The Arc Galaxer , formed from the four Arc Feathers, is the main weapon of Ultraman Arc Galaxy Armor. Additionally, it allows Arc to perform various finishing moves based on the order in which he inserts his Armor Cubes into the device.
Ultraman Arc[]
After assimilating with the Onyx and gaining the Galaxy Armor, Ultraman Arc deploys the four Arc Feathers, which merge together to form the ultimate weapon, the Arc Galaxer.
- Galaxer Finalize Ultra Beam from the Arc Galaxer.
- Galaxer Over-the-Top [1]: After inserting only the Miracle Arc Cube into the Arc Galaxer, Arc unleashes an enhanced Ultra Beam from the Arc Galaxer. This variant of the Galaxer Finalize was powerful enough to kill Guilebaku with a single shot, the ensuing explosion miraculously reversing the damage caused in Hoshimoto City.
: After inserting the three Arc Cubes into the Arc Galaxer with the Galaxy Armor Cube inserted first, Arc unleashes a powerful - Demon Slicing Meteor Sword Zangill, where Arc slices through the incorporeal with supernatural power. : A technique learned from
- Galaxer Diffusion Arrow [2]: After inserting the three Arc Cubes into the Arc Galaxer with the Luna Armor Cube inserted first, the Arc Galaxer manifests a bowstring of pure energy, which Arc draws back on and releases to unleash a barrage of arrows of light capable of wiping out a massive swarm.
- Galaxer Screw Feather [2]: After inserting the three Arc Cubes into the Arc Galaxer with the Solis Armor Cube inserted first, the Arc Galaxer splits into the four Arc Feathers, covered in flames. They rapidly spin around each other to form a cutting disc thrown at the enemy before returning to Arc and reforming the Arc Galaxer.
- Galaxer Spiral [3]: After inserting the three Arc Cubes into the Arc Galaxer with the Blazar Cube inserted first, Arc creates a drill of energy in front of the Arc Galaxer, which he uses to attack an opponent.
- Galaxer Slicer : A basic slicing attack imbued with energy.
- Galaxer Shot : A series of energy slashes fired from the blade.