Azumanga Preschool Games: Book Club is an educational game developed by Azumanga Games Entertainment and The Learning Company, and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, for the Bandai CD, Mega3DRX, SuperPlayer, Blast.
It's a reskin of the Edmark PC game "Bailey's Book House". Some characters from the activity games are redesigned to fit in with the Azumanga Games Entertainment style.
Choose through seven of Lisa's fun filled reading activities that teach kids about reading and others.
- Make-A-Story: It's designed to teach reading with every character. Four characters are featured in the stories; Chiyo Chan, Miruchi, Yuka, and Mikan.
- Edmo & Houdini: It's designed to teach the prepositions with a clown and a dog with the doghouse.
- Read-A-Rhyme: It's designed to teach reading to one line (the first verse) of every nursery rhyme. The game features Oku (Kimura's Wife) from Azumanga Daioh.
- My Friend: It's designed to teach the colors and sizes of the body parts to read.
- Three-Letter Carnival: It's designed to teach phonics and spelling of three letters. The game features Chiyo Chan from Azumanga Daioh.
- Letter Machine: It's designed to teach the alphabet of 26 consecutive letters.
- Kid Cards: It's designed to teach vocabulary, reading, and spelling for kids at different events.