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"StarClan will do nothing to stop me, old cat. I have made their Clan glorious! Let them try!"
— Brokenstar taunting Yellowfang in Yellowfang's Secret, page 476

Brokenstar is a matted,[25] dark brown tabby[3] tom[23] with a broad, flat face,[26] a bent tail,[9] and orange eyes.[27]

Brokenstar was a ShadowClan leader in the forest territories and a member of the Dark Forest. He was born as Brokenkit to Yellowfang and Raggedpelt alongside his sisters, Hopekit and Wishkit, though only he survived. He was surrendered by his mother and given to Lizardstripe, who neglected him, and gained foster siblings in Tanglekit, Runningkit, and Deerkit, who often teased him. He was apprenticed as Brokenpaw to Nightpelt; however, he saw his mentor as weak and often disobeyed him, seeking training from Raggedpelt. After becoming a warrior early, Brokentail mentored Stumpytail and became deputy once Cloudpelt and Foxheart died. Brokentail then murdered Raggedstar, ripping away all of his nine lives, lying that WindClan killed him, and became leader as Brokenstar.

He trained kits too early, mentoring Mosspaw and Volewhisper, though the former died due to his ruthless training sessions. He exiled Yellowfang after killing Marigoldkit and Mintkit, pinning the blame on the medicine cat, and he drove out WindClan from their territory. However, with the help of the exiled elders, ThunderClan, and Yellowfang, Brokenstar was driven out from his Clan, along with many of his followers, becoming rogues. He attacked ThunderClan, but was blinded by Yellowfang and taken prisoner, being demoted to an elder and changing his name back to Brokentail. After being fed deathberries, he descended to the Dark Forest, where he trained living warriors to aid their schemes, and threatened to kill them if they left the dark forest. During the Great Battle, Brokenstar killed Ferncloud, and thereafter, he was killed by Yellowfang for a second time, fading away forever.

Quick Answers

Who were Brokenstar's biological parents? toggle section
Brokenstar's biological parents were Raggedstar, the ShadowClan leader, and Yellowfang, the Clan's medicine cat. Both of his parents reside in StarClan.
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What is the significance of Brokenstar's bent tail? toggle section
Brokenstar's tail is bent in the middle like a broken branch. His mother, Yellowfang, named him Brokenkit reflecting her emotional distress after choosing to give him up, but she anticipated that others would link his name to his bent tail, thereby implying a broken appearance.
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Who were Brokenstar's foster siblings and how did they treat him? toggle section
Brokenkit was raised alongside Lizardstripe's kits: Tanglekit, Deerkit, and Runningkit. Deerkit and Tanglekit repeatedly taunt Brokenkit. However, Deerpaw and Tanglepaw begin to look up to Brokenpaw during their apprenticeship due to his battle prowess.
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What is the story behind Brokenstar's transition from Brokenkit to ShadowClan's leader? toggle section
From his youth, Brokenkit desired to prove this worth to ShadowClan. His skill and strength in battle earned him the admiration of his fellow Clanmates during his apprenticeship. After becoming a warrior early, Brokentail soon sets his eyes on becoming leader of ShadowClan. Brokentail conspires a battle with WindClan that results in the deputy Cloudpelt's death, securing his place as second-in-command of the Clan under his father. However, Brokentail craved more power than deputyship. He murders his father, blaming his death on WindClan, and rises as ShadowClan's new leader, Brokenstar. Brokenstar reorganizes the Clan to prioritize battle training instead of hunting, funneling his warriors to take their revenge on WindClan. He notoriously apprenticed kits prematurely and sent them into battle.
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Looking for a longer overview? Find one here!

The Prophecies Begin[]

"Don't waste your time, apprentice! I've shared dreams with StarClan. You will have to kill me nine times over before I join them. Do you really think you're strong enough to do that?"
―Brokenstar to Firepaw during the battle between ThunderClan and ShadowClan Into the Wild, page 262
Yellowfang fights Brokenstar

Yellowfang fighting Brokenstar

Brokenstar is the leader of ShadowClan. Under his leadership, ShadowClan drives fear into every Clan. He and his Clan chase out WindClan for their territory and pressure RiverClan and ThunderClan for theirs. He is also notorious for apprenticing kits before they are six moons old and sending them to be killed in battle. He sends Clawface to ThunderClan, to steal Frostfur's kits to fuel Brokenstar's army, murdering Spottedleaf, ThunderClan's only medicine cat. Firepaw, Graypaw, and Yellowfang, ShadowClan's former medicine cat, hurry to rescue them. Yellowfang recruits ShadowClan elders who were ousted by their leader, and together with a ThunderClan patrol, drive Brokenstar and his followers out of the Clan.
The exiled rogue and his followers launch an attack on ThunderClan in revenge, but they are defeated, and Brokenstar is blinded by Yellowfang. He is kept prisoner in ThunderClan, demoted to Brokentail as an elder. The other Clans insist ThunderClan should get rid Brokentail for he is a dangerous cat. Even as a blind and injured prisoner, Brokentail plots with Tigerclaw and takes part in a battle when Tigerclaw leads Brokentail's rogues to attack ThunderClan's camp in an attempt to kill Bluestar. Eventually, Brokentail is tricked into eating deathberries by his biological mother, Yellowfang, who reveals her identity to him at last. He doesn't believe her, but loses his last life in death.

Omen of the Stars[]

"You will all stay here. You will all be loyal to me. Or I will kill every one of you. [...] Say nothing to any cat. You will fight alongside us. And if I hear any one of you spreading rumors and lies among your Dark Forest Clanmates, you will suffer beyond anything you have ever known."
―Brokenstar threatening the Dark Forest trainees The Last Hope, page 160
Brokenstar's death

Brokenstar's death

Brokenstar becomes one of the unofficial leaders of the Dark Forest, alongside Tigerstar and Mapleshade, organizing the Great Battle. He assists Breezepelt in attempting to kill Poppyfrost and Jayfeather, but are driven back by Honeyfern, a StarClan cat. During this time, he mentors Tigerheart and Blossomfall within the Place of No Stars. He runs into Spottedleaf, Jayfeather, and Yellowfang in the Dark Forest and mocks them as they try to find information about the future conflict.
To test Ivypaw's loyalty, he demands her to kill Flametail, who had recently joined StarClan and got lost wandering into the Dark Forest. He continues to doubt Ivypool's loyalty and has her kill Antpelt's spirit. When Beetlewhisker refuses to train anymore and threatens to leave the Dark Forest, Brokenstar kills him before the RiverClan cat can encourage the others to do so, with him saying that is what happens if anyone tries to leave the Dark Forest. During the Great Battle, he murders Ferncloud while raiding the nursery. Afterwards, Yellowfang kills him a second time and wipes out his existence. After Brokenstar's second death, the Dark Forest cats flee in fear, giving the Clans the victory.

Super Editions[]

This section summarizes Brokenstar's significant Super Editions appearances. If you're looking for a full list, find one here!

"ShadowClan is stronger than ever. We have been challenged on each border, but have won in every battle! Let all Clans know that we will tolerate no trespassing, no prey-stealing, no dishonor."
―Brokenstar at a Gathering Yellowfang's Secret, page 468
In Yellowfang's Secret, Brokenkit is born to Yellowfang and Raggedpelt, alongside two sisters, Hopekit and Wishkit. He was the only one who survived out of the litter. He was named after the bend in his tail, as well as the feeling Yellowfang felt in her heart at the time of his birth. He is the only surviving kit of his litter and is surrendered by his biological mother and fostered by the only queen in the nursery, Lizardstripe. The young kit suffers emotional neglect and abuse from Lizardstripe and is constantly bullied by his foster siblings, Tanglekit, Deerkit, and Runningkit. He is also spoiled by his father, Raggedpelt, who later becomes leader.
Brokenstar leading his Clan from victory

Brokenstar leading his Clan from driving out WindClan

He becomes an apprentice and is mentored by Nightpelt, but often refuses to listen to his mentor, who is frail and sickly, and instigates fights with other cats, including those of his own Clan. He is promoted to a warrior as Brokentail early and becomes the deputy after Cloudpelt dies in battle, despite his young age. He is given his own apprentice, Stumpypaw, whom he trains vigorously. Yellowfang finally makes Raggedstar see the truth in their son that his violent and aggressive nature that will ruin the Clan, but Brokentail proceeds to murder his own father to become the leader of ShadowClan, taking the name Brokenstar. He names Blackfoot his deputy despite the fact Blackfoot never had an apprentice. Then, he announces that warriors will only train for battle, and that hunting is of little importance. Brokenstar apprentices kits before the age of six moons and forces them to train for battle, including his own apprentices Mosspaw and Volepaw, and banishes the elders from the "safety" of the camp. He exiles his biological mother, Yellowfang, after accusing her of killing Marigoldkit and Mintkit, most likely because he saw her as a threat to his reign as well.


This section summarizes Brokenstar's significant Novellas appearances. If you're looking for a full list, find one here!

«Can I be better than Brokenstar and Tigerstar were? He wanted to be. But with a pain that cut deep into his bones, he knew that he couldn't be sure. I never even wondered until now if their decisions were right. What does that say about me?»
—Blackfoot reflecting on how he served Brokenstar and Tigerstar Blackfoot's Reckoning, chapter 9
In Blackfoot's Reckoning, Blackpaw befriends the young Brokenkit, feeling pity for the kit's ostracization from other Clan members as well as not knowing who his mother is. Although Brokenkit refuses to believe in the value of friendship, he does form a close relationship with the older cat. When Brokentail becomes deputy, and eventually leader, Blackfoot continues to be one of his biggest supporters, with Brokenstar making the white tom his deputy. Although Blackfoot internally wonders if Brokenstar's choices are the right ones, he stands with Brokenstar, telling himself that he is following his leader, just as the warrior code dictates. Blackfoot continues to serve Brokenstar until the ShadowClan leader is captured by ThunderClan, and is crestfallen when he learns his friend was killed by them after Tigerclaw's betrayal.
During his nine lives ceremony, Blackfoot learns the truth behind Brokenstar's actions, and realizes that his friend only cared about his own power and did not care what he had to do to achieve it. Blackfoot promises to be a better leader than him, and acknowledges he was wrong to follow Brokenstar.

Detailed description[]

Brokenstar is a lean,[28] massive,[29] scarred,[30] dark brown tabby[3] tom[23] with orange eyes.[27][32] He has unusually long,[33] thick,[34] patchy,[35] matted,[25] and ragged fur,[36] a long spine,[37] broad shoulders,[38] a scarred,[35] broad, flat face,[26] and torn ears.[28] His tail is bent in the middle like a broken branch.[9]

Scars gained[]

The following is a chronological list of scars and/or major injuries that Brokenstar has gained:

Character pixels[]

Main images[]

Alternate images[]

Official art[]

Killed victims[]

This list shows the victims Brokenstar has killed:


Leader info[]

Personality and traits[]

Brokenstar is the personification of pure evil, with no redeemable features. He is manipulative, cruel, arrogant, ruthless and egotistical,[60] showing no remorse for his actions.[61][42] When Brokenstar is made a warrior early, his vindictive nature becomes more apparent by his vigorous training of Stumpypaw. He punishes his apprentice because he was "too chatty" by making him hang from a tree branch by his teeth. Furthermore, Brokenstar makes his apprentice hunt and train relentlessly even though Stumpypaw is exhausted.[62] As he grows older, his lust for power also grows, and he goes as far as to tell Yellowfang to give up on trying to save Cloudpelt due to his own desire to become deputy.[61]
Brokenstar and his Clan

As leader, Brokenstar demanded absolute loyalty from his Clanmates

As leader, Brokenstar breaks many of the codes and bends the warrior code for his own benefit, such as making Blackfoot deputy and apprenticing kits too early.[22][63][64] He even casts out the elders and makes them fend for themselves. He kills Marigoldkit and Mintkit, pinning it on Yellowfang, and exiles her, potentially due to her high ranking status as medicine cat. He orders Clawface to steal kits from ThunderClan due to their lack of apprentices. When his plot is discovered, ShadowClan casts him and his followers out.
However, even in death, Brokenstar remains hateful and plots to destroy the Clans with other Dark Forest cats. He helps his trainee Breezepelt try and kill Jayfeather and Poppyfrost,[16] and orders Ivypool to kill Antpelt to test her loyalty.[65] When fighting the Clans, he murders Ferncloud and showed no remorse over it.[53] Due to his own cruel nature, Brokenstar is not used to the concept of failure or loss. Brokenstar has shown fear only twice in the series when he is initially blinded by Yellowfang, he is scared at the loss of his sight, and again when Yellowfang informs him that she has poisoned him, he begins to panic as he realizes he is dying.[7]



"I've made a terrible mistake, haven't I? Our son wants to do nothing but lead ShadowClan into battle. I should never have made him deputy!"
―Raggedstar about his son Yellowfang's Secret, pages 432-433
As an apprentice, Brokenstar disrespects Nightpelt, his appointed mentor, by seeking training from Raggedpelt, his father, who spoils him and believes he could do no wrong.[66][67] When Raggedstar makes Brokenstar deputy, Brokenstar kills Raggedstar, one of the few cats who treated him with decency and his own father, to obtain ShadowClan's leadership.[41]


"I wished you'd been my son, but I could not have borne a cat like you. StarClan gave me Brokentail to teach me a lesson."
―Yellowfang to Fireheart Rising Storm, page 282
Yellowfang and Brokenstar

Yellowfang frequently challenged Brokenstar's leadership

Yellowfang is ashamed of her son, and knows he is a punishment from StarClan.[68] When Brokenstar attacks ThunderClan's camp, he is stopped when Yellowfang blinds him. When ThunderClan shelters him, he conspires with Tigerclaw to try and take over ShadowClan. Yellowfang knows that since she brought him into this world, she must take him out, and she feeds him deathberries and he dies, going to the Place of No Stars.[7] Yellowfang then kills Brokenstar again during the battle with the Dark Forest.[69]


When Brokenstar is a kit, he is emotionally abused by his foster mother Lizardstripe, who never hesitates to remind him that he is not her biological kit. He is teased and bullied by his foster siblings, Deerfoot, Tangleburr, and Runningnose, though Runningnose stops when reprimanded by Yellowfang.[70]


Nightpelt: "There are no battles to fight at the moment, Brokenpaw. You'll have a chance to learn everything, but you need to go at the right pace. Don't be impatient."
Brokenpaw: "Coughing old fool!"
—Nightpelt and Brokenpaw arguing Yellowfang's Secret, chapter 29
Nightpelt and Brokenstar

Brokenstar dismissed Nightpelt's mentoring and grew to resent his teachings

Nightpelt was appointed as Brokenpaw's mentor to calm his battle hunger. However, Brokenpaw disrespected his mentor due to his illness, constantly pushing to have fighting prioritized in his training.[71] Reluctantly, Nightpelt completed the unruly apprentice's training, despite the stress having a negative effect on his already bad health. In his retirement, Nightpelt watched in disgust as Brokenstar grew crueler, and was banished by his former apprentice with the other elders.[72]


Brokenstar's parents are Yellowfang and Raggedstar. His littermates are Hopekit and Wishkit. His foster mother is Lizardstripe. For more of Brokenstar's family, click here!



Toys and Plush[]

Brokenstar & Sol - Mini Collector Figures[]

Sol and Brokenstar

Brokenstar and Sol

  • Series 8
  • These dark-hearted cats, though separated by moons and never meeting in life, both nearly destroyed ShadowClan with their cruelty. Brokenstar murdered his own father to become ShadowClan's leader and sent countless too-young kits to death in battle in his relentless quest for power. After being rejected by SkyClan, Sol carried out his anger against Clan cats against ShadowClan by whispering in its leader's ear and turning him against StarClan.
  • Sturdy mini figure of Sol and Brokenstar, approximately 7cm in height.
  • Also included in a three-pack bundle with the rest of Series 8: Needletail and Violetshine, and Rock and Midnight.
  • Approximate individual price is $12.99 USD, and the three-pack bundle is $38.97 USD.


Did you know that Brokenstar's biggest fear is the lack of respect from other cats? For more trivia about Brokenstar, click here!


"Why are you telling me this stuff? I'm not going to be a medicine cat! I'm going to be a warrior! Grrr! Watch me pounce!"
―Brokenkit to Yellowfang Yellowfang's Secret, page 345

"A friend is a cat you hang around because they make you happy. A Clanmate fights beside you to protect your territory, and hunts so that you all have food. If your Clanmate can't hunt or can't fight, then they're useless."
―Brokenpaw to Blackfoot about the concept of friends Blackfoot's Reckoning, chapter 3

"I've come to tell you not to waste your efforts with Cloudpelt. His time is over. He would never have been able to lead ShadowClan. There is only one cat who can do that after Raggedstar. I will be the next leader of ShadowClan."
―Brokentail when Yellowfang is attemping to treat Cloudpelt's wound Yellowfang's Secret, page 413

"Those kits were weak. They would have been no use to ShadowClan. If I hadn't killed them, some other warrior would have."
―Brokenstar Into the Wild, page 261

See more
Yellowfang: "I know you care for nothing, Brokentail. Not your own Clan, nor your honor, nor your own kin."
Brokentail: "I have no kin."
Yellowfang: "Wrong. Your kin has been closer to you than you ever dreamed. I'm your mother, Brokentail."
Brokentail: "Spiders have spun webs in your brain, old one. Medicine cats never have kits."
—Yellowfang revealing the truth to Brokentail Forest of Secrets, page 293

Brokenstar: "No cat stays in StarClan forever. They all fade in the end. Unless someone kills them first."
Ivypaw: "That's not true! This is where cats come for the rest of all the moons!"
Brokenstar: "Oh, it's true. It's also unimaginably painful to give up the last dying echo of one's life."
—Brokenstar and Ivypaw about killing Flametail Night Whispers, page 293

Brokenstar: "Oh, you're a Dark Forest warrior, no doubt about that."
Ivypool: "So you'll tell me when the final battle will be? And let me fight alongside you?"
Brokenstar: "Maybe."
Ivypool: "But I just proved my loyalty to you!"
Brokenstar: "You should have been loyal already."
—Brokenstar and Ivypool after Ivypool kills Antpelt The Forgotten Warrior, page 227

"Pride is not important. Power is important, and the willingness to use it."
―Brokenstar to Mapleshade The Last Hope, page 157

Brokenstar: "No cat leaves the Dark Forest unless I say so. Your loyalty is to us now."
Beetlewhisker: "My loyalty is to RiverClan, just as it has always been. You promised me that coming here would make me stronger for my Clanmates. It has, and I'm grateful, but you must have that I'd leave eventually."
Brokenstar: "You really are dumb, aren't you?"
Beetlewhisker: "Not as dumb as you hoped! I'm going, and you can't stop me!"
Thistleclaw (to Ivypool): "Stay out of this."
Applefur: "Don't go, Beetlewhisker. You've got friends here."
Beetlewhisker: "Thanks, Applefur. But I have to go. This is the right time for me to leave."
Brokenstar: "Really?"
Beetlewhisker: "StarClan help me!"
Brokenstar: "You think StarClan listens to what happens here?"
—Brokenstar before he kills Beetlewhisker The Last Hope, pages 159-160

"I'm going to shred you till there's nothing left to join StarClan."
―Brokenstar facing off against Firestar before being killed The Last Hope, page 317

"Raggedstar always thought his son would make a great leader. He was blind to all of Brokentail's faults --his cunning, his ruthlessness, his violent nature."
―Yellowfang describing Brokenstar Secrets of the Clans, page 71

External links[]

Notes and references[]

  1. Revealed in The Last Hope, page 318
  2. Revealed in Sunset, page 3
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Revealed in Into the Wild, allegiances
  4. Revealed in Forest of Secrets, allegiances
  5. 5.0 5.1 Revealed in Fire and Ice, allegiances
  6. Revealed in Bluestar's Prophecy, page 447
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Revealed in Forest of Secrets, page 294
  8. Revealed in The Last Hope, page 317
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 324
  10. 10.0 10.1 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 354
  11. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, pages 382-383
  12. 12.0 12.1 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 416
  13. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 449
  14. Revealed in Fire and Ice, page 276
  15. 15.0 15.1 Revealed in Fire and Ice, chapter 26
  16. 16.0 16.1 Revealed in The Last Hope, page 10
  17. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 399
  18. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 451
  19. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 466
  20. Revealed in Night Whispers, page 17
  21. Revealed in Sign of the Moon, page 131
  22. 22.0 22.1 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 141
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 98
  24. Revealed in Fire and Ice, page 238
  25. 25.0 25.1 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 262
  26. 26.0 26.1 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 321
  27. 27.0 27.1 Revealed in Into the Wild, chapter 12
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 Revealed in Fire and Ice, page 263
  29. Revealed in The Fourth Apprentice, page 229
  30. Revealed in Night Whispers, page 290
  31. Revealed in Fire and Ice, page 269
  32. Brokenstar was blinded prior to his death, and regained his sight in the Dark Forest.[31]
  33. Revealed in Into the Wild, page 140
  34. Revealed in The Last Hope, page 11
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 Revealed in Forest of Secrets, page 80
  36. Revealed in Fading Echoes, page 3
  37. Revealed in Night Whispers, page 18
  38. Revealed in Fire and Ice, page 265
  39. Revealed in Exile from ShadowClan, page 7
  40. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, pages 413-414
  41. 41.0 41.1 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 261
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 463
  43. Encouraged Brownkit and Wetkit to attack him, thereby killing him[42]
  44. 44.0 44.1 Revealed in Code of the Clans, page 54
  45. Ordered the attack on WindClan, where Badgerfang was killed[44]
  46. 46.0 46.1 Revealed in Cats of the Clans, page 42
  47. 47.0 47.1 Revealed in Code of the Clans, page 42
  48. Ordered the attack on WindClan, where Swampkit was killed[47]
  49. Ordered the attack on WindClan, where Blossomkit was killed[47]
  50. 50.0 50.1 Revealed in Into the Wild, page 249
  51. Revealed in The Forgotten Warrior, page 227
  52. Revealed in The Last Hope, page 160
  53. 53.0 53.1 Revealed in The Last Hope, page 316
  54. 54.0 54.1 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 445
  55. 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 446
  56. 56.0 56.1 56.2 56.3 56.4 56.5 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 447
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.3 57.4 57.5 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 448
  58. Revealed in Fire and Ice, page 268
  59. Revealed in Forest of Secrets, page 292
  60. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 476
  61. 61.0 61.1 Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 413
  62. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, chapter 32
  63. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 406
  64. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 469
  65. Revealed in The Forgotten Warrior, page 267
  66. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret
  67. Revealed in an unknown book, page 71
  68. Revealed in Rising Storm, page 282
  69. Revealed in The Last Hope, chapter 26
  70. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 342
  71. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, page 35
  72. Revealed in Yellowfang's Secret, chapter 37
