Characters |
Due to the scarcity of information available for Ultraman The Animation, this page can be used as a way of listing characters, both legacy characters as they're portrayed in this series as well as Ultras and aliens created for the series.
Due to a lack of access to behind the scenes information regarding character and species names (and the English/Phasa Thai language barrier), most characters original to the series will be identified by descriptive nicknames until such information becomes available.
Ultra Brothers[]
Ultraman Taro[]
- During class he sits in the second row, aisle seat.
- During class he sits in the second row, closest to the door, behind Ultraseven.
Ultraman Jack[]
- During class he sits in the second row, closest to the window, next to Taro.
- During class he sits in the front row, closest to the door.
- In the opening sequence his name is spelled in camel case: UltraSeven.
Ultraman Ace[]
- During class he sits in the second row, next to Ultraman and across from Taro.
The classmate who gets the most attention outside the Ultra Brothers, frequently interacting with them. She is shown to be very considerate of her classmates' feeling such as when gave words of encouragement to Taro when he was having difficulty mastering his Ultra Beam. Later in the series she develops the ability to generate semipermeable force fields.
- During class she sits in the front row, closest to the window.
- She might be Ace's love interest
Pink Furry Monster Classmate[]
One of two non Ultra classmates in the series. Frequently seen with the Blue Aquatic Monster Classmate. He is capable to generating electricity with the two whiplike tendrils on his head.
- During class he sits in the front row aisle seat, next to Ultraseven.
Blue Aquatic Monster Classmate[]
The second of two non Ultra classmates in the series. Ostensibly female, she resembles a blue Ragon. She can fire sonic attacks from her mouth.
- During class she sits in the front row aisle seat, next to Lena and across from the Pink Furry Monster Classmate.
Fat Red Ultraman Classmate[]
A rotund red Ultraman with red ears and stripes along his head. Frequently seen with the Skinny Blue Ultraman Classmate, the two will often tease the Ultra Brothers when they have difficulty mastering a particular skill.
- During class he sits in the back row, closest to the Window, next to the Skinny Blue Ultraman Classmate and behind the Blue Hair Ultrawoman Classmate.
Skinny Blue Ultraman Classmate[]
Mother of Ultra Lookalike Classmate[]
A classmate who has pigtails similar to those of Mother of Ultra, only slightly curved outwards.
- During class she sits in the forth row in front of the Skinny Blue Ultraman Classmate.
Red Eyed Ultrawoman Classmate[]
A red Ultrawoman with red eyes and a helmet resembling red hair.
- During class she sits in the third row aisle seat, behind Taro.
Orange Eyed Ultrawoman Classmate[]
A red Ultrawoman with orange eyes and a helmet resembling red hair.
Blue Hair Classmate Ultrawoman[]
A blue Ultrawoman with light blue eyes and a helmet resembling blue hair. Often seen with the Crested Red Hair Ultrawoman Classmate
- During class she sits in the fourth row closest to the window, next to the Mother of Ultra Lookalike Classmate.
Blue Striped Ultraman Classmate[]
Red Striped Ultraman Classmate[]
Principal Ultraman[]
The Head of the school, notable for his large mustache, protector and belt. While the Ultra Brothers and their classmates are busy training he is leading the faculty in an investigation of a pending invasion of the Land of Light.
Teacher Ultrawoman[]
A red Ultrawoman with an eye slugger or eye slugger-like structure on the back of her head in the shape of a ponytail, yellow, earring-like structures on her ears and a yellow highlight along the ridge of her brow.
Teacher Ultraman[]
A red Ultraman with yellow conical ears which look similar to horns.
Coach Ultraman[]
Other Ultras[]
Father of Ultra[]
Mother of Ultra[]
Alien Invasion Empire[]
Alien Invasion Leader[]
Red King[]
Stingray Alien[]
The most recurring agent of the Alien Invasion Empire. Often operating in secret to try and eliminate the Ultra Brothers before they can become heroes.
Monster Gang[]
Alien Baltan[]
Other Kaiju[]
A monster used by the Stingray Alien to attack the Ultra Brothers in the Monster Dimension.