Schematic of a Storm Speeder Thunderstrike that is used in an anti-armour role.
The Storm Speeder is an anti-gravity skimmer vehicle used by the Primaris Space Marines of the Adeptus Astartes for multiple tactical roles.
The Storm Speeder was developed as a part of Cawl's Primaris project, combining Arkhan Land's ancient discoveries of anti-gravitic technology with the uncompromising brute force of Cawl's own newly-discovered Repulsor technology.
Though closely resembling the older patterns of the Adeptus Astartes Land Speeder and performing a similar function, Storm Speeders are larger and more heavily armed without compromising on manoeuvrability.
The Storm Speeder can be outfitted in three variants -- the Storm Speeder Hailstrike, the Storm Speeder Hammerstrike and the Storm Speeder Thunderstrike -- each with a different combination of formidable turret and sponson weaponry designed to meet changing tactical needs on the battlefield.
Storm Speeder Hailstrike

This Ultramarines Storm Speeder Hailstrike is intended for use as a mobile anti-infatry platform with its Onslaught Gatling Cannon turret weapon.
The Storm Speeder Hailstrike is so heavily armed that it can annhilate entire swathes of enemy infantry in fusillades of blistering projectiles. Speeding over the battlefield, its specialised loadout shatters charging infantry formations and shreds barricades and other infantry defences.
- Onslaught Gatling Cannon (Turret Mounted)
Storm Speeder Hammerstrike

The Storm Speeder Hammerstrike of the Ultramarines pictured here is a potent, mobile anti-fortification artillery platform with its turret-mounted Hammerstrike Missile Launcher.
The Storm Speeder Hammerstrike excels at rooting out enemies from trench and bunker networks. Sweeping low over the battlefield, it employs searing melta blasts and volleys of rockets to crack the foe's defensive lines wide open.
Storm Speeder Thunderstrike

This Ultramarines Storm Speeder Thunderstrike is a highly manoeuvrable anti-armour platform due to its Las-talon and its heavy Stormfury Missiles.
The Storm Speeder Thunderstrike can outmanoeuvre the foe at every turn, targeting vulnerable points in armour, fuel tanks and missile hoppers to turn opposing tanks and vehicles into raging fireballs.
Just a single Thunderstrike is capable of destroying armoured breakthrough attempts, and when one is on the battlefield, few armoured enemies are safe. At the same time, the Thunderstrike is well protected from enemy air cover with its turret-mounted Icarus Rocket Pods.
- Codex: Space Marines (9th Edition), pp. 39, 170-171
- Warhammer Community - The Codex Show