That night, Thorfinn told his family about the things he experienced in the last 16 years. His experiences from Thors' death until the departure from Ketil's farmland. He spoke dispassionately, summarizing the important points, but that history of hatred and strife, death and destruction, despair and regret, sorrow and recovery, left his listeners speechless.— Narrator
The Fettered Tern (1) (繋がわたアジサシ(クリーア)➀ Tsunaga Wata Ajisashi (Kurīa) 1?) is the 101st chapter of the Vinland Saga series.
Halfdan's son Sigurd returns home and tells his father he secured a fair contract for the acquisition of the land of Byarny. Halfdan leaves it to him as an early wedding gift. Spotting two ships on the horizon, they leave to go greet Sigurd's soon-to-be bride. In Helga's home, Ylva insists on cutting Thorfinn's hair and cleaning him up. She notes that being almost 23, he's more than old enough to get married and suggests he marry one of Snoggi's granddaughters to take over his fishing business. Thorfinn admits that he will leave and will tell everyone about the past and the future that night. Once everyone is gathered, they laugh at Thorfinn's freshly cut hair and shaven face. Thorfinn is embarrassed until Einar points out that his appearance makes him look less threatening. Thorfinn tells everyone about the last 16 years and of his plans to go to Vinland to build a land of peace. Helga supports his intention to build a place for those running away from war and slavery. Ari notes that building a country in Vinland will cost a lot of money and Thorfinn admits that he doesn't have any and plans to borrow from an investor. Ari retorts that only Halfdan has that kind of money; Thorfinn is intrigued by the idea despite Ari's warnings about Halfdan's character.
In December 1018, as Halfdan looks out at the sea and birds flying, he is approached by his son, Sigurd, who announces his return. He tells his father that he has succeeded in finalizing a fair contract for the acquisition of the land of Byarny. Halfdan simply stares at Sigurd, who insists he didn't do anything illegal that would tarnish the family name. Halfdan interrupts by stating there is a tern. Confused, Sigurd says the birds look like gulls to him and that there shouldn't be any terns during the season, as they're summer birds. Halfdan points out that there is one on a post that must've not made it to the south, perhaps a failure that lacked the strength to fly. Sigurd notes that he did not know Halfdan liked birds. Halfdan replies that if the tern understood its own helplessness and agreed to be fettered to his chains, he'd consider keeping it. Leaving the subject aside, he tells Sigurd that he'll leave him the land of Byarny as an early wedding gift. Sigurd thanks him. The two men see two boats on the horizon; Halfdan says it looks like the bride has arrived and tells Sigurd they'll go greet her. On one of the boats, Gudrid notices the tern flying above.
In Helga's home, Ylva insists it's not her fault she didn't recognize Thorfinn with his long hair, his beard and the scars on his face. Thorfinn insists he doesn't need his hair cut and that he sometimes shortens his beard, as one of Ylva's children holds the ends of his hair and comments that it's long like a girl's. Setting up to cut his hair, Ylva notes that cutting his hair isn't enough and that Thorfinn must keep it in order, as girls look for things like neatness in a man. She adds that a beard may not suit Thorfinn at all and asks why he wouldn't shave it all off. Surprised, Thorfinn says that it'd be disgraceful for a man his age to be beardless. As she begins cutting his hair, Ylva asks Thorfinn what he and his friends have planned now. She tells him that Snoggi has five granddaughters who are of age and that he often complains that there's no one to take over his fishing business. She suggests that Thorfinn marry one of the granddaughters, as fisherman is a good job. Thorfinn is startled by the suggestion. Ylva tells him that Thorfinn shouldn't be so shocked, as he's more than old enough to settle down. Thorfinn, surprised, admits he never thought about it and suddenly understands the insistence that he get his hair cut. Going back to Ylva's comment that he's old enough, he asks her how old he is. Ylva asks him how he could forget and reminds him that they're nine years apart; since Thorfinn was born in the winter, he'll soon be 23. Thorfinn starts adding the numbers to get to Ylva's age, but Ylva tells him to stop and reminds him that they're talking about giving their mother some peace of mind. She adds that while she hasn't heard how Thorfinn's lived his life so far, he should live a properly rooted life going forward. Thorfinn muses that being a fisherman, getting married on the island, having children and getting old might be a good way to live, but that he has to leave. He tells Ylva that once everyone is gathered that night, he'll talk about the past and about the future. He adds that he planned to talk the previous night, but that Ylva's beating caused him to only come to in the morning. Ylva asks him if he's going far and Thorfinn apologizes, admitting that he is. Ylva suddenly feels his head and laughs, saying that the head shape doesn't change and that she finally has proof that he's truly Thorfinn.
Later that night, Bug-Eyes, Leif, Ari and Einar laugh at Thorfinn's "little boy cut" and his freshly shaved face. Thorfinn grumbles that he asked Ylva not to shave his beard, but that she got him while he dozed off. Einar says that it looks fine and that his looks have improved. Thorfinn, rubbing his hair to try to get it to look less stiff, tells Einar to stop trying to comfort him. Einar tells him that's not what he's trying to do and that he doesn't look strong with that appearance. Thorfinn notes that his new appearance might be a good thing if that's the case. By the fire, with the children asleep, Thorfinn tells his family about the things he experienced in the last 16 years, from Thors's death to his departure from Ketil's farm. Although he shares his story neutrally and simply summarises the important points, his listeners are left speechless by his history of hatred, strife, death, destruction, despair, regret, sorrow and recovery. Thorfinn tells them that the people he killed and the slaves who died in despair may also have had a warm home like his. He states that his sins are grave and that he has to go to Vinland to build a land of peace. Helga tells him to do what his heart tells him. She says that many people want to run away from the world, and that she and Thors themselves came to Iceland because they were running away from Jomsborg, the land of warriors. She tells him that he should build a land of peace and wait to welcome the people who want to run away as far as they can from war and slavery. Thorfinn thanks her for her words. Ari notes that building a country in Vinland is no trivial thing and that Thorfinn will need a lot of money. He asks if Thorfinn has made preparations. Thorfinn admits that he doesn't have any at all and that looking for an investor to borrow from is part of why he came home to Iceland. Ari comments that no one but Halfdan has that kind of money around there. Thorfinn seems invigorated by the idea; Einar asks what kind of man Halfdan is. Ari tells them to not even think about it, as Halfdan is a scoundrel and will not lend them money.
Characters in Order of Appearance[]
- Halfdan
- Sigurd
- Gudrid
- Ylva
- Thorfinn
- Bug-Eyes
- Leif Ericson
- Einar
- Ari
- Thors Snorresson (Flashback)
- Thorkell (Flashback)
- Gardar (Flashback)
- Snake (Flashback)
- Canute (Flashback)
- Arnheid (Flashback)
- Askeladd (Flashback)
- Helga