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I came back to this world with a simple want: revenge. When you've been lost in the woods as long as I have, you must stop walking in circles. The only way out is to choose a path and walk boldly in it.
— Aurora

Into the Woods is the seventeenth episode of the fourth season of Legacies and the sixty-fifth episode of the series overall.


BACK WHERE YOU BELONG – Landon finds his groove in limbo, he is faced with yet another surprise. Hope does some deep soul searching as Ethan continues to struggle and Lizzie steps in to help. MG finally divulges a long-kept secret. Meanwhile, Alaric debates putting into action a precarious plan.[2]


Hope embraces Landon, though he doesn't understand how she's here in Limbo. She explains that she got into a fight, though that surprises Landon as he didn't think anything could hurt her bad enough to send her to Limbo. She reassures him that she's not dead and will heal, but she fought a god. This is new information to Landon as he's missed a lot since being in Limbo. Before they can continue their conversation, the Ferryman climbs back on to the dock after having ferried Seylah to Peace. Landon explains that he controls Limbo, including who does and doesn't belong here and for how long. Since she is immortal, he doesn't think he'll allow her to remain. Hope is already familiar with him, having met when she transitioned into the tribrid. However, then he didn't mind her sticking around; now is a different situation. Wielding his scythe, he motions towards Hope.

MG checks in on Ethan, finding him getting ready to train. Considering what happened the previous night, MG doesn't want him using his powers until they figure out what's happening. Ethan finds him to be over reacting, but when he turns to walk away, he phases through his sneakers. Ethan doesn't let this deter him. The last time he was benched for an injury, he lost his future, not to mention his friends. MG reminds him that it was football and these stakes are much higher. He needs Ethan at 100%.

Lizzie appears at the door, asking about their plan, noting that vampire hearing is awesome. MG dismisses her, saying that he's got things covered and that they both should be resting, like Hope. Vampire healing is just as awesome and she's back in the game. Changing to a more serious tone, she apologizes for all of the stupid things she did, including going after a god without him. She assumes he's pretty mad at her, but MG denies it. Lizzie doesn't believe him, but it doesn't matter because her dad told her that the best way to make amends is to listen to what people need. That's why she's here, because they need help fixing Ethan's powers. Ethan uncontrollably phases again and his shirt falls off. MG appreciates the offer, but he's going to hit the books alone. Lizzie tells him not to bother because all those books will tell him he needs magic, something she'll be able to help him with. Ethan pipes up, asking if she can really fix him. Lizzie believes she can truly help and looks for MG's approval.

Alaric visits Ben in the werewolf transition space, the former thanking the latter. Alaric tells him not to thank him yet because he's betrayed them and raised a god he claimed to hate. Ben truthfully tells him that he does hate his father and that he was a fool to think that he could save the school from his wrath or free Jed of his curse. Alaric questions why he did it, though all Ben can say is, he thinks, for love. That is something that Alaric can understand and asks why he wanted to see him. Ben wants to find a way to atone for his mistakes, if that's even possible. Given his recent conversations with his own daughter, he'd be a hypocrite if he didn't believe that. With this, Ben offers to help kill his father. Alaric assumed that he couldn't die, much like Ben himself. That's not exactly true as only a god can kill another god. This revelation sounds awfully convenient and, perhaps, a lie just to get out of the cell. Ben pleads with him. When he first came to the school, he had to find a way to trust them and now they must do the same. The reason is desperation. Ben tells him that if he has a better plan, then to pursue it, but his father is as predictable as he is cruel. He believes he will be back to get what he suspects he wants.

Aurora is chained in a shipping container, shaking as it's being transported to an unknown destination. When the doors open, she's enveloped in a bright white light and Ken appears before her. Aurora proceeds to laugh at what he's wearing. He looks ridiculous and mocks that he's the so-called king of the gods. He tells her that she may call him Ken and she comments that's even sillier. She goes to introduce herself, though he's already familiar with her as Ben has told him quite a lot including one thing they share in comment. Aurora quips about it being a flair for the dramatic, but it is in fact the desire to kill the tribrid. She understands his request but hesitates all the same. He's not the first charismatic, power-hungry madman that she's encountered in her life. Instead of manipulation and torture, he hopes they can share a meal and talk and releases her from the shackles. She doubts he has anything that would satisfy her, but he surprises her and tosses a man into the shipping container. Aurora happily obliges and begins to feed on him.

The Ferryman raises his scythe, though Hope refuses to dive into the river to leave Limbo. Landon corrects her, believing that the Ferryman intends to stab her. Regardless, Hope threatens to break every one of his bones and makes her way towards him. Landon gets between them, explaining there's no beating the Ferryman. Hope mistakes this for him being on the Ferryman's side, but he isn't. He explains that using her fists is what got her into this situation and, knowing her, assumes that she fought the god all on her own. She corrects him, citing that Lizzie helped. Landon continues. People come to Limbo to learn a lesson, not to repeat the same mistakes. She questions if what she's planning is a mistake then it won't work and confronts the Ferryman. Landon doesn't stop her as it depends on whatever she's planning. The Ferryman raises the scythe intending to strike Hop; however, she grabs the scythe, taking it from him. Spinning around, she strikes the Ferryman with his own scythe and he vanishes into smoke. Hope intends to change the rules of Limbo and asks if he's with her. Asking what she had in mind, she tells him that she wants to find a way to bring him back with her so that she won't have to fight alone.

As they make their way back to the school, Landon tells her that he doesn't know where the scythe sent him. Afterall, the Ferryman is death and they probably don't have long before he comes back. Hope makes her way to her buried weapons stash since Limbo mirrors their world. If the Ferryman uses the scythe to send their souls to where he wants them, then she would prefer him not to get it back and she'd prefer something she's a bit more familiar with. Landon questions why she stole the weapons in the first place. Hope reluctantly tells him about what happened when she had to kill him and her humanity shut off. However, Alaric had already filled him in when she put him into a coma. She thought he would have been mad, after everything he had to give up. Landon, however, is always on her side and he'd do it all again. She assumes that he was involved in bring Dr. Saltzman back to life, but it was more of a team effort.

Aurora, now refreshed, emerges from the container to a field of flowers. Ken had made the flowers bloom hoping she'd like them. She's surprised about his powers, assuming the legends to be true. Despite this she still questions his wardrobe and tosses him the other man's clothing. Ken is hesitant to change as they're impractical for battle. Aurora reminds him this is the modern world and Ken does as she'd asked. He sheds his armor and dresses in the new clothes as Aurora questions why he wants to kill the tribrid. He is the most powerful being in existence, yet when he was awoken, he heard of a girl claiming the same title. He intends to crush her and prove otherwise. Such is the way of gods. He bested her and yet she refused to die. Aurora admires him in his new attire. Ken confides in her that he's unaccustomed to asking for help and she cannot imagine what he's gone through, being imprisoned by his own family for centuries. The loneliness of that, the torture and the utter lack of love, which is the very thing that fuels a god. He's only returned to the world, a world he does not understand, but must rule and he desperately needs a guide and possibly someone to rule with him at his side. Though a bit forward, Aurora understands and can empathize with him. He takes it as her willingness to help and asks her to name her price.

Lizzie equips the pukwudgie with an enchanted collar. MG is confused at what this will accomplish with their Ethan problem. The way Lizzie sees it, the pukwudgie has the same powers as Ethan so they can gather data on his powers using the device. She explains that everytime the pukwudgie phases, the collar will track the distance and frequency of its jumps so that way they can learn how far and how often he uses his powers before he runs out of juice, like Ethan. MG ponders how they'll get him to phase and Lizzie's thought of that too. She hands him a tennis ball and asks him to chuck it as far as he can. The farther he can throw it the farther the pukwudgie will have to phase to go get it. MG does as he's asked and the pukwudgie phases to go get it. Lizzie walks in the direction of the thrown ball but stopped by MG, wondering if the pukwudgie will just fetch it. Lizzie reminds him that it's not a trained dog. On the bright side of things this will give them the time to talk about why he's mad at her. MG denies this, but follows her into the woods anyways.

Landon brings Hope to the warehouse, knife in hand. Landon tells her to put it away as he and the Necromancer have a rapport. Hope finds being a peace facilitator odd since he's the Necromancer again, though he points out that wasn't by his choice. As they make their way through the warehouse, they find a bloody pentagram. The Necromancer makes his entrance, surprised to find Hope Mikaelson in Limbo. Landon begins to explain what's going on, but it doesn't matter to the Necromancer, though he's glad she's here and grabs her and embraces her in a hug. He finds the situation poetic. Two lovebirds reunited in death. Landon expresses that they would like to remain united and why they need him. However, the Necromancer wants to tear them apart by his hand. He pushes Landon into the pentagram and he's surrounded by the Necromancer's dark magic and he vanishes.

The Necromancer rejoices in his apparent victory. Hope takes the knife and plunges it into the Necromancer's forehead. He takes the knife and pulls it out, though Hope takes it, twists his arm and places the knife to his neck. She's only getting started and demands to know where he sent Landon. He explains that he's sent him back to the real world, or what he imagines what's left of it. Hope is confused as to why he would do that but the Necromancer tells her that he's found his groove in Limbo. He met Landon's mother and immediately fell in love with her. Unbeknownst to him, she's only just gone to Peace and Landon helped her to cross over. Inadvertently, he's helped Landon which is why they were there in the first place. The Necromancer denies this. His plan was perfect. Remove Landon and he couldn't stand in his way. Then she turned up in Limbo, meaning she was dead and he'd be stuck there. Hope questions that he should be able to sense whether or no she's dead. The Necromancer takes a moment and realizes all too late that Hope is still very much alive and has been blinded by love. Hope is also feeling something. It's gratitude because she no longer needs his help.

Meanwhile, at the Salvatore School, Alaric speaks with Professor Vardemus over the phone. He thanks him for his expertise. Before he ends the conversation, he asks about Ben's plan and what it would mean for him. He believes that his father will return to the school and take another shot at Hope and if he does, they need to be ready since Hope's still recovering. Outside his office window, Landon, alive, peers into the window. Before Landon can react, the Ferryman appears behind him and drags him back to Limbo.

With his questions answered, he returns to talk with Ben. He fears he must be losing his mind because he thinks Ben was telling the truth. Professor Vardemus thinks that siphoning the magic from him and weaponizing it against his father could work. Ben questions the hesitation, asking for him to be released. Professor Vardemus also thinks that in doing so, it would kill him because it's the same magic that allows him to die and resurrect. If they were to siphon it there's a very good chance that all of his organs would fail. What Alaric waits for now is for him to convince him that he didn't already know that.

Aurora continues to elaborate on her past. The Mikaelson family abused her, warping her thinking. Now she wonders if her brother Tristan had done the same. In many ways, like Ken, she has lost everything, but unlike him, she doesn't know if revenge can restore it. Ken still hears the rage in her voice. He believes that smiting her enemies will bring her mind to peace and justice for her brother, even if it does not bring him back. Aurora questions if he can bring him back. She pledges to help him kill the tribrid in exchange for her brother. That is her ask, a small task for a powerful god. Ken, however, tells her that he cannot do that for her. With her ask denied, she doesn't know the point of this journey, but knows that she won't help him. She explains that many of the partnerships in her life have only given her hope for it to be taken from her. If she is meant to learn some lesson it is this: she is doomed to be alone. Upset, she vamps off.

As Lizzie goes over her list of possible things that MG could be mad at her for, he continues to deny that he's mad. However they come to a public clearing, realizing that MG had thrown the ball too far. With their time running short, Lizzie cuts to the point. She wonders if he's mad because she tried to kill Hope. He points out that she didn't and understands because she was grieving. Lizzie assumes then it was because Hope actually killed her and she lied to him about it, though again, that's not it and she was sire bonded to Hope. Getting nowhere with her questioning, she knows him well enough that he's mad at something. MG quips back to her, that if she really knew him so well to make a long list, and wonders how she can't not know what's bothering him. In some respect, Lizzie was right, but MG explains it's not what she's thinking. However, before they can continue their conversation the pukwudgie appears in front of several people, causing them to scream. Lizzie tries to tell them that it's their show dog, and asks whether or not he wants to compel everyone. The pukwudgie phases from one couple to the next before stopping in front of Lizzie and MG. It drops the ball and collapses on its side. Lizzie assumes it's playing dead, but MG points out that he's not playing.

Hope returns to the dock, finding that the Ferryman has also returned. She's also brought his scythe back as a peace offering and even apologizes to him, noting that she can be intense when it comes to saving Landon. However that won't be a problem now and she's ready to return. The Ferryman turns and faces her with Landon in his grip. She doesn't understand why he's back in Limbo. The Ferryman reaches out towards Hope and she offers that if he wants his scythe back he's going to have to release Landon. Landon, however, points out that he doesn't believe he needs it. Hope also points out that he thought the Necromancer would send him back home, though Landon confirms he did just that. As they argue, Landon forces the Ferryman's grip to release him. He tells her that he doesn't know why the Ferryman has brought him back to Limbo because it didn't work that way with Dr. Saltzman. However, he was at the school and he knows what's going on. He's also figured out the lesson they're supposed to learn. Hope refuses to listen if that lesson is anything but them leaving Limbo together. If he's decided to give up, she wants him to stay out of her way until she can figure out how to bring them both back. Hope breaks the scythe and tosses it into the lake and vamps away leaving him and the Ferryman on the dock. The Ferryman snarls at Landon. In kind, he tells the Ferryman to let him talk to her.

As Aurora walks through the woods, a crack of thunder rings out in the sky. Curious to her, there's not a single cloud in the sky. Mere feet from her, the ground is stuck with lightning and she's thrown backwards to the ground. Ken offers her a hand to pick her up, but she chooses to resist him. She wonders if he's come here to threaten her, and if he has, it's taken him longer than she thought it would. Aurora has misunderstood him, which is his fault. He's come to apologize to her. He explains that when he said he could not return her brother, she assumed it was beyond his power. He corrects himself, telling her that he wouldn't return her brother. Angered, Aurora questions why he refuses her. Based on what she's told him about her brother, he doesn't deserve to live again. She calls him a hypocrite because she knows of his cruelty and your malice from his own children. Ken wonders if she truly believes them and she does. She's experienced Ben's memories–his pain and his suffering–for herself. As a vampire, she can see into a person's mind. Ken wants her to look into his mind so she can judge him for herself just as he's judged her brother through her stories. Aurora hesitates. This kind of judgment is frowned upon in the modern world and questions her place in it. He wants her to witness his truth and advances towards her, picking her up. Doing as he's asked, she places her forehead onto his and dives into his mind.

Landon finds Hope in the Salvatore School library going through several grimoires. She reminds him that she told him to stay away, but he wonders if she's going to ask about what he saw in the real world. If he's going to try and convince her otherwise, she doesn't want to hear it. He tells her that their friends are in need of her help. Hope doesn't want to hear it. The last time she helped, she died, became the tribrid, killed Malivore and became a monster herself. Just as fate deemed it. Landon believes that's the lesson she's come here to learn. He tells her that she has to go back without him. She doesn't accept that. He knows he's asking a lot, but when he was at the school he overhead Dr. Saltzman and Professor Vardemus' conversation. They believe that Ken is going to return to the school for her. For a god, she believes him to be dumb because she believes he can't kill her. Regardless, the school is preparing to fight him, again, for her. Hope comments that they'll lose and Landon believes this too, unless she's there to fight with them. Hope believes that even if she's there, some of their friends will die which means more death, grief, loss, that she'll have to carry with her for the rest of my life. Landon reiterates that she thought she was fated to die. Hope points out that she did, but Landon reminds her that she's still here, The Ferryman wouldn't be trying to send her back if she weren't. That is the fate she has to accept; to be the one that lives. Landon pulls out the blade of the scythe and asks her to help him one last time.

Alaric doesn't understand Ben. Just yesterday he sold them out for a crappy cause and today he's willing to die permanently. Ben admits that every one of his countless deaths has been for nothing. If this final one means the end of his father and that Jed could be safe, he's willing to do it. Alaric sees that Ben has it bad for Jed and tells him that martyrdom rarely works out the way people who sacrifice themselves expect it to. Ben believes that he's allowing his students to do just that, however, Alaric believes there to be a difference. In his experience, if something's worth fighting for, there's always a chance that you'll win. Ben thinks that is either optimistic or delusional. Alaric was, until recently, cynical and disillusioned and the old version of him would definitely take Ben up on his offer, but he's beginning to like the new him much better. Ben wonders what he intends on doing with him. Odd are it's still going to die, but if he wants to get back at his father and atone, he employs him to use his powers to fight with them and opens the cage.

Hope wonders if this is Landon's fate; convincing people to move on. He muses that it's to Peace and not the real world. Hope points out that means he's always going to be the one left behind. Landon claims it as a moral victory, at least. They always thought their fates were so similar. She has always been told what she was destined to be in her entire life and he's always had to wonder. He wishes the answer was being with her, but if it can't be, then at least he knows where he belongs. He'll also know she won't be alone where she is. He's good with that. Hope gives him one condition; it's his turn to stab her. Landon doesn't think he can, but like when they stepped into the Malivore pit, they'll do it together. They embrace in a final kiss as they push the Ferryman's scythe into Hope and she vanishes.

The Necromancer faces the Ferryman at the dock. He compares himself to the Ferryman, believing himself to be a brutish and unreasonable tyrant. However, compared to the Ferryman, he's a prince. Landon comes back to the dock. All of Limbo can hear the Necromancer shouting. He's surprised to see Landon and considers it a consolation for whisking Seylah off to Peace. Misery loves company, but Landon also has a bone to pick with the Ferryman. He tells the Ferryman that he's done what he's asked. Hope's home. Now he wants to know why he can't be there with her and why he broke his own rules. The Ferryman pulls out Zied's contract from his cloak and the Necromancer snatches from him. The contract has been altered and has sent Zied to Peace. The Ferryman now holds the rights to their souls in perpetuity. The Necromancer tells Landon to read the fine print. The Ferryman only has claim to Landon's soul. The Necromancer laughs as Landon balls the contract up and throws it to the Ferryman's feet.

MG returns with grave news for Lizzie as she conducts her tests. When he went to bury the pukwudgie, it dematerialized and disappeared in his hands. At least now he doesn't have to hide the body from Pedro. While they wait to find out how similar Ethan's body chemistry is to the pukwudgie, she wants to talk. She wants to know what he was going to say to her earlier. MG doesn't think now is the right time, but Lizzie points out there's never a right time around here. MG tells her that it's the opposite of nothing. She's everything to him and he's been waiting for years to tell her, but there's always been something in the way. All those things are gone now except for Ethan. What hurt him the most was when her back was against the wall, when she really needed someone, she went to him.Lizzie believes that's why he's mad, but that's not really it either. He doesn't blame Ethan, but it hurt all the same because he had hoped it would have been him. It has and always will be her for him. He doesn't even remember anything on that list, any of the bad things she's said or done, because he loves her. Before Lizzie can express her feelings, her tests fizzle out. Her theory was correct. The pukwudgie's powers are finite. Its life span only lasts as long as its powers do, and the more it phases, the quicker it dies. MG doesn't want to get ahead of themselves, but Lizzie confirms that this was Ethan's blood that she's tested.

Aurora spends the remainder of the day experiencing Ken's memories until she's seen enough. She asks him to put her down and he does. His children lied to her and to him. They've painted him as a coward and a tyrant but she's now seen he's nothing of the sort. Ken tells her that he was a father, determined to protect his family from Malivore, at least, the ones he hadn't already consumed. He was so intent on destroying him that he was blind to the true enemy in his midst; his daughter. Jen tricked him and the rest of his children and because of it, he was imprisoned. Powerless to stop Malivore from ruining the world he had conquered. To keep those he loved safe. Now she understands why he will not make that mistake again. Aurora won't make the same mistake either. She now sees Tristan's actions for what they were. He asks if that means she will help him restore order to this world. She doesn't answer him. Instead, she wonders if her mind is sick, or has it just been another lie she's been told. She wants Ken to render his judgment. Their stories are so similar and to judge her would be to judge himself and he cannot do that. In this moment, that falls to her. Aurora takes a moment and comes to her decision. She will help him kill the tribrid and anyone who thinks they are wrong have the power to stop them. Ken will confront Hope in a trial by combat, the way of royalty and the gods. They seal their union in a kiss.

Alaric and Ben use the manticulum to test more battle scenarios with a chess board. Their latest move, though bold, ends in Lizzie's death. Hope wakes and points out they're not using their queen, which is a big mistake. She's the most dangerous piece. Alaric notes that she wasn't on the board, but it's good that she's awake now. He tells her that Ben's on their side now, though he leaves at Alaric's behest. Hope assumes things are going just as good as the last time, and while Ben does slightly enhance their chances, it's still not great. She tells him that Landon says hi, learning she was in Limbo. It's a long story but the moral of which is that there are some battles they can't win alone. Alaric places the queen back on the board, glad to have her back. The next move is hers.



Special Guest Star[]

Guest Starring[]



Body Count[]



Behind the Scenes[]

  • This episode's title was a line used by MG.

Cultural References[]



Last.fm_play.png "Hold You" – Amos Lee
Last.fm_play.png "Ghost Town" – Benson Boone




See also[]
