Cronus, real name Christian, is a young Psiot and a member of Generation Zero. His powers allow him to speed up the body's self-repairing process, making him an effective healer. This power can also be reversed and he can cause people to have instantaneous organ failure. He was raised as a child soldier by Project Rising Spirit until Generation Zero was freed from captivity by Bloodshot.
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Powers and Abilities[]
- Psionic Surgery: Chronosus psiot power is an extension of focused psionic manipulation. Directed primarily at the mending or breaking of physical living or inorganic matter, enabling him to direct his mental energy as concussive force with differing effects.
- Energy Healer/Biokinesis: Cronus has the power to alter the body's self repair process or disrupt the process in which the body works. Meaning he can either mend physical form or revers his ability inflicting devastating effect on organic material.
This character has no special equipment listed.
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This is Generation Zero. - You are wanted by us for crimes against the future.
- -- Cronus[src]
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