UnOrdinary Wikia

I'm his backup.

- "Ponytail" introduces himself as Blyke's ally.

This is the 198th chapter of unORDINARY.


Blyke is left stunned at the display of power demonstrated by the ponytailed masquerader, who asks if he's okay. After confirming that he is, Blyke wonders whether he's in the presence of a real vigilante. This second interruption causes Lennon to start losing it again, and he starts demanding to know who just got in his way. The vigilante merely answers that he's the masked youth's backup. Lennon starts to mentally break down altogether, raving about how all of the plans he had for tonight were ruined. Angry at the interference, he swears to kill the two vigilantes before conjuring more disks. While Blyke just stands there in shock that five disks wasn't Lennon's limit after all, the older vigilante springs into action with his energy blade. He barely manages to dodge another shot from Raddix, who Blyke notes has moved positions. As Lennon boasts of his assured victory, the older vigilante asks if Blyke can follow that shot to its source. As soon as he gets confirmation that Blyke can cover him, the vigilante prepares to give Lennon his undivided attention. Lennon tries to hit Blyke as he's giving chase, but the older vigilante manages to cover Blyke's getaway.

Blyke eventually reaches the building Raddix used as his vantage point. Using his ability, Blyke gracefully scales the building and lands on the rooftop. At that very moment, Raddix fires another shot which manages to graze Blyke's face. Raddix starts escaping while Blyke is paralyzed with fear. He regrets coming up with such a deadly training regimen in the first place. But as bad as he wishes he was back in his dorm sleeping like a student should, he cannot bring himself to abandon the vigilante who saved his life. For the sake of his savior, Blyke would finish this one last job before quitting the vigilante life. Swallowing his fears, Blyke starts chasing after Raddix.

Meanwhile, it seems that Lennon maintains the upper hand against his latest opponent. He boasts that his defenses are too much for the vigilante to even scratch. Seeing that a single blade of energy didn't seem to cut it, the vigilante summons a second one. The attack from twin energy swords leave deep cuts in Lennon's disks. The angry Lennon launches more attack disks, only for the dual-wielding vigilante to shatter one and vault off another for an attack from above. Losing another of his disks in the follow up attack, Lennon is down to two, including the one he's using to hover. He uses his only free disk for a last-ditch diversionary attack. As the vigilante is forced to dodge, Lennon rises on his hover-disk to a great height he believes is out of reach. His confidence is short-lived, for the vigilante summons four shorter energy blades and uses them as throwing knives against Lennon. These blades further crack the defensive disk upon impact, making it clear to Lennon that the fight's turned against him. He chooses to cut his losses and sets off to find Raddix and escape. The vigilante watches from below.

Raddix is still on the run, confident that he gave Blyke the slip. Not wanting to take his chances against Blyke's proven strength, Raddix chooses to put even more distance between them. But he collapses after two red beams hit his legs. Having finally caught up with him, Blyke demands that Raddix powers down and surrenders peacefully. Raddix refuses, and manages to uses his ability to take another shot Blyke instead. Blyke dodges the projectile, shoots Raddix in the shoulder, and delivers a flying kick that knocks him out. As Raddix falls to the ground, two vials fall out of his pockets. Blyke picks them up and inspects them, wondering what they're for. His pondering is interrupted by Lennon, who seemingly eluded Ponytail. Swiftly shoving the vials into the pouch on his hoodie, Blyke assumes Lennon finished off his rescuer and gears himself up for another intense battle. The fact that Lennon has only two disks left makes Blyke confident enough to try to breaking through the defenses again. His attempt doesn't take. Fortunately, Ponytail suddenly leaps up from behind Lennon and delivers a finishing blow to the criminal. After making sure that Blyke was alright, Ponytail frisks the unconscious Lennon. Blyke sees that Lennon had more vials on him, and shoves his hand into his hoodie pouch before asking Ponytail what they were. He answers that they're ability amplifiers.

Appearing Characters[]

Appearing Abilities


