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Allegiances, as presented in the first edition opening pages of Moth Flight's Vision. Characters that were excluded from an Allegiances list, but appeared in the book, will be listed following the formal allegiances list.

Logo-windclan-textless WindClan[]

Leader: Wind Runner-wiry brown she-cat with yellow eyes
Gorse Fur-thin, gray tabby tom

Dust Muzzle-gray tabby tom with amber eyes

Moth Flight-white she-cat with green eyes

Slate-thick-furred gray she-cat with one ear tip missing

White Tail-dark gray tom-kit with white patches and amber eyes

Silver Stripe-pale gray tabby she-kit with blue eyes

Black Ear-black-and-white patched tom-kit with amber eyes

Spotted Fur-golden-brown tom with amber eyes and a dappled coat

Rocky-plump orange-and-white tom with green eyes

Swift Minnow-gray-and-white she-cat

Reed Tail-silver tabby tom with a knowledge of herbs

Jagged Peak-small gray tabby tom with blue eyes

Holly-she-cat with prickly, bushy fur

Storm Pelt-mottled gray tom with blue eyes and thick, bushy tail

Dew Nose-brown splotchy tabby she-cat with white tips on nose and tail, yellow eyes

Eagle Feather-brown tom with yellow eyes, broad shoulders, and striped tail

Willow Tail-pale tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Fern Leaf-black she-cat with green eyes

Logo-skyclan-textless SkyClan[]

Leader: Clear Sky-light gray tom with blue eyes
Star Flower-golden she-cat with green eyes

Tiny Branch-tan-and-silver tom

Dew Petal-silver-and-white she-cat

Flower Foot-she-cat with tan stripes

Acorn Fur-chestnut brown she-cat

Thorn-tom with splotchy brown fur

Sparrow Fur-tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes

Quick Water-gray-and-white she-cat

Nettle-gray tom

Birch-ginger tom with white circles of fur around his eyes

Alder-gray, brown-and-white she-cat

Blossom-tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes

Red Claw-reddish-brown tom

Logo-thunderclan-textless ThunderClan[]

Leader: Thunder-orange tom with big white paws
Violet Dawn-sleek dark gray she-cat with bits of black around her ears and paws

Cloud Spots-long-furred black tom with white ears, white chest, and two white paws

Lightning Tail-black tom

Owl Eyes-gray tom with amber eyes

Pink Eyes-white tom with pink eyes

Leaf-black-and-white tom with amber eyes

Milkweed-splotchy ginger-and-black she-cat with scar on muzzle

Clover-ginger-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes

Thistle-ginger tom with green eyes

Gooseberry-pale yellow tabby she-cat

Yew Tail-cream-and-brown tom

Apple Blossom-orange-and-white she-kit

Snail Shell-dappled gray tom-kit

Logo-riverclan-textless RiverClan[]

Leader: River Ripple-long-furred silver tom with amber eyes
Dappled Pelt-delicate tortoiseshell she-cat with golden eyes

Shattered Ice-gray-and-white tom with green eyes

Night-black she-cat

Dew-gray she-cat

Dawn Mist-orange-and-white she-cat with green eyes

Moss Tail-dark brown tom with golden eyes

Drizzle-gray-and-white she-kit with pale blue eyes

Pine Needle-black tom-kit with yellow eyes

* River Ripple is mistakenly listed with amber eyes.

Logo-shadowclan-textless ShadowClan[]

Leader: Tall Shadow-black, thick-furred she-cat with green eyes
Pebble Heart-dark gray tabby tom with white mark on his chest and amber eyes

Sun Shadow-black tom with amber eyes

Juniper Branch-long-furred tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes

Raven Pelt-black tom with yellow eyes

Mouse Ear-big tabby tom with unusually small ears

Mud Paws-pale brown tom with four black paws


Cow—plump, black-and-white barn she-cat with green eyes

Mouse—small brown barn tom with amber eyes

Micah—yellow tom with green eyes
