Nonbirigon is a Kaiju created by Mad Go-Ne that appeared in Jumborg Ace.
Subtitle: Leisure Monster
Jumborg Ace[]
One day a meteor crashed to the ground in a city. It wiggled around and opened up, revealing the monster Nonbirigon. Instead of attacking the area, Nonbirigon took a nap much to everyone's confusion. Naoki and PAT showed up, unsure of what to do about the sleeping monster. PAT eventually used te anchors in their jets to clog Nonbirigon's nostrils in an attempt to move him, but this failed. He eventually woke up and out of his eyes came blue hypnotic waves that caused nearby adults to become very lethargic across the city over the course of minutes. Out of the sleeping monster's neck came out three Alien Gross who because to strangle people, causing them to pass out so they could be possessed. Naoki noticed the three placing bombs around an oil refinery. Before long two more Alien Gross joined in while Naoki proceeded to fight the first three. Both Naoki and PAT were overpowered and beaten as the Alien Gross squad returned inside of Nonbirigon who tried to use his hypnotic waves on the former. The rest of PAT committed an aerial attack which resulted in the sleeping monster being unphased. The local children tried supporting Nonbirigon with the adults incapacitated. More bombs were set across the city while Naoki got to his plane to summon Jumborg Ace. Mad Go-Ne ordered Nonbirigon to set off the bombs with his destructive rays just as the hero arrived. The giants attacked one another with neither having the upper hand. Jumborg Ace used the Hunting Flasher to blast of the sleeping monster's antennae and finished him off with the Sans Flasher.
- Stats
- Height: 43 m
- Weight: 51,000 t
- Origin: Space
- Powers and Weapons
- Sleep Waves: Nonbirigon can send out blue hypnotic waves from his eyes that can put adults to sleep.
- Destructive Rays: Nonbirigon can fire energy beams from his antenna-like horns. Once fired, they will merge into a even more powerful beam.