Homer's Clones are the main antagonists of the segment "Send in the Clones" of "Treehouse of Horror XIII" of The Simpsons. They are created via a magic hammock which Homer purchased after stupidly ignoring the warnings of it.
After creating the clones, Homer has them do his chores for him. At first it goes smoothly, and the clones do all the hard work, as the real Homer gets all the credit, and they don't do say anything about it, due to being TWICE the idiot than Homer himself.
Things starts going badly when Ned asks about borrowing the chainsaw that Homer apparently stole from Ned to begin with. But when one of the clones sees the chainsaw and misunderstands what Homer wanted done with it, the clone shows Homer the decapitated head of Ned Flanders, much to Homer's complete shock.
Terrified by Ned Flanders' death, Homer drives the idiotic clones to a corn field, shooting any that remembered the way to his house. Homer also leaves the hammock behind. But this proves to be a bad choice by him, and the clones use it to make an entire army of Homers.
In an attempt to stop the clones from overpopulating America, the government tricks them into falling off a cliff by riding helicopters attached with giant donuts. The plan was a success, but it later turns out that one of the clones remains behind to secretly live with the Simpson family while the real Homer was the first to fall off the cliff due to his obsession of donuts. Marge is terrified, but when the Homer clone gives her a back rub, she decides to live with it.
- The clones have neither belly button nor a penis.
- The clones appear to become progressively stupider as each clone clones itself. As a result of this, Peter Griffin can be seen amongst the even dumber clones, as a reference to how Family Guy is often accused of being a ripoff of The Simpsons. The original Tracey Ullman incarnation of Homer, King-Size Homer, and smart Homer (HOMĐ¯) can also be seen.
- The clones are a reference to the Doug Kinney clones from the 1996 film Multiplicity.