Unity is an ongoing series published by Valiant Entertainment beginning in 2013. The series is a team book featuring several of Valiant's most popular characters from other franchises, including Eternal Warrior, Ninjak, Harbinger, and X-O Manowar. The original creative team included Matt Kindt as writer and Doug Braithwaite as illustrator. The series concluded in 2015 after 26 issues.
Regular Issues[]
- Unity (Volume 2) #1
- Unity (Volume 2) #2
- Unity (Volume 2) #3
- Unity (Volume 2) #4
- Unity (Volume 2) #5
- Unity (Volume 2) #6
- Unity (Volume 2) #7
- Unity (Volume 2) #8
- Unity (Volume 2) #9
- Unity (Volume 2) #10
- Unity (Volume 2) #11
- Unity (Volume 2) #0
- Unity (Volume 2) #12
- Unity (Volume 2) #13
- Unity (Volume 2) #14
- Unity (Volume 2) #15
- Unity (Volume 2) #16
- Unity (Volume 2) #17
- Unity (Volume 2) #18
- Unity (Volume 2) #19
- Unity (Volume 2) #20
- Unity (Volume 2) #21
- Unity (Volume 2) #22
- Unity (Volume 2) #23
- Unity (Volume 2) #24
- Unity (Volume 2) #25
- Valiant 8-Bit Adventure: Unity! (digital only)
Trade Paperbacks[]
- Unity: To Kill A King (#1-4)
- Unity: Trapped by Webnet (#5-7 and X-O Manowar (Volume 3) #5)
- Unity: Armor Hunters (#8-11)
- Unity: The United (#12-14, #0, and Harbinger: Faith #0)
- Unity: Homefront (#15-18)
- Unity: The War-Monger (#19-22)
- Unity: Revenge of the Armor Hunters (#23-25)
- Unity Deluxe Edition Book 1 (#0-14 and Harbinger: Faith #0)
Cover Art Gallery[]
Regular Issues[]
Trade Paperbacks[]
- Unity
- Unity (Valiant Comics)
- Unity 2000 (Acclaim Comics)
- Unity (Volume 2) (Valiant Entertainment)
This section is for footnotes and citations.
External links[]
There are currently no external links listed for this article.