The MCU Infinity Saga is a 2020 video game based on the popular film series, the Marvel Cinematic Universe developed by 928Games. It was released on May 2nd, 2020 on the PlayStation 4, and XBox One. The game was initially released the 12th anniversary of the MCU's first film, Iron Man. The game is set to be released on the PlayStation 5 on May 4th, 2022, the 10th anniversary of The Avengers. The game features all 22 Infinity Saga films, and one extra game, Spider-Man: Far From Home, which is a beta for the next big MCU Box Set released sometime in the late 2020s.
Phase One:[]
Iron Man: The MCU Infinity Saga
The Incredible Hulk: The MCU Infinity Saga
Iron Man 2: The MCU Infinity Saga
Thor: The MCU Infinity Saga
Captain America The First Avenger: The MCU Infinity Saga
The Avengers: The MCU Infinity Saga
Phase Two:[]
Iron Man 3: The MCU Infinity Saga
Thor The Dark World: The MCU Infinity Saga
Captain America The Winter Soldier: The MCU Infinity Saga
Guardians of the Galaxy: The MCU Infinity Saga
Avengers Age of Ultron: The MCU Infinity Saga
Ant-Man: The MCU Infinity Saga
Phase Three:[]
Captain America Civil War: The MCU Infinity Saga
Doctor Strange: The MCU Infinity Saga
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: The MCU Infinity Saga
Spider-Man Homecoming: The MCU Infinity Saga
Thor Ragnarok: The MCU Infinity Saga
Black Panther: The MCU Infinity Saga
Avengers Infinity War: The MCU Infinity Saga
Ant-Man and the Wasp: The MCU Infinity Saga
Captain Marvel: The MCU Infinity Saga
Avengers Endgame: The MCU Infinity Saga
Spider-Man Far From Home: The MCU Infinity Saga
Focussing around the main stories of the MCU movies, your gameplay mechanics change every time you play a different game. With A or Square being your jump, B or Circle being your punching move, X on both controllers allows you to switch characters when possible, and Y or Triangle being your Primary attack. The trigger buttons allow you to blast, throw your shield, or any object allowed.