Sorry about the mess. Give me a few days and I promise that I will clean this up.

... There's already a page about Magic Circuit (majutsu kairo) and Prana (maryoku). Adding them here from the copy-paste from the Fuyuki Wiki is redundant, especially if it's for only two lines.
In the case of the Holy Grail War, we used a "See also" section, but there is also how the article itself already links to these articles. Well, a "see also" for the important things (such as these two cases) should be fine.
I already pointed out that copy-paste would cause redundancy between the articles and in the articles themselves... --Byakko 13:54, 11 August 2008 (UTC)
The whole point of adding those two sections was to place links to the main articles here, but now that you pointed out I have to admit that a "See Also" section would work better on that regard. -by Libra00, Aug 13, 2008


On the last change....

Wait, seriously? Shirou's origin have officially been made "Sword". Are you sure that is not some prank? --Libra00 17:58, November 6, 2010 (UTC)

Arai translated it from Complete Material 3 over on Beast's Lair. EGGS 18:03, November 6, 2010 (UTC)
Shirou's origin and element was changed to sword after he was inplanted with the legendary sheath Avalon by Kiritsugu in the aftermath of 4th heaven's Feel
Scorpion91 (talk) 19:33, October 17, 2014 (UTC)
I'm pretty sure the fire and giving up all those pieces of himself had something to do with it too. Dragonlover553 (talk) 06:29, July 3, 2016 (UTC)

Doesn't Work Away From Home?[]

I can remember reading on this wiki that certain types of magecraft don't work properly away from the land they were developed in. Was that ever there? Am I going insane? Dragonlover553 (talk) 06:21, July 3, 2016 (UTC)

Well, not specifically restricted to the "land they were developed in" but that is generally the case, as the foundation for that Magecraft would most likely be disseminated in the area it is from. Another similar situation would be that Heroic Spirits are much stronger in the lands where their myths are most highly propagated. On a smaller scale, families of magi can decline if they leave their place of origin as it would also mean separating from their foundation. The Makiri, in particular, cited this as the reason for their family's decline. However, as I mentioned, this is not always true. Although religious foundations are generally usable everywhere, a counter-example that immediately comes to my mind would be Buddhism, which was established in India but presently is spread widely over east Asian countries such as China and Japan rather than its place of origin, where it is largely nonexistent. As such it is stronger in areas away from its origin (apart from holy sites). --Junky (talk) 09:46, July 3, 2016 (UTC)

In Space?[]

Anyone have any idea of magecraft would be possible in outer space? In both the sense of being preformed there, and the sense that it continues working after being casted already if sent there. Dragonlover553 (talk) 06:31, July 3, 2016 (UTC)

Attributi = / = Tratti della stregoneria[]

Non sono sicuro di chi fosse il genio che ha aperto la strada a questa strana idea. Ma gli attributi in CM tre non sono tratti di Stregoneria ma la funzione sottostante negli incantesimi. Come in Tohsaka, usa la Conversione simile a Edelfelt poiché questo è il principio di base per i gioielli, insieme al flusso di potere. Il tratto della stregoneria di Einzbern non è fluente e transfert del potere, è il loro attributo magico, il meccanismo sottostante per i loro incantesimi. Lo stesso vale per la Spada di Shirou, soprattutto perché la fonte situata in modo molto specifico mostra "Attributo" per l'Arciere che non usa la domanda di Avalon. 10:22, 8 dicembre 2018 (UTC) Joker

Sei sicuro? Perché c'è "聖杯 戦 争 中 な ら ま だ し も 、 セ イ バ ー が い な い 状態 で は 士 郎 の魔術 特性を" 剣 "に す る だ け の も の し ょ。。 。& Cercare conversioni altrove ha lo stesso termine usato. È un flusso di traduzione terminologica? EGGS ( talk ) 14:36, 8 dicembre 2018 (UTC)

Sì, ne sono certo. Entrambe le conversioni sono state elencate come un attributo per Edelfelt e Tohsaka, e il flusso e il trasferimento di potere sono stati menzionati per Einzberns qui http://prntscr.com/mhv7ql . Considerando questa traduzione qui https://docs.google.com/document/d/1pt-oDtq0ow-ZRLmdPC4tRlw9lJGzVHbvLJ2mQDvcjYc/edit# http://prntscr.com/mhv9i9 Qui per la parte di cui sto parlando in particolare. Ho pensato che schermate e collegamenti avrebbero reso più facile che descriverlo. Usa lo stesso termine di "conversione" perché sono attributi non tratti di stregoneria. Burlone

Tornando indietro e guardando di nuovo questo, sono appena andato e ho preso il raw per il CM3. https://jdouvgbzplxhkmzlflpc.hath.network/h/f0e9240c639f38fdb242700a51eb41bd1d00bf0b-606242-1280-1991-jpg/keystamp=1572825000-57d295ebe3;fileindex=13500905;xres=1280/fcm_wm_044.jpg è dove si trova. " 魔術 特性" Aka Majutsu Tokusei alias Tratto o attributo di stregoneria. Sembra riferirsi sia ai tratti che agli attributi della stregoneria. Ad esempio, dalla nostra comprensione dei Trucchi della Stregoneria non sono cose che un mago può imparare, ovvero una caratteristica speciale unica per loro. Ma gli attributi possono essere raccolti più a lungo vive un mago, quindi sembra essere un caso dello stesso kanji ma di due connotazioni diverse. - Joker l'11 / 11/19

Tutto a posto. Questa pagina Wiki continua a cambiare e confondere gli attributi di attributi e stregoneria. Entrambi usano lo stesso Kanji e sono senza dubbio la stessa cosa. C'è letteralmente 0 motivi per elencarli come cose diverse quando sono entrambi 特性 特性 aka Majutsu Tokusei. Possiamo stabilirci l'uno o l'altro? Idealmente Attributi poiché questa è di gran lunga la definizione più accurata di esso basata sui materiali Joker 01:34, 18 luglio 2020 (UTC)

no, you are wrong the Sorcery Trait and Thaumaturgical Attribute are not the same thing. '. I read the volume of the https://forums.nrvnqsr.com/showthread.php/5943-Lord-El-Melloi-II-Case-Files they explain that things a Sorcery Trait 'and Thaumaturgical Attribute and are two different things. the most parese example is Luviagelita Edelfelt' Sorcery Trait 'Ore Scales (aka Sisters) - The capacity of effectively having two heirs to succeed their lineage and Thaumaturgical Crest .
use Attribute Conversion on gems to store magical energy.
if the same are also the Tohsaka, Paracelsus and Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg will have the same 'Sorcery Trait' Ore Scales (aka Sisters) - The capacity of effectively having two heirs to succeed their lineage and Thaumaturgical Crest. because they have Attribute Conversion.
but instead in the Lord-El-Melloi-II-Case-Files they explained that they are the only ones who have this ability.
this Sorcery Trait thing and Thaumaturgical Attribute are the same thing pissed me off, it doesn't make sense.
yes, I am the one who separated the two terms.
https://typemoon.wiki.cre.jp/wiki/%E9%AD%94%E8%A1%93%E5%B8%AB#.E5.B1.9E.E6.80.A7 of the Japanese typemoon wiki site Thaumaturgical Attribute (特性) or literally Characteristics.

I'm Italian some things are badly written, -poluce 18/07/2020

Head's up, for future translation lets not turn previous talk conversations into Italian. But anyway, Ore scales and Conversion aren't the same attribute to begin with, so that example doesn't apply in any way really. Secondly, of course the Japanese wikia cites (特性), because that's read Tokusei, if you add the kanji for Magecraft, you get Majutsu Tokusei aka 特性 特性. You'll also interestingly notice, that that same Wiki article doesn't have an entry on Sorcery traits. And more importantly, " エーデルフェルト家の者として「姉妹」特性も持つ." in Luvia's page, which lists [姉妹] Sister's as their [ 特性 ] Attribute. Same kanji once again. https://typemoon.wiki.cre.jp/wiki/%E3%83%AB%E3%83%B4%E3%82%A3%E3%82%A2%E3%82%BC%E3%83%AA%E3%83%83%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BB%E3%82%A8%E3%83%BC%E3%83%87%E3%83%AB%E3%83%95%E3%82%A7%E3%83%AB%E3%83%88#.E3.82.A2.E3.82.B9.E3.83.88.E3.83.A9.E3.82.A4.E3.82.A2 for Posterity's sake, it also lists Conversion as her attribute earlier on in the first paragraph. A magus can have more than one Attribute which CM3 has shown, and I've linked above; and more importantly, Majutsu Tokusei is the only term that has been used for both Sorcery Traits and Attributes. Some Attributes are far more unique than others, but they're without a doubt, the same thing. Joker 19:00, July 18, 2020 (UTC)

Kirei's Thaumaturgical Attribute[]

Fate Kirei Attribute

In the interest of avoiding an edit war (if that term is still used) I'm bringing the matter here. I added 'Opening wounds' to the table as Kirei's Thaumaturgical Attribute, but it was removed with this reasoning: "Kirei's one is a magical aptitude (魔術適性) not a Attribute". However, in the scene in question (the first bad end of FSN, Forest of no Return) Kirei dialogue has 魔術特性 (which this very wiki has as the kanji for Thaumaturgical Attribute) written out and his voice actor clearly says tokusei (how 特性 is pronounced), not tekisei (how 適性 is pronounced).

1) Does this reasoning suffice to add Kirei to table?

2) Where does the term Magical Aptitude (魔術適性) come up? Erik1310 (talk) 20:26, 6 February 2021 (UTC)

-It does suffice, and in all honesty it's probably a rare choice of kanji, since it's rarely used. I think the only time it was used was when describing the kind of magecraft Aoko is best suited for, being destruction in Mahoyo.Joker 21:11, 6 February 2021 (UTC)

-Thank you for your information. In the original (not Réalta Nua) version, that word was 魔術適性. I didn't notice the change happened. 07:42, 10 February 2021 (UTC)


As someone who wasn't around for fandom in the 00s, where did Thaumaturgy even come from? --Banksia (talk) 07:22, 13 August 2021 (UTC)

Thaumaturgical Foundation and Thaumaturgical System[]

Specifically, what would a Thaumaturgical Foundation be? What I am asking is because of a sense of misunderstanding of mine. Whenever I think of the Thaumaturgical Foundation, what comes to my mind is the Thaumaturgical System. An example would be something along the lines of "Thaumaturgical Foundation of Alchemy", rather than "Thaumaturgical System of Alchemy". Suddenly, what would the Thaumaturgical Foundation be and what would fall into this category?

In all honesty, sometimes a Foundation and a system of magecraft are the same things. I can only tell you that Foundations specifically means a grand formulae carved in the land/leylines and through which a system of magecraft's spell can be done. It's always been a bit unclear how this process is done and how it works exactly, we just know that's the definition. So we only explicitly know the following Foundations: Church's teachings/logos (complete material III), Black Magic/witchcraft (Kara no Kyoukai movie Overlooking View Q&A about Touko Travel and broom flight), Runes (Case Files vol.2 about Thulé Society), Kabbalah (Avicebron's profiles saying he founded it), alchemy (Paracelsus' profiles saying he strengthened it), and East Asia's Philosophy Foundation (Adventures of El-Melloi II vol.3). Does that mean every system is a Foundation? No idea. The Lord Reader (talk) 22:36, 13 November 2022 (UTC)


"Breathing and Walking (呼吸・歩法, Kokyū Hohō?) is a key concept in Magecraft and Martial Arts. Though mainly affecting one’s physical fitness, it also plays a role in the strength of nature interference. The absorption of outer energy (breath of life) to connect your inner world to the outer world."

To make this perfectly clear... does it mean that the person is tapping into the Mana in the atmosphere? Outer energy and breath of life seem to be terms used for Mana.