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Karsus, The Momentary God
Ah, yes. Karsus. Karsus was perhaps the most powerful wizard who ever lived. The child-who-would-become-a-god, the elves called him. And he tried. With a spell of his own devising, he endeavored to usurp in one fell swoop the power of the goddess of magic... Imagine what it must have felt like. To be a god. To know yourself to be untouchable. To be mistaken.
~ Gale of Waterdeep


As his body fell, his stony eyes, still shimmering with the last glint of godly omniscience, caught a glimpse of the cities of Netheril smashing to the ground, killing all their inhabitants. His heart broke—greed for the power of the deities themselves caused the destruction of his home, his family, his friends, and his people.
~ Netheril: Empire of Magic

Karsus, the Momentary God was, at a time, one of the greatest of the Netherese mages, perhaps even the greatest. He ruled over an enclave, a floating city created from an overturned mountain using the strongest spells the multiverse had ever seen, and blazed new paths into the arcane arts- such was his power that modern wizards almost universally pale in comparison with the one dubbed The Highest of All High during his prime, despite his young age compared to his peers.

But, with power comes folly, and Karsus' folly was greater than all others- for it was his plan to become a god. Karsus worked for many years to perfect a spell he felt would save his civilization, the Netherese, from imminent destruction at the hands of the Phaerimm, naming the spell Karsus' Avatar. The spell would allow the user, in this case Karsus, to take control of a god, becoming a god themselves in doing so. Upon the successful creation of the spell, Karsus had already long chosen his target- the goddess of all magic, Mystryl.

The beginning of Karsus' Folly, an event that would live on in legend, began with this first step.

Upon casting the spell, Mystryl destroyed herself (and Karsus alongside her), leaving all magic destroyed for but an instant. An instant was all it took to wreak havoc and hellfire across all creation- several planes of existence were instantly pulverized and obliterated; all magic everywhere was destroyed, with all magical effects unraveling- including the magic keeping the Netherese cities floating far above the dangers of the world; the Weave itself came unraveled, causing countless anomalies in the firmament.

Karsus' Folly damned his kin to death as their cities of magic tumbled from the sky and crashed to the earth.

As for Karsus, he survived, in a way- he was utterly destroyed, remnant only as a Vestige, a creature outside of reality itself. He could manifest in a way, and began to spread his teachings to new neophytes of magic, in return for their agency in this world. The legend of Karsus would remember him as a fool, a monkey miming a god- but Karsus remained, and so too did his ambition to push the Art forward.

Powers and Stats

Tier: At least High 6-A, up to 2-A with peak spells | At least High 6-A, up to 2-A with peak spells

Key: Archwizard of Netheril | Vestige

Name: Karsus, The Archmage, The-Child-Who-Would-Become-God, The Momentary God, The Archwizard, The God, Arcanist Supreme, The Unmaker of the Weave, General, The One and Only, The All-High, The Highest of All High, The Mighty, The All Mighty, Great Karsus, The Greatest of Any Whoever Led Us, He Who Knows Everything And Tells Naught, Hubris in the Blood, Karsus the Mad, The Ape Who Would Fly

Origin: Dungeons and Dragons

Gender: Male

Age: 357 years old at Apotheosis,[1] ~1,850 years old currently

Classification: Immortal Demigod, Netherese Arcanist

Powers and Abilities:

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Reality Warping, Magic (All magic is done by manipulating the Weave, a multiversal construct and deity), Non-Physical Interaction (Magic can interact with intangible, incorporeal, abstract, and totally nonexistent foes, and strike creatures across the many planes of existence to hit all of their personages at once[2]), Gravity Manipulation, Physics Manipulation (Through the magic of his Mythallar, Karsus created impossible architecture that defied all normal laws of gravity and physics; His other magic allows him to reverse gravity on a whim, or reduce its effects on him), Power Bestowal (His heavy magic was a tangible arcane essence that could be applied to an object to grant it magical effects;[3] Karsus, unlike many Netheril magi, is capable of creating permanent magical items through the use of Enchant Item, bestowing upon them a great deal of power[4]), Accelerated Development (Instinctively learns new spells and learned by the age of two[5] what it took other hyper-intelligent arcanists to learn by the age of 18[6]), Absorption, Soul Manipulation, Necromancy (His Heavy Magic is capable of, regardless of the spells used on it, absorbing vast amounts of magical energy from other targets- and, in the void of that, souls, instantly killing the creature and raising them as an appropriate undead; Sadebreth's Undead Control allows him to wrest control of any undead away from them or whoever is currently controlling them;[7] He can cast Volhm's Drain, which annihilates the soul and body of the target until dead, and makes Karsus a conduit directly into the Negative Energy Plane[8]), Power Modification (The use of Heavy Magic altered how spells functioned, causing them to interact with the environment in unique ways; Karsus can cast Permanency, which changes the duration of the affected spell effect to permanent[9]), Illusion Creation (Has access to spells such as an advanced form of hallucinatory terrain, which can paint the environment as a sort of dream-realm; He used Heavy Magic to create a museum comprised effectively of arcane holograms depicting the entire history of Netheril; Karsus' illusions, suffice to say, are extremely diverse in function[10][11][12]), Power Nullification (Volhm's Drain was capable of directly countering the arcane power of his entire city, causing it to plummet to the ground as it counteracted the magical power of his mythallar; Capable of casting Antimagic Shell, which negates all incoming magical effects;[13] Can deliberately end hostile ongoing magic effects with Dispel Magic[14]), Air Manipulation, Flight (Tolodine's gust of wind was capable of levitating his entire city when spread across it properly; Also capable of casting Tolodine's Wind Wall, which deflects physical projectiles; Stoca's Wings allows him to fly, although does not explicitly mention the presence of actual, physical wings[15]), BFR, Matter Manipulation (When battling an army of fiends, he made liberal use of spells such as Aksa's Disintegrate and Oberon's Dismissal; the former reduces a target to dust, while the latter returns a target to their home plane of existence- or, alternatively, to a pocket reality briefly; The leading theory to the disappearance of the city of Doubloon was that Karsus banished it to a fiendish plane[16]), Law Manipulation (When Karsus cast his Avatar spell, he managed to, very briefly, use the powers of Mystryl to alter the laws of magic- the only immediate effect this had was doubling the duration of magical effects, however the extent to which he would have changed it is unknown[17]), Earth Manipulation (Implied that the use of Karsus' Avatar was affecting the earth badly enough to spawn a supervolcano that practically immediately destroyed the city of Harborage[18]), Biological Manipulation (A number of magical mutants were born by indirect exposure to Karsus' Heavy Magic[19]), Energy Manipulation (Karsus controlled not one, but two mythallar, magical artifacts capable of directly harnessing energy from the Weave;[20] Through the use of carefully placed mirrors, Karsus could well have exponentially increased the magical output of his Mythallar, such that it would passively destroy his entire city in an instant), Social Influencing (His showiness with his magic caused him to be considered greater than even Ioulaum in the eyes of the Netherese people), Preparation (He had organized a network of spies in the past, and spent many years perfecting even just a single spell; His important buildings were, by Netherese reckoning, effectively impossible to breach by any means, as they were warded against every possible spell effect[21]), Disease Manipulation (The first time someone is exposed to Heavy Magic, they experience a wave of incapacitating nausea;[22] With Lucke's Contagion, Karsus can weave diseases upon his enemies), Portal Creation (The facilities on his city maintain portals to other planes when convenient- for example, his food freezing facilities simply keep portals to the Elemental Plane of Ice open to maintain temperatures; Via Phase Door, he can create a portal only he can see and access), Forcefield Creation (As a Mentalist, he would know Lefeber's Weave Mythal, which allows one to shield a Mythallar to prevent access and seal the energy within;[23] M' dahl's Missile Shield protects the user from all physical projectiles, completely negating the threat of them[24]), Fear Manipulation (The power of Trebbe's Weird is so great that it paralyzes a target with fear, even if they successfully resist;[25] Carbury's Killer is an illusion capable of killing those who see it out of sheer terror[26]), Resistance Negation (Some of his magical effects, such as that from Trebbe's Weird, cannot possibly be resisted), Creation (The effects of Trebbe's Weird are, for all intents and purposes, very real to those who fall victim to the illusion- they must battle that which they fear the most and can die from the endeavor), Teleportation (His version of the Succor spell ought to be superior to the weakened post-Netheril version, which itself can be used to instantly teleport to and from his home; He can teleport anywhere in the universe without error and may do so with other lesser spells for shorter distances, such as Oberon's Extradoor; Finally, spells such as Oberon's Blinking allow rapid-fire teleportation, occurring to random locations to cause attacks to automatically miss while the wizard barrages targets with their own attacks), Sealing (The Imprisonment spell uses magic to permanently seal a target away within the heart of the world;[27] Repulsion forces targets out of a small specified area, and prevents them from re-entering it), Time Manipulation (Imprisonment's secondary effect is placing the target in a permanent temporal stasis until freed by some outside party; He can cast Quantoul's Slowmorph, which causes time to slow down around one target, making them half as fast as they normally would be; Can stop time in a limited area, or lock targets into a temporal stasis permanently), Precognition (Foresight offers prior knowledge of all sources of danger coming to the wizard, allowing him to act accordingly), Perception Manipulation (Via the use of Berthot's Screen, Karsus can dictate what can and cannot be detected by outside sources such as divination magic[28]), Mind Manipulation (Through Kutson's Mind Blank, Karsus can render himself immune to any form of mental manipulation, clearing such effects instantly; he also has access to Keonid's Charm Plus, which can mentally control a great number of enemies all at once; Feeblemind reduces a target's intellect to nothing, reducing them to animalistic levels), Clairvoyance (Vision allows Karsus to get answers to any question in the form of visions sent by a deity;[29] Zahn's Hearing and Zahn's Seeing, later dubbed Clairvoyance and Clairaudience, allowed remote viewing of any given location named upon casting the spell[30]), Attack Reflection (Trebbe's Turning allows Karsus to return any given spell effect back at its caster; Niquie's Reflection, nowadays know simply as Gaze Reflection, reflects all sight-based abilities back at their user automatically), Duplication (Karsus can create copies of himself- although they are weaker in certain respects, they maintain his ability to cast spells and remain under his direct control;[31] Karsus can create clones of himself that will become active upon his own death), Status Effect Inducement (Xanad's Stun is an improved form of Power Word Stun, and allows Karsus to use Truename magic to force a creature to become stunned, regardless of resistance[32]), Information Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation (Type 1, Power Words are Truename magic, which is the power to define something on a universal scale by speaking it into reality[33]), Invisibility (Can render himself and many others invisible via Toscudlo's Bulk Invisibility;[34] could alternatively afford himself a more powerful invisibility that persists alongside other spells[35]), Dimensional Travel (Shadow's Walk allows one to simply meander into the Plane of Shadows when in a sufficiently dark area; Chever's Contact Other Plane would alternatively allow just Karsus' mind to travel to the other plane, seeking knowledge), Plant Manipulation (Prug's Plant Control allows him to take control over plant life), Sense Manipulation (His more powerful illusions, such as Smolyn's Veil, cause all tactile senses to be deceived by the spell- every sense is made to believe the given illusion is real;[36] He can use Trebbe's Eye to send out invisible eyes to scout for him;[37] Cragh's Deafness and Smolyn's Blindness can be used to shut down certain senses of a target[38]), Summoning (Through the use of his pupil Shadow's spell, Shades, Karsus can summon half-nonexistent creatures to battle for him;[39] Through Shadow's Summons, he can also call upon a battalion of nonexistent shadows to slaughter his enemies for him;[40] As with most Arcanists, he can summon a familiar to aid him in his journeys[41]), Invulnerability (Trebbe's Invulnerability likely has a similar effect to the Globe of Invulnerability spell, which renders those within totally immune to harm and blocks out damaging spells[42]), Death Manipulation (Geas causes a target to become sick and die within one or more weeks if they do not undertake the task given to them by the caster; Among many of his spells are those that snuff out the life of the target, either instantly or over time), Curse Manipulation (Smolyn's Eyebite is considered a curse delivered by one's gaze), Sleep Manipulation (Smolyn's Eyebite can render a target unconscious just by looking at them; He can negate the resistances one has to sleep with Efteran's Sleep, instantly dropping physically weakened targets into a deep slumber[43]), Empathic Manipulation (Smolyn's Eyebite can cause a target to not only become non-hostile, but also totally loyal to the caster, with just a glance; Keonid's Emotion can induce a range of powerful, exaggerated emotions within a target, including Courage, Fear, Friendship, Happiness, Hate, Hope, Hopelessness, or Sadness[44][45]), Power Mimicry (Demi-Shadow Magic allows Karsus to cast semi-existent shadow-versions of spells he otherwise has no access to- they are moderately less effective as a result), Weather Manipulation (Fourfinger's Weather Control allows Karsus to, on short notice, change the weather- potentially from a calm mid-summer to an arctic hurricane in mere seconds[46]), Pocket Reality Manipulation (Shadow's Door creates an illusory room and an illusory duplicate of the caster who darts within, to mislead enemies; Rope Trick, AKA Undine's Rope, allows Karsus to create a safe space in the midst of combat, a pocket reality suspended at the top of a floating rope, from which he can peek out and blast enemies and then retreat in again), Telepathy (Sending allows extraplanar messages to be sent to any creature with any level of intelligence, albeit only short messages per use; ESP allows Karsus to read the minds of nearby creatures, starting with surface thoughts and delving deeper as time goes on), Paralysis Inducement (Prug's Hold Being induces paralysis instantly[47]), Creation (Lefeber's 2nd and 1st Creations allow permanent creation of matter from raw magical energy[48]), Possession (Jarm's Magic Jar allows Karsus to transfer his life force to another target, and control that body in the stead of his current one), Dream Manipulation (Efteran's Dream allows one to insert themselves into the dreamscapes of any given creature and manipulate their minds from within[49]), Spatial Manipulation (Through Berthot's Disorder, he can distort the distance between certain points in a defined area, lengthening them or shortening them as he pleases[50]), Purification (Enollar's Dispel Curse is a superior form of Remove Curse[51]), Light Manipulation (Nalevac's Rainbow creates a powerful perception-captivating image of bright flowing lights; viewers instantly lose track of whatever else they were doing, and merely follow the lights wherever the caster takes them; Spells of the wizard Brightfinger, which Karsus has access to, can create dancing lights or permanent light sources), Body Puppetry (Berthot's Blunder allows the caster to create a field of bodily manipulation in which all creatures become inordinately clumsy- their reflexes become poorer and they are prone to messing up practically any movement that one could mess up[52]), Extrasensory Perception (Trebbe's Scry Scrying allows Karsus to be aware of when he is being spied on, whereas Trebbe's Scry Invisibility allows Karsus to detect the presence of hidden creatures; Among his more casual arsenal of alternative-senses are the ability to detect magical auras, the presence of undead, and evil beings[53]), Madness Manipulation (Type 2, Keonid's Confusion causes the target to act insanely for the duration, harming itself and allies and generally being counterintuitive to its goals[54]), Incorporeality (Quantoul's Wraithmorph effectively transforms him into a ghost for a time), Automatic Translation (Tongues allows him to speak and understand any language[55]), Text Manipulation (Raliteff's Illusion Script causes a page to appear to say something else convincingly, rather than reveal its true contents;[56] Ptack's Secret Script allows the caster to hide the text of an entire page[57]), Aura (Delude could hide his moral aura from those seeking to search for it), Statistics Reduction (Hamring's Enfeeblement reduces even the most powerful targets to sub-human levels of strength;[58] Veridon's Chiller allows Karsus to sap the strength of his enemies, potentially lethal if done enough, with a mere touch), Telekinesis (Karsus can levitate objects through his magic with Yturn's Levitation;[59] Can shear entire mountaintops and cause them to float), Psychometry (Karsus can scry the alignment of objects to discern their true nature), Memory Manipulation (Keonid's Forgetfulness causes targets caught within it to simply forget the past few minutes of their lives completely[60]), Transmutation (Aksa's Morphing allows him to transmute any given creature or object into any other creature or object; His lesser spells, Quantoul's Othermorph and Selfmorph, allow him to target others and transmute them temporarily into another creature, or himself,[61] Purnia's Fool's Gold transforms less valuable metals into gold en masse for a brief duration[62]), Afterimage Creation (Smolyn's Blurring massively improves physical defenses, as it generates afterimages of Karsus to deceive foes), Sound Manipulation (Dace's Ventriloquism allows Karsus to offset the perceived source of his voice to some other distant source;[63] Aksa's Shatter allows Karsus to destroy enemies with physically damaging sound blasts- it destroys metallic and crystalline objects and creatures with far greater efficacy), Information Analysis (Trebbe's Scry Identify allows the user to peer directly at an item or effect's connection with magic and the Weave to truly understand its effects[64]), Earth Manipulation (Has access to Mavin's Earthfast, which fortifies and strengthens the physical properties of natural materials, such as dirt and stone, sufficient enough to endure earthquakes over a wide area;[65] Valdick's Submerse, also known as Sink, causes a target to sink into the earth and remain there until freed, trapped in stasis; Karsus can mold the earth as he chooses over a wide area[66]), Crystal Manipulation (Has access to the spell Proctiv's Breach Sphere, which allows him to manipulate the portals entering and exiting a Crystal Sphere, either sealing them entirely or opening them again), Shapeshifting (Stoca's Change Shape grants Karsus the ability to shapeshift into essentially any other creature he desires, including specific individuals, copying all of their abilities as a result; the exception is that this spell cannot allow him to copy the abilities of Powers;[67] For more minor alterations, such as taking the form of another person or changing his bodily proportions, Karsus can cast Quantoul's Alterer), Metal Manipulation (Ptack's Brittleness causes metal to become as fragile as normal crystals, shattering easily; Proctiv's Steely Glass allows him to render metals transparent), Fire Manipulation (He can cast Primidon's Cloud, which creates a massive, vaporizing heat cloud of gas that kills off powerful foes quickly; Primidon's Burners allow him to cast flames from his hands to scorch his foes), Smoke Manipulation (The side effects of Primidon's Cloud generate vast amounts of obscuring smoke), Camouflage (He can cast Quantoul's Statue, which makes him a statue that holds up to all inspections until ended), Dimensional Manipulation (Karsus can render himself two-dimensional, and thus more or less untouchable unless a given attack conforms to those two dimensions), Petrification (Capable of using a number of Mavin's Transmutations, most notably Stone-to-Flesh), Resurrection (Reincarnation allows Karsus to bring creatures back to life even if they would otherwise be unable to, although their form is of a completely random species), Water Manipulation (Karsus can cast Fourfinger's Part and Lower Water spells, which allows Karsus to more or less control the tides entirely; Fjord's Air Water allows creatures from land to breathe even underwater), Acid Manipulation (Tolodine's Death Fog is acidic on top of being a force of raw death), Size Manipulation, Animal Manipulation (He can cast Stoca's Fauna Grow, which causes animals to grow 8x in size;[68] He can shrink items, perhaps to better hide them or to slip them through confined spaces more easily; Zahn's Familiar allows Karsus to call forth a wilderness familiar to serve as his companion, granting it magical powers in return that it can use to better serve him; Alternatively he can enlarge himself, gaining considerable strength bonuses, via Aksa's Growth, or reduce his own size by reversing the spell), Ice Manipulation (Capable of summoning walls of ice and fire with Veridon's Ice Wall and Noanar's Wall; He can also generate raging ice storms via Veridon's Storm), Underwater Breathing (Can cast Stoca's Water Breath to be capable of breathing underwater for an extended period of time), Enhanced Senses (He can bestow himself with infravision via Nalevac's Deep Sight), Statistics Amplification (Quantoul's Fastmorph, called Haste in modern settings, doubles the target's speed, while Quantoul's Strength causes the target to become considerably more physically powerful, allowing Karsus to greatly increase related attributes- such as Lifting Strength[69]), Fragrance Manipulation (Veridon's Cloud creates a filth-ridden cloud capable of incapacitating enemies by stench alone), Surface Scaling (Quantoul's Climber, referred to in modern days as Spider Climb, allows Karsus to walk up walls and across ceilings with no effort), Acrobatics (Limited, Yturn's Long Jump allows Karsus to perform impossible jumps over and over again), Electricity Manipulation (His touch can electrocute enemies to death, via the spell Volhm's Grasp), Construction (On a very limited scale; Karsus can use mending to repair an item to its previous state[70])

All previous abilities plus Size Manipulation (His body swelled in size in response to the introduction of divine power, and remained that way upon losing it), Resurrection (His blood can restore creatures from undeath to life, a feat generally requiring intensely powerful magic to achieve), Plant Manipulation (The blood of his avatar contributes heavily to the greatly altered terrain of the area around Karse, including twisting the forests there into the Dire Wood), Avatar Creation (He is capable of generating avatars to act for him), Immortality (Types 1, 5, and 9 After his apotheosis, has been constantly referred to as immortal, and has lived for over a thousand years to prove it; As a Vestige, Karsus falls outside of the confines of life, death, and undeath, residing totally outside of their systems; furthermore, Vestiges are untouchable by even gods in their true forms, with their true selves residing outside of defined reality[71]), Nonexistent Physiology (Nature 1, All Aspects Described as a being that "cannot exist", and "exist(ing) in a manner no one truly comprehends"), Power Bestowal (Via pacts, Vestiges afford their pactmakers a portion of their power, in return for their heraldry in proper reality[72]), Mind Manipulation (Vestiges take control over weaker pactmakers, and are able to exhibit this control if they try to rebel; Their control over others in this way extends for 24 hours), Illusion Creation (Vestiges create illusory images of themselves in reality to interact with others whilst maintaining safety[73]), Soul Manipulation (Vestiges bind themselves to their carriers via pacts, tying themselves to their servant's soul), Statistics Reduction (Vestiges can drain their users of their stats if they disobey the pact), Blood Manipulation (The appearance of his avatar creates a great deal of blood to spawn and burble; furthermore, his presence causes wounds to bleed a great deal more than usual[74]), Power Nullification (Karsus can grant his binders his touch, allowing them to destroy magical effects by touching them[75]), Extrasensory Perception (Karsus' vision sees magic as easily as another creature would see color), Statistics Amplification (Karsus grants the use of Heavy Magic, allowing his followers to cast amplified spellcasts)

Attack Potency: At least Multi-Continent level (Karsus was regarded as perhaps the greatest of the Netherese arcanists, and the only one to ever develop a 12th level spell,[76] making him far superior to his peers, such as Larloch and Aumvor; He is regarded today as perhaps the most powerful wizard to have ever lived, by sages familiar with such esoterica;[77] Already established Netherese archwizards contemplated killing a young Karsus (at the age of 87), only to realize his power outweighed their own, even then, and retreated;[78] Killed or otherwise incapacitated Lady Arilain, another Netherese archwizard in control of the city of Opus.[79] Listed as a level 41 Arcanist,[80] putting him far above modern wizards such as Elminster), up to Multiverse level+ with spells (Karsus' Avatar, his magnum opus and 12th level spell, threatened to destroy the Weave in its entirety,[81] and prompted a single action that could save it- the immediate death of the Goddess Mystra;[82] for but a moment, Karsus was one with all magic, and knew everything about it- a fact that unraveled him[83])

Speed: At least Relativistic+ (Can react to Anger of the Noonday Sun), with FTL+ reactions (Can tag others with the Great Cat's Dodge feat), up to Infinite at peak (Became one with the Goddess Mystryl, who is above notions such as time) | Immobile as an Avatar (Karsus' avatar is a colossal, giant red stone, atop which his avatar rests, bleeding eternally but immortal[84]) with Relativistic+ combat speed and FTL+ reaction speed

Lifting Strength: At least Class 5 (Possessed superhuman levels of strength, above the 18/00 that mortal creatures could achieve at that time;[85] As this value went above what was possible in traditional play,[86] using 3e rules, one can surmise Karsus could push just over 2.1 metric tons), likely Class T via magic (Karsus' Enclave, a Netherese city of unusual might and size, was similar to others of its kind: a mountain flipped upside down with a city placed atop it, held aloft by the power of one of Karsus' most powerful items, the Mythallar)

Striking Strength: At least Multi-Continent level, up to Multiverse level+ with peak spells | Unknown, likely Multi-Continent level, up to Multiverse level+ with peak spells

Durability: At least Multi-Continent level (Should be somewhat superior to the likes of Elminster, Larloch, and similar powers who have since been restricted from the level of magic that Karsus wielded), up to Multiverse level+ with peak spells (Karsus merged momentarily with the goddess Mystryl, who should be directly comparable to Mystra at her peak) | Unknown, likely Multi-Continent level, up to Multiverse level+ with peak spells (Due to their nature, Vestiges are untouchable by most entities who could harm them)

Stamina: Superhuman (The Netherese continued a neverending war for years straight with the Phaerimm, constantly waging battles across the deserts below; continued a war against the fiends for three consecutive years)

Range: Varies depending on the spell, up to Multiversal+ | Unknown, likely as previous

Standard Equipment: Karsus (his floating city was often referred to by his name) and the vaults of magic items contained within | Unknown, likely none

Intelligence: At least Extraordinary Genius, possibly Supergenius; Karsus was, as a Netherese archwizard, one of the greatest arcane minds the world had ever seen, even developing his own form of magic his initiates could use to interface with the Weave; Karsus was capable of, at the age of 22, rivalling the brightest mind the Netherese had ever had, and creating a Mythallar, the single most powerful magic items the Netherese had ever created;[87] this almost certainly puts him on par with entities such as Vecna, Elminster, and Larloch

Weaknesses: He openly admits to his primary crime being his hubris, such that he underestimates the danger of new knowledge

Notable Matchups





  1. Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves, pg 35
  2. Dragon Magazine, issue 8, pg 4
  3. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 11
  4. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 175
  5. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 9
  6. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 28
  7. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 183
  8. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 194
  9. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 190
  10. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 180
  11. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 163
  12. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 132
  13. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 173
  14. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 148
  15. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 149
  16. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 71
  17. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 12
  18. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 75
  19. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 91
  20. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 94
  21. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 103
  22. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 102
  23. Encyclopaedia Arcana, pg 10
  24. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 152
  25. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 197
  26. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 160
  27. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 195
  28. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 192
  29. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 187
  30. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 147
  31. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 186
  32. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 185
  33. Tome of Magic, pg 191
  34. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 184
  35. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 159
  36. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 182
  37. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 164
  38. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 140
  39. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 181
  40. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 171
  41. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 134
  42. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 177
  43. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 138
  44. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 155
  45. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 157
  46. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 174
  47. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 169
  48. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 170
  49. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 168
  50. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 168
  51. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 163
  52. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 158
  53. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 133
  54. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 154
  55. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 153
  56. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 150
  57. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 152
  58. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 145
  59. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 143
  60. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 142
  61. PLayer's Handbook 2e, pg 161
  62. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 141
  63. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 139
  64. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 135
  65. Encyclopaedia Arcana, pg 11
  66. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 179
  67. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 196
  68. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 165
  69. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 146
  70. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 136
  71. Tome of Magic, pg 7
  72. Tome of Magic, pg 8
  73. Tome of Magic, pg 10
  74. Tome of Magic, pg 37
  75. Tome of Magic, pg 38
  76. Cormanthyr: Empire of the Elves, pg 124
  77. Baldur's Gate 3
  78. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 66
  79. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 82
  80. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 114
  81. Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (3e), pg 5
  82. Lords of Darkness, pg 81
  83. Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide
  84. Lost Empires of Faerun, pg 110
  85. Netheril: Empire of Magic, pg 114
  86. Player's Handbook 2e, pg 76
  87. Netheril, The Archwizards, and the Return of Shade


Discussion threads involving Karsus