An Ultramarines Desolation Marine sergeant armed with a Vengor Launcher and its under-slung, belt-fed Castellan Launcher, as well as a signum targeting device that allows him to guide his entire squad's missiles towards their targets.
A Vengor Launcher is an extremely powerful, long-range, anti-infantry missile launcher employed by the Primaris Space Marine sergeant of a Desolation Squad of the Adeptus Astartes. The single missile fired by a Vengor Launcher can reach extremely long ranges and its explosive blast radius is such that it is capable of wiping out whole squads of enemy infantry before they ever come into view.
Desolation Marines also all pack a little something extra under the barrel of their rocket launchers. The belt-fed Castellan Launcher can saturate the sky with guided bomblets that rain down on the enemy wherever they hide. It is the perfect weapon for flushing out cowardly targets -- and it fires separately from a Desolation Marine's main rockets, allowing them to pick and choose their targets.