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Fullerton was the chairman of the New Essentials Movement, a group with the stated aim of restoring the moral and cultural traditions of the Federation. His group targeted Risa, the hedonistic Federation pleasure plant, spending a month there. He personally visited Lieutenant Commander Worf, who had expressed distaste at what he considered the planet's loose morals, and gave him a copy of his manifesto. At the latest of Fullerton's speeches, which people tended to attend out of curiosity rather than genuinely embracing his views, he spoke of how the Borg, Romulans, Klingons and Dominion were all poised to attack the Federation and how its citizens had become pampered children, with all their needs met, and needed to embrace values of hard work again.
Fullerton had his followers invade the planet's main dome and threaten the people there with depowered phaser rifles. He made it clear he had no intention to harm anyone but wanted to demonstrate how easily they could be taken unawares. Lieutenant Commander Dax threatened to arrest him but Fullerton dismissively noted the Risans would never press charges. He was then approached by Worf with an idea for a demonstration. They tapped into the planet's weather control system and deactivated it, meaning the tourists experienced the planet's natural weather cycle, mainly consisting of heavy rainstorms.
The plan was partly successful with many visitors leaving the planets and the others being left demoralised. Worf said his farewells to Fullerton, telling him to build on it. However, knowing the weather control would soon be reactivated, Fullerton decided to use the situation to force people off planet. He began using the weather control system to create earthquakes which threatened to demolish the resort's buildings. Worf and Dax confronted him, with Worf quickly taking the control device back from Fullerton and halting the tremors. He declared that he no longer shared their beliefs and that the Federation would survive the Borg, the Dominion and people like Fullerton. Angry at being dismissed in such a manner, Fullerton struck Worf, who picked him up and threw him across the room, declaring himself on vacation.