Valkyrie Anatomia Wikia
Valkyrie Anatomia Wikia

This information was added based on the Global version of the game. It requires verification for the Japanese version, which is a sitewide work in progress.

6★ V Blade Replica

V Blade Replica

Greatsword Icon Greatsword V Blade Replica
style="vertical-align:middle;" Holy Stat release: Level 50
HP: 2072 ATK: 2072 MATK: 886 DEF: 886 MDEF: 257 PhysicalGuard 10%
Askill AR: Replica AR:レプリカ Holy x2/3[1]
A replica forged after the like of Avni Rumiel. Deals Severe Physical damage to all enemies.
Pskill Greatsword Primer I 大剣術入門Ⅰ
Increase Attack by 100.
Fskill Free Skill  Slot/s: 1
Login Present during A Valkyrie Astray
This weapon can't be evolved.

*All stats are for max limit broken and max leveled weapon (without any tempering).

  1. ↑ Increases AS count at Lv. 5. Level with Shoddy V Blade.