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Villains Fanon Wiki
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I used my superspeed & flight, and I just went to all of the jails in the world and just flew them as high as they could go until they popped like balloons.
~ Henry telling his friend about he "fixed a big problem".
I atomized them. No criminal, no problem.
~ Henry justifying his crimes.
Henry: So, then I thought "Wow. Sharks are pretty dangerous, aren't they?"[...] So, I identified and gathered up all the sharks on the planet, and just flew them as high as they could possibly go before they popped.
~ Henry telling his friend about what he did to stop shark attacks, with his friend being appalled.

Henry, also known as The Misguided Superhero, is the titular main antagonist of the Calebcity episode "When your roommate is a misguided super hero".

Henry is a misguided superhero who, in an attempt to "fix" the issues of profitable of mass incarcerations & shark attacks, decided to identify and gather all sharks & jails in the world, and flew them as high as they could go until they "popped like balloons". When his friend learns this, he is shocked and keeps telling him to revert these crimes, which Henry does, before doing something worse each time.

He is portrayed by Caleb Glass, who is also the series' creator and portrayed all the other characters.
