Coneco Love: The Game is a visual novel and dating game based on the Azumanga Daioh spin-off "Coneco Love" developed by Azumanga Games Entertainment, and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment for the Bandai Blast, and Nitro Blast.
It uses the same engine as Azumanga Daioh: The Game, with many changes to fit with the theme of the spin-off. And adds some elements from the Sakura Trick game.
In the game, you play as an unknown female student you can create and name. Where she gets introduced in an all girls high school, and attends Alisa's clubroom. The goal is to have relationships and romance with the main characters, choosing different routes and characters to get different endings.
The game also adds a new mode called "Character's Story Mode", where you can play as one of the six main characters; Sakaki, Kaorin, Chiyo Chan; Osaka, Yomi, or Chihiro. It's the same as the main Story Mode, with changes done on the centerpiece of each character.
- Unlike Azumanga Daioh: The Game, the P.E., and school events mini-games are dropped, in favor of the dating gameplay elements. It's the only Azumanga Daioh visual novel game to not include mini-games.
- The P.E., and school events are instead shown as little cutscenes.
- A newly composed instrumental version of Kaorin's song "Kaze no Mon-Ami", is used in the title screen.
- The ending credits uses the full version of "Rio's Air Bus" from the C MUSIC Professional Library: Twinkle Fusion.