Rudyard Kipling's The Jungle Book: Shere Khan †| Tabaqui †| Bandar Log | Buldeo | Nag †| Nagaina †| Dholes
The Jungle Book 1 & 2: Shere Khan | Kaa | Bandar Log (King Louie)
The Jungle Book (1994): William Boone †| Buldeo †| John Wilkins †| Tabaqui †| Sergeant Harley †| Bandits †| Sergeant Claibourne †| Shere Khan | Bandar Log (King Louie & Kaa)
The Second Jungle Book: Mowgli & Baloo: Buldeo †| Shere Khan
The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Story: Shere Khan | Tabaqui | Bandar Log
The Jungle Book (2016): Shere Khan †| Bandar Log (King Louie) | Kaa
Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle: Shere Khan †| Tabaqui | Bandar-Log
Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli: Shere Khan | Tabaqui | Dholes | Buldeo | Grizzle | Bandar Log (Alba) | Dusty & Jocko | Shere Khan's Ancestor
TaleSpin: Air Pirates (Don Karnage, Mad Dog, Dumptruck, Gibber, Hacksaw, Hal, Sadie, Ratchet, Jock & Will) | Khan Industries (Shere Khan, Mrs. Snarly, Garth, Douglas Benson, Mr. Perry, Khan Industries Pilots, Sheriff Cleghorn & Deputy Wendell) | Bandar Log (King Louie) | Professor Torque | Trader Moe | MacKnee | Daring Dan Dawson | Captain Stansbury | Seymour | Covington | Heimlich Minudo | Howard Huge | Kitten Kaboodle | Buffy & Muffy Vanderschmere | Jack Case | Hans & Helga | Cool Hands Luke | Wan-Lo | Thaddeus E. Klang | Professor Crackpotkin | Prince Rudolf | Miniversal Corporation (Mr. Sultan) | Dr. Axolotl | M.E.L. | Ace London | Chancellor Trample
Jungle Cubs: Arthur & Cecil | Cain | Mahra | Ned, Jed & Fred | Dholes