Faith and the Future Force is a four-issue mini-series published by Valiant Entertainment featuring Faith and time-traveler Neela Sethi trying to save the Valiant Universe. The series is written by Jody Houser with illustrations by Stephen Segovia and Barry Kitson.
The series is a follow-up to Jody Houser's critically acclaimed Faith series and Fred Van Lente's Ivar, Timewalker. The "Future Force" add-on is based on the Rai series from the 1992 that was called Rai and the Future Force from issues #9-23.
- Faith and the Future Force #1
- Faith and the Future Force #2
- Faith and the Future Force #3
- Faith and the Future Force #4
Trade Paperback[]
Cover Art Gallery[]
Regular Issues[]
Trade Paperback[]
Promotional Art Gallery[]
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External links[]
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