lead them into the Second World War and Araki was leading the way. Totalitarianism and expansionism were to become the rule and fewer voices would be able to even speak against it. In a September 23rd news conference Araki first mentions the philosophy of Kodo (The Imperial Way). The concept of Kodo linked the Emperor, the people, land and morality as one and indivisible. This led to the creation of a "new" Shinto and increased Emperor worship. The corruption of Bushido started as well as seishin kyoiku (spiritual training) in the army. The state was being transformed into a creation that served the army and the Emperor, while the army transformed into a fanatical force ready to die for their leaders and Emperor. To support this, a massive armaments campaign was undertaken and the military, especially officers and NCOs, were expanded. A belief started to grow that the faith of the Japanese military was enough to defeat any enemy, no matter their size and strength. The samurai swords came back into fashion as the martial embodiment of these beliefs.

The Kwantung Army would continue its quest to swallow up Manchuria, Mongolia and Northern China through the next several years. All attempts to control them from Tokyo would fail and the Army would become a haven for radicals and a hotbed of intrigues. The continued expansionism and thirst for rearmament would cause Japan to leave the League of Nations in 1932.

General Araki founded the Kokuhonsha (Society for the Foundation of the State), a secret society containing some of the most powerful generals, admirals and civilians dedicated to the Imperial Way. A number of officers were, however, revitalizing the tosei ha (control faction) of the military to oppose them and they were looking to Hitler's Germany as the inspiration for the kind of controlled state they sought. The control faction scored a victory in January 1934 when Araki was forced to step down due to the excesses of the Kwantung Army and his replacement was one of their own, General Senjuro Hayashi. The struggle between the two groups would continue quietly throughout the government and the war in North China would continue apace until February of 1936.

On February 26, what would come to be known as the "2-26 Incident" began. It was a major coup attempt by the Imperial Way faction, a last ditched effort to seize the government. Groups of assassins killed or attempted to kill the upper leadership of the government and seizing control of key buildings. After some initial success, the coup started to unravel as the Emperor and Generals Tojo and Honjo suprisingly acted against the rebels.

The Emperor acted with unusual force against the coup and after a brief political crisis and stalling from the military, the rebels were forced to surrender. In the aftermath, many radical officers were retired and the coup leaders were tried and executed.

The Kwantung Army would continue its uncontrolled behavior. Its supporters would continue to find high office, often as a way of trying to bring them under control. It didn't work. They would go on to instigate the Marco Polo Bridge incident in 1937, which would broaden the war in China, eventually leading them down the road to the Rape of Nanking and eventually war with the Western powers. They would also almost lead into war with the Soviet Union in 1938-39 with a series of escalating border incidents that Japan soundly lost. The only thing that eventually reigned in the Kwantung Army was the appointment of Tojo as its chief of staff. While the Kwantung Army was brought somewhat under control, the damage it had already wrought would be enough, putting its brand of militarist in control of the government. Throughout the war, the Kwantung Army would remain a powerful force and breeding ground for the sort of radicals that would carry the war to its bitter conclusion. It also became the staging area for other projects, such as Japan's medical experiments and further machinations of the secret societies.

Kempei Tai

The old samurai police force of the Shogun was dismantled with the coming of the Meiji Restoration and a new system was to be put into place. Toshiyoshi Kawaji went for a tour of Europe in 1872 and returned with the influences of France's Third Republic and Prussia's police forces as his models. In 1874, he became the commander of the Keishicho (Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department) and began his reorganization program. Other police and military exchanges occurred during this time and new ideas flooded into Japan, leading to the creation of many new departments.

The Naimusho (Ministry of Home Affairs) came into being in 1873 and with the restructuring going on, they began to implement the new system. Formerly, Japan had been divided into regions controlled by the ruling Daimyo. This system was abolished in 1871 and a new division into ken (prefectures) went into effect. The Home Ministry oversaw the nation's police activities with the Keihokyoku (Police Bureau) and its Gyosei Keisatsu Kisoku (Administrative Police Regulations), which established the duties and powers of the police. The police in Japan took on a wide range of responsibilities that extended far beyond normal criminal duties and into controlling most facets of the Japanese society.

The Kempei Tai came into being as the result of an order by the Meiji Council of State on January 4th, 1881. It consisted of 349 men who were not only to police the military but had civilian duties as well, especially in regards to the new conscription laws. The Kempei Tai was divided into two sections, one for dealing with Dai Nippon Teikoku Kaigun (the Imperial Japanese Navy) and the Dai Nippon Teikoku Rikugun (the Imperial Japanese Army). The naval branch was known as the General Affairs Section and concerned itself with police work within the navy, policy, personnel, discipline and records. The army branch was called the Service Section and concerned itself with the creation of military police units, security and counter-intelligence.

The Kempei Tai was responsible to a number of agencies, at least on paper, and they used these areas of responsibility to build up a power base and huge influence throughout Dai Nippon Teikoku (Empire of Great Japan) and later the Dai Toa Kyozonken (Greater East Asia Co-Existence Sphere). They answered to the Rikugunsho (Ministry of War) for military matters, Naimusho (Home Ministry) for civil police duties and Shihisho (Ministry of Justice) for the administration of law. In addition, the Kempei Tai assisted local law enforcement officers throughout Japan. One of their primary duties became chian iji (maintenance of order), a catch-all phrase that came to encompass a wide variety of "crimes" and led to the many of the brutalities carried out by the Kempei Tai.

Similar to the military police in many nations, the Kempei Tai formed their own branch of the military, in their case, under the Heimu Kyoku (Military Administration Bureau). They were commanded by a Provost Marshal General who answered to the Rikugunsho. In the field, the Kempei Tai agents answered to the commanders in those areas, while in Manchuquo (Manchuria), Chosen (Korea) and Formosa (Taiwan) they were under the direct command of the commanders-in-chief of those regions.

In 1901, the Tokubetsu Koto Keisatsu (the TOKKO or Special Higher Police) was established. Their main function was as a civilian counter-part to the military's Kempei Tai, targeting any dissenters to Imperial rule and Japanese expansionism. The TOKKO was comprised of six departments (Special Police Work, Foreign Surveillance, Koreans in Japan, Labor Relations, Censorship, Arbitration) and had overseas offices in Shanghai, London and Berlin. The TOKKO investigated a large number of internal "problems" including Japanese listening to foreign music or reading foreign books, communists, pacifists and those not showing proper respect to the Emperor. A network of informants (the Tonari Gumi or Neighborhood Associations) was established in every building, on every street and on every block. By 1936, the TOKKO had arrested 59,013 people, bringing 5000 to trial and giving about half of that prison sentences. Prisoners were forced to write accounts of how they had become involved with "dangerous thoughts," rewriting these essays until their interrogators were happy with the work. These works then were used to prove their criminal involvement. Eventually, in 1927, a sub-bureau was added, The Thought Section of the Criminal Affairs Bureau, to deal with these subversive actions.

In Japan and her occupied territories, the Kempei Tai was a feared organization. They were the involved in all aspects of both law enforcement and societal control. They were police patrolling a city block or rural region. They were the censors watching the mail and newspapers. All their suspects were considered guilty upon arrest and torture was a common aid to gaining "confessions." This torture was condoned by the Sambo Hombu (Imperial General Staff) and was a completely acceptable tool of the Kempei Tai. Torture methods used were both varied and creative and it has been argued that the Kempei Tai were the most accomplished torturers since the Inquisition. Under the concept of kikosaku (severe punishment without martial law involvement), the Kempei Tai agent could become investigator, prosecutor, judge, jury and executioner all in one. It is estimated that most, if not all, domestic servants throughout Japan and the occupied territories were employed by the Kempei Tai as informers.

In addition to its police duties, the Kempei Tai was to become one of Japan's foremost espionage and counter-intelligence organs. Working with the Joho-kikan (Army Intelligence Service) and the many small regional intelligence/special operations groups (such as the Tokumu Kikan, Hikari Kikan and Tokumu Bu), the Kempei Tai was to fan out across the empire, fomenting unrest as far away as the Middle East, conducting espionage in America and rooting out such famous spies as the Sorge Ring. They would also put one of their own in the top leadership of Japan. Hideki Tojo, who would rise to become Prime Minister and virtual dictator of Japan, had previously been commander of the Kwantung Army Kempei Tai in Manchuquo from 1935-37 and fully supported the powers the Kempei Tai wielded.


Enlisted Men-

The Kempei Tai generally recruited its permanent enlisted men from those who held the rank of Jotohei (Superior Privates) and who met the rigorous physical and mental requirements of the unit. If a particular soldier had a useful skill or as more numbers were needed due to the growth of the Kempei Tai and wartime losses, Ittohei (First Class Privates) and Nitohei (Second Class Privates) could be recruited. The enlisted men underwent either training in military police schools or with special units and received additional training on Kempei Tai methods and ideology from within the unit.

NCOs and Officers-

NCOs (Kashikan) and Field Officers (Sakan) were held to an even higher selection standard than the regular enlisted, with six or more years of service in the army before they were even accepted to the Kempei Tai as the norm. Most officers were graduates of various military academies. After selection, they underwent extensive training under the Kempei Tai to turn them into police and agents. The selection process did become watered down, however, as the war progressed and more numbers were needed. The Kempei Tai operated a number of special schools for training its members. Before the war, there were two main training facilities, one in Tokyo and on in Keijo (Seoul). After the outbreak of hostilities with the west, two additional schools opened in Singapore and Manila. There was also the Koho Kimmu Yoin Yoseijo (Rear Service Personal Training Center) which opened at Kudan, Tokyo in 1938. This school taught espionage methods to the Kempei Tai, including explosives, organization of Fifth Columns, code breaking, and horsemanship. Foreign language training tended to be substandard and the Kempei Tai relied on interpreters in the operations.

Disguise and surveillance were also taught, with students infiltrating Japanese units to report on the troops as a field exercise.


Area Army: This would be the relevant army to which the Kempei Tai unit was attached and technically subordinate to.

Kempei Tai Headquarters: The headquarters staff of the Kempei Tai for each army or area. Commanded by a Shosho (Major General) with a Taisa (Colonel) as Executive Officer.

Field Kempei Tai: These were the largest organizations of Kempei Tai in the field and there were 2-3 assigned to each army. Each consists of a Chusa (Lieutenant Colonel) as commander, 22 Field Officers and 352 other troops.

Buntai (Sections): These are the next smaller units of the Kempei Tai that make up the Field Kempei Tai groups. Each is commanded by a Tai-i (Captain) with a Chu-i (1st Lieutenant) as his Executive Officer and has 65 other troops.

Bunkentai (Detachments): The smallest unit of Kempei Tai, these were commanded by a Sho-i (2nd Lieutenant) with a Junshikan (Warrant Officer) as Executive Officer and 20 other troops.

Kempei Tai members generally found themselves placed in one of three sections within the organization:

Keimu Han (Police)

Naikin Han (Administration)

Tokumu Han (Special Duties)

There were also auxiliary units to support the Kempei Tai consisting of regional ethnic forces in occupied areas. These native troops supplemented the Kempei Tai and were considered part of the organization but were forbidden by law to rise above the rank of Shocho (Sergeant Major). They were under the command of the regional Kempei Tai headquarters. These troops were looked down upon by the Japanese and were frequently ill-treated, leading to them carrying out brutality on those under them from frustration and petty revenge.

The Japanese Navy also formed a smaller and more low key group of police who were no less brutal than their Kempei Tai counterparts. The Tokei-Tai (Naval Secret Police) was established to keep the Kempei Tai and the Army from meddling in Navy affairs. The Tokei-Tai was especially active in the areas of the South Pacific, the Naval Control Area, as well as having elements in all the same areas as the Kempei-Tai.


The Kempei Tai had grown to 315 officers and 6000 enlisted by 1937. This growth continued through the war, with its peak strengths and their locations listed below:

Japan: 10,679

Korea: 1,927

North China: 4,253

South China: 1.094

Singapore: 362

Thailand: 937

Philippines: 829

Java: 538

Formosa: 745

Kwantung Army: 4,946

Central China: 6,115

French Indochina: 479

Malaya: 758

Burma: 540

Sumatra: 387

Borneo: 156

South Seas: 89

These were the members of the known, public forces. The US Army estimated that by the end of World War Two, there were at least 75,000 members of the Kempei Tai, figuring in undercover personnel and so on. This number might be even higher.


Much like Nazi Germany, Japan actually benefited from the patronage of the Americans after the war and the emerging Cold War. Few of the war criminals found themselves even brought to trial and many of those that were found themselves pardoned after very short stays in prison. Members of the Kempei Tai found employment in the newly reorganized police and military forces of Japan, while the infamous medical teams found employment with either the Americans or in Japan's new technology growth. Many of the old structures simply changed names, purged a few individuals and continued operations similar to before. Today, they are still alliances between the Zaibatsu, the government and military and the Yakuza. Ultranationalism is not dead in Japan, either. Sometimes it manifests in an overt manner, such as the Aum cult, and sometimes in just a general racism carried by certain segments of the population. With the world's second largest defense budget, a massive technological base, dwindling resources and very real regional concerns, the militarists may yet push Japan back down a dark road towards war.


Japanese religion and mythology provide considerable inspiration for GMs searching to exploit them (see Walker in the Wastes from Pagan for one example). The time from the Meiji Restoration to today gives great chances and choices for those who want to incorporate Japan into their campaign. The corruption of Bushido, widespread cannibalism, and Emperor worship are just the tip of the iceberg for developing scenarios in this area. Coupling these with the established Mythos fiction and gaming material can open the whole area and its history to Mythos involvement.

The biggest potential for Mythos involvement is in the fact that with these various groups, you have a definite, real world Illuminati organization. You have a myriad of front organizations, spread out across literally hundreds of secret societies, "independent" players, the zaibatsu, the Yakuza, the military, intelligence community, police and government. These are all being directed by the above organizations as the next layer with a number of shadowy individuals controlling them. Who knows what lurks at the top? With the Black Dragons and associated groups, you are really getting the potential to combine all the Delta Green groups and conspiracies into one package. You have the government-control conspiracies and corruption like MJ-12 and PISCES, organized crime like The Fate and Tiger Transit, Economic conspiracies like NWI and WEE, World War Two occult survival like the Karotechia, strange underground cults and religions like the Skoptsi (and almost everyone else) and so on down the line. The flavor and goals will set the Black Dragons apart but their power is comparable to any other group.

Survival to modern days is almost assured. Few were even caught, let alone prosecuted following the war. A name change like they have done before and they are back in business, the old crew making new plots. These plots might not be confined to the obvious ones always tied into the Mythos of calling back the Great Old Ones and so forth. They may be using their power to build Japan into an empire again and using their strengths in that direction. Technological marvels derived from Mythos sources, corruption of foreign powers, economic warfare on a Mythos-scale and the like are just as likely to be their forte. It is quite possible that they are one of the most dangerous groups around, if not the most dangerous, already controlling a powerful nation but not as blind as Majestic to the reality of the universe.

They would have access to technology potentially as good as Majestic's, even possibly better in some cases. They have a society so structured that to control large segments they need only a few key individuals. The powers derived from the mythos amplify their destructive potential a hundred fold.

Factor in a near fanatical belief structure and the benefits of a "foreign" culture and they could provide quite a challenge to any group of agents. Mythos hunters in Japan would also provide a new experience. Any foreign agents would face the problems and prejudices of being Gaijin. Domestic investigators would fare little better, facing a culture so dedicated to structure and law that any moving outside of its preconceived notions would face complete alienation. The moral dilemma of having to attack even segments of that society to save it from the greater horror of the mythos should be even more profound for native investigators. The forces faced would also be that much more dangerous by being imbedded in that society and having that much more control of it. There would be little chance for a Delta Green-style group to have been established. No, Japanese investigators will be small cells of incredibly desperate individuals, clustered together with those they could absolutely trust, fighting to save humanity while maintaining their outward dedication to the system. While it could be argued that this is the same fight fought by all investigators, the level it exists in Japan makes working for Delta Green seem easy by comparison. During the war years, this might be a very small cabal of Navy officers, torn between dedication to their nation and Emperor while opposing the evil of the secret societies. In modern days, it could be anyone with a connection to these forces. Most likely these individuals will be "Ronin," people who have turned their backs on the society to make a mark for what they believe in, sacrificing everything in a bright blast of glory and desperation, like the Japanese heroes of old.


Kempei Tai: The Japanese Secret Service Then and Now by Richard Deacon (ISBN 0-8048-1653-0)

Kempeitai: Japan's Dreaded Military Police by Raymond Lamont-Brown (ISBN0-7509-1566-8)

Warriors of the Rising Sun: A History of the Japanese Military by Robert B. Edgerton (ISBN 0-8133-3600-7)

Shadows Dancing: Japanese Espionage Against the West, 1939-1945 by Tony Matthews (ISBN 0-312-10544-4)

Hidden Horrors: Japanese War Crimes in World War II by Yuki Tanaka (ISBN 0-8133-2718-0)

Japan's War by Edwin P. Hoyt (ISBN 0-306-80348-8)

Soldiers of the Sun: The Rise and Fall of the Imperial Japanese Army by Meirion and Susie Harries (ISBN 0-679-75303-6)

Unit 731 Testimony by Hal Gold (ISBN 4-900737-39-9)

Japan's Secret War by Robert K. Wilcox

Handbook on Japanese Military Forces by the US War Department (ISBN 0-8071-2013-8)

The Encyclopedia of Espionage by Norman Polmar and Thomas B. Allen (ISBN 0-517-20269-7)

Other Works of Interest

Sons of Heaven: A Portrait of the Japanese Monarchy by Jerrold M. Packard (ISBN 0-684-18633-0)

Myths and Legends of Japan by F. Hadland Davis (ISBN 0-486-27045-9)

The Code of the Samurai by A. L. Sadler (ISBN 0-8048-1535-6)

Everyday Life in Traditional Japan by Charles J. Dunn (ISBN 0-8048-1384-1)

Legends of the Samurai by Hiroaki Sato (ISBN 0-87951-619-4)

Warriors of Japan by Paul Varley (ISBN 0-8248-1601-3)

Secrets of the Samurai by Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook (ISBN 0-8048-1684-0)

The Coming War with Japan by George Friedman and Meredith Lebard (ISBN


Anything (and everything) by Stephen Turnbull and Anthony Bryant for information on the Samurai

-Dave K

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