TAKE MOON (TYPE-MOON作品集・TAKE MOON?) is a manga written and illustrated by Eri Takenashi. It is a comedic adaptation of elements of Tsukihime, Melty Blood and Fate/stay night settings and characters. It was serialized on various anthologies manga series and collected in two volumes later by Ichijinsha. In 2011, it was published again in a single volume called Special Edition with the OVA Carnival Phantasm EX Season was included as well as an illustration booklet called "TYPE-MOON ART WORKS". It was also partially adapted into the Carnival Phantasm anime series.
- Originally published in TAKE MOON Vol.1.
This story puts a spin on how Shiki Tohno meets Aoko Aozaki.
Everywhere Together[]
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology.
Arcueid trust her hand at being a student to spend more time with Shiki Tohno.
Pulse!! In a storm of females[]
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology Vol. 2.
The girls of Tsukihime compete in beach volleyball for the right to spend the night with Shiki Tohno.
Cat & Horse[]
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology Vol. 3.
Sky Horse[]
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology Vol. 4.
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology Vol. 5.
Loli Returns[]
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology Vol. 6.
More Curry than Ciel Could Imagine[]
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology Vol. 9.
Booze Princess[]
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology Vol. 11.
Water Channel Marks[]
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology Vol. 10.
Sion-san's Overhaul[]
- Originally published in MELTY BLOOD Comic Anthology Vol. 2.
Bamboo Broom[]
- Originally published in MELTY BLOOD Comic Anthology Vol.4.
The Weapons of a Maiden[]
- Originally published in MELTY BLOOD Comic Anthology Vol.5.
White Lunar Princess Phantasmoon[]
- Originally published in TAKE MOON Vol.1.
TAKE MOON Extra Edition[]
- Originally published in ComicREX August 2006 issue.
Asagami Maniacs[]
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology Vol. 13.
Even a Rat Can Bite a Cat[]
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology Vol. 15.
More! For Experts[]
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology Vol. 17.
Short Encounters[]
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology Vol. 18.
- Originally published in Tsukihime Comic Anthology Vol. 19.
Don’t think, feel![]
- Originally published in MELTY BLOOD Comic Anthology Vol.7.
Goldfish Trouble[]
- Originally published in MELTY BLOOD Comic Anthology Vol.9.
Super United Cats Squadron Five Len Cats[]
- Originally published in MELTY BLOOD Comic Anthology Vol.12.
Rule Breaker[]
- Originally published in Fate/stay night Comic Anthology Vol.1.
- Originally published in Fate/stay night Comic Anthology Vol.2.
The Circumstances of the Matou Family House[]
- Originally published in Fate/stay night Comic Anthology Vol.4.
Magi are Bad with Technology[]
- Originally published in Fate/stay night Comic Anthology Vol.5.
Presenting: Tiger[]
- Originally published in Fate/stay night Comic Anthology Vol.6.
The Gift of the Magus[]
- Originally published in Fate/stay night Comic Anthology Vol.7.
- Originally published in TAKE MOON Vol.2.
- Originally published in TAKE MOON Vol.2.
- Shiki Tohno
- Arcueid Brunestud
- Akiha Tohno
- Hisui
- Kohaku
- Satsuki Yumizuka
- Sion Eltnam Atlasia
- Ciel
- Aoko Aozaki
- Souka Tsukihime
- Hanei Misawa
- Len
- Arihiko Inui
- Nanako
- Ichiko Inui
- SHIKI Tohno
- Miyako Arima
- Phantasmoon
- Akira Seo
- Nrvnqsr Chaos
- Michael Roa Valdamjong
- White Len
- Calico Len
- Striped Len
- Spotted Len
- Shirou Emiya
- Saber
- Rin Tohsaka
- Illyasviel von Einzbern
- Kirei Kotomine
- Sakura Matou
- Shinji Matou
- Rider
- Archer
- Lancer
- Berserker
- Caster
- Gilgamesh
- Assassin
- Souichirou Kuzuki
- Taiga Fujimura
- Kaede Makidera
- Kane Himuro
- Yukika Saegusa
- Issei Ryuudou
- Caren Hortensia
- Child-Gil
- Bazett Fraga McRemitz
- Zouken Matou
- Mr. Hotaruzuka