Special Powers are powerful abilities that the three protagonists of Valkyria Chronicles 3 and, later, some of unlockable characters possess. These abilities use SP (presumably "Special Points") which cannot be replenished during battles and are set to a specific amount for each individual battle. Special Powers also make an appearance in Valkyria Chronicles Duel.
Direct Command[]
Kurt Irving can order other comrades to follow him along during his turn in Action Mode. In order to select your chosen unit (after activating direct command), turn the camera view in Action Mode until a yellow arrow appears over the unit one wants to lead. The option to join with the other unit will then appear.
This power allows the player to reposition two other units along with Kurt with 1 CP; in addition, Kurt's mobility is replenished and set to 450 AP for the duration of the turn, unless Kurt is a Scout Veteran (550 AP) or Scout Elite (650 AP). It doesn't reset Kurt's AP decay, leaving his AP back where it was before the SP began, contrasting with its incarnation in VC4. It also allows for Kurt to Co-Op Attack with whoever he brings along, including Lancers and Snipers.
There are two additional conditions not listed in-game: It doesn't allow Kurt to activate any of his potentials, which can sometimes be both a good thing (preventing Kurt from activating his defense-reducing Stuborness potential) or a bad thing (stopping his beneficial potentials like Nameless Hero or Charismatic.) Secondly, it also temporarily allows Kurt to see enemies in the dark, as if it was daytime.
Riela Marcellis, Alicia Melchiott, Aliasse, Selvaria Bles, Valkyria Riela and Juliana Everhart can turn into Valkyrur, allowing the player to rampage across the battlefield with tremendous power like the average Valkyria is apt to do. Gameplay-wise, a Valkyria-transformed character has the same AP as its current class, is invincible to all damage whether that be intercepting fire, mines or a counter attack, and can one-hit-kill most enemies. However, enemies are still capable of evading their attacks, and potentials can not be activated in Valkyria Form. (Credit to LouffeVC of the Valkyria Discord) Attacks don't do any splash damage. It should also be noted that using the Valkyria power will heal the unit completely and restock their ammunition. Juliana's Valkyria form only appears in Valkyria Chronicles Duel.
Damage dealt by the Valkyria Lance during use varies greatly depending on what weapon the user had to begin with. For example, a Scout based Valkyria might not even be able to kill a standing Shocktrooper with around 400 HP in 1 shot) while a Lancer and Gunner based Valkyria can wipe pretty much anything in one shot, including heavy tanks. Exactly how damage is calculated is unclear.
Riela Marcellis[]
Selvaria Bles[]
Alicia Melchiott[]
Valkyria Riela[]
Juliana Everhart[]
Weapons Unleashed[]
Imca upgrades her special lance Var to lock on to multiple enemy targets, causing numerous explosions and a huge amount of damage, which, like Var, is dependent on the stats of her equipped weapon. To do this, the player must fit as many enemies as they can into the screen at once. Imca will then proceed to drop a mortar round on all enemies on screen at once; to help this, Imca is able to see all enemies, even during the "night" condition (credit to LouffeVC for discovering this), allowing her to detect and fire on more enemies while also giving her a niche as a nighttime scout.
Naturally, enemies off screen (i.e. outside of Imca's view) will not be attacked. However, just because you can see an enemy and it has a target on it does not mean it will get hit as environmental objects will stop the mortar from hitting. Also be careful when using this power on enemies close to Imca, since she can be hit by her own projectiles (they do splash damage), which will not only damage her but also abort any projectiles still in the air at that point.