Lugh Beowulf (ルゥ=ベオウルフ, Rū-Beourufu?) is an antagonist in Mahou Tsukai no Yoru.
Beo is an incarnated Elemental and Phantasmal Beast that has existed since long ago, but at some point "fell as a droplet in the Werewolf village in the eighteenth century". He was brought to life through the folklore and tradition of the people from the Werewolf village.[2]
He was found in a cave by a group of Werewolves and was well received by their village. Due to all Werewolves having been descended from a single golden Werewolf, they revered him because they believed that he would bring about a revival of their species that had been in decline since their peak long ago. There had not been a single golden Werewolf born since the beginning, so all of the kings among them had been silver. They gave him the name "Lugh" after a sun god so that he would bring about their revival. Upon finding out that Lugh doesn't age and has no gender, he became ostracized by the village because they discovered that he would not bring about their revival, and was not even a real Werewolf in the first place.[2]
They eventually sold him to Touko Aozaki because of this, and she gave him the name "Beowulf." She does not have a binding Magecraft that could possibly restrain him, but he is attracted to her because she has a "good scent" and for her promise to "let him fight the greatest Mystery." Touko had a Familiar before him, but he overtook them in seniority after just one year. Together, they went on a number of exploits across Europe, and he remained undefeated throughout them. Some involved a train that collects Mystic Eyes, an ancient giant octopus living in the North Sea, the Bermuda triangle, which leads to another world, and an Elder Title Dead Apostle Ancestor.[3]
Although it is very unlikely, in the case that he found a partner, he would be able to freely choose his own gender to complement theirs. His clothes are supposedly to Touko's taste.[1]
Having never once lost a single battle against any being he and Touko have encountered in their exploits around the world combined with his invulnerability to magecraft and brute strength in general has given Lugh a massive ego and a tendency to look down on his opponents. He gets a rude wake up call when Soujuurou easily defeats him in just two blows. He's left a quivering mess in the aftermath of his defeat at the hands of Soujuurou.[2]
After losing to Soujuurou and after Touko abandons him, Lugh decides to follow Soujuurou and the gang around as revealed in a side story set a year after the events of the main story.[4]
Mahou Tsukai no Yoru[]
He defeats both Aoko Aozaki and Alice Kuonji easily, but is unexpectedly defeated by Soujuurou Shizuki. He recognizes that Soujuurou has no sense of self, and that the reason he destroyed his heart was purely a reaction to his hurting the two Magi. He is overcome by fear after believing that he would have been killed if he had killed one of the two, and becomes traumatized and imperfect.[2]
In the extra side story Potete dormire, ma nessun rida, which takes place approximately a year after the main story of Mahou Tsukai no Yoru, it is revealed he fell in love with Soujuurou and is following him everywhere, becoming friends with everyone in the process.[4]
In Chibichuki!, Enkidu befriends a lonely Beo while Gilgamesh becomes jealous.
Other appearances[]
He is indirectly referenced in Kara no Kyoukai, Chapter 4: The Hollow Shrine. Touko mentions that she is without a Familiar and thus why she is in need of Shiki's services. This implies the contract between Touko and Beo had been absolved by then.
In Fate/strange Fake, Francesca Prelati mentions Beo's fight against an Elder Title Dead Apostle Ancestor, telling Faldeus Dioland about 'the time the Elder Title and the Last Gold Wolf wrecked each other was what decided whether a country would sink or swim.'[5]
Beowulf is actually not a Werewolf at all, but an Elemental. Because his current form is that of a golden Werewolf, he is also classified as a Phantasmal Beast. He was not born in a normal sense, but was naturally produced by the World in a similar fashion as True Ancestors. As a creature that is sort of like a relative to Arcueid Brunestud (Remake), he is close to her in atmosphere. He is a two thousand year class Mystery who is a natural enemy to Magi of the AD calendar, since no modern Magecraft has comparable Mystery as him and therefore cannot damage him. He can be affected by pure magic power, but Magecraft is completely negated.[1][2]
As an Elemental, he possesses his own type of Magic Circuits known as Regression to the Age of Gods. This ability represents the extent at which Lugh is capable of reproducing Mysteries that existed on Earth before True Magic.[6]
- Quality (Rank A): Quality represents "how distant from what Humans are capable of" their pure Mysteries are.[6]
- Quantity (Rank C): Quantity represents power. The higher the quantity, the greater the degree of influence over the surrounding environment. Since Beowulf only has a quantity of C, he can only display his power to an individual, or over a village.[6]
- Composition (Phylogenetic Tree up to the 18th century): Composition represents the era of the "Mystery". In terms of Magecraft, it would be equivalent to which foundation they use.[6]
He doesn't age like regular Werewolves and shares none of their normal desires. He has an astral body and materialized soul that doesn't require a body to remain stabilized, so he can change his shape to that of any creature on Earth. He doesn't have a specific gender, so in the unlikely event that he finds a mate, he can adjust his sex according to his partner. He displays several different wolf forms, the ability to absorb a fifty-ton impact by turning into a giant monkey, the ability to "blow up", and he can change his form to a sturdier or faster animal to handle bullets and rockets. Between the complete wolf form and bipedal form, Beo can transform on the spot into the most fitting form for the action that he wants to do. Just as humans don't put any conscious thought into moving each individual finger when they eat food with chopsticks, if he wants to run he does it on 4 feet and if he wants to grab something he does it with his "hands". Conversely he's also able to consciously control them. Normal Werewolves can't take the form of a full wolf and their transformation is slow. In Beo's opinion that's so half baked it's meaningless, and it's so funny to look at that it spoils his mood.[1][2] He also has a high level of regeneration, to the point he can regenerate his own heart.[2]

Beo easily taking Aoko's powerful kick.
He is extremely resistant even while in human form, allowing him to easily take a kick to the neck from Aoko Aozaki that had enough power to break a tree in half. He is defeated by Soujuurou Shizuki even though he is far above humans. His defeat has less to do with Soujuurou's strength and more to do with his own inexperience. Having believed himself to be invincible due to having never lost, he is mentally traumatized after realizing that even he could be defeated and possibly killed. He is attacked by two blows, one that made his chest burst from the front, and another blow to the back that tore apart his heart. While he quickly regenerates, as he could never physically be defeated by such an attack, he finds that he cannot stand due to fear.[2]
The contradictory nature of Soujuurou's existence scares him, causing both his pain and fear to go out of control for the first time in his life. Though his heart is fully recovered, the fear-induced phantom pain leaves him gasping and hugging his quivering body. The pain of defeat, the pain of his ruptured heart, and above all, the pain of knowing the incomprehensible leave him thinking "I could have been killed" over and over again, due to recognizing that he was hurt by Soujuurou purely as a reaction to his hurting Aoko and Alice. The only thing he can do is revert to his human form and shiver like a frightened child in his mother's lap.[7] Touko says he is not as useful after learning defeat because he is no longer perfect. He will lose his uniqueness in Mystery when faced with magic and will be at a disadvantage.[2]
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14
[] Mahou Tsukai no Yoru Privilege - The Magician's Basic Rhythm: Lugh Beowulf, p.028-029 Lugh Beowulf
- Birthday: January 1
- Height: 134 cm
- Weight: 35 kg
- Likes: The person who gave him his first defeat
- Dislikes: Annoying things
- Day of Decisive Battle: None in particular
- Magecraft System: None in particular
- Regression to the Age of Gods/Quality: A
- Regression to the Age of Gods/Quantity: C
- Regression to the Age of Gods/Composition: Phylogenetic Tree up to the 18th century
Nasu's comment: A still living, genuine phantasmal species. His origin itself was long long ago, but it wasn't until the 18th century that he fell as a droplet on the werewolf village. A two thousand year class vintage monster. He is the natural enemy of the magi of the Common Era. In a contest of pure magical energy, attacks may still work on him, but when it comes to magecraft, it'll be absolutely invalidated. He's a life-form that's sort of like a relative to Arcueid, so he has an aura similar to Arc. It is a bit boorish to mention it but he doesn't have the concept of gender. Although it is very unlikely, in the case that he found a partner, he would be able to freely choose his own gender to compliment theirs. It's just like the manga "They Were Eleven!"
Koyama's comment: As a werewolf, I drew various forms of him. Between the complete wolf form and bipedal form, Beo can transform on the spot into the most fitting form for the action that he wants to do. Just as humans don't put any conscious thought into moving each induvial finger when they eat food with chopsticks, if he wants to run he does it on 4 feet and if he wants to grab something he does it with his "hands". Conversely he's also able to consciously control them. Normal werewolves can't take the form of a full wolf and their transformation is slow. In Beo's opinion that's so half baked it's meaningless, and it's so funny to look at that it spoils his mood. That's all I know. His clothes are supposedly to Touko's taste.
- 生日: 1月1日
- 身長: 134cm
- 体重: 35kg
- 好きなもの: 最初に自分を負かしたひと
- 嫌いなもの: うるさいもの
- 決戦の日: 特になし
- 魔術系統: 特になし
- 神代回帰 / 質: A
- 神代回帰 / 量: C
- 神代回帰 / 編成: 十八世紀までの系統樹
まだ生きている生粋の幻想種。発生そのものは大昔で、雫として人狼の里にこぼれ落ちたのが十八世紀。二千年クラスのビンテージモンスター。 西暦以降の魔術師にとっては天敵で、純粋な魔力勝負ならまだ攻撃は通るが、魔術となると片っ端から無効化されてしまう。アルクェイドの親戚 みたいな生き物なので、なんとなくアルクに近い雰囲気に。語るのも野暮ではあるが、性別の概念はあまりなかった。まずあり得ない事だが、つ がいの相手を見つけた時、その生き物に合わせて性別を決めることも。「11人いる!」ですなー。
人狼ってことで、様々な形態を描きました。完全な狼形態から二足歩行形態の間でベオがとりたい行動に対して最適な形態に即座に変形します。 人が箸で食事する際、指一本一本をどう動かすかいちいち意識しないのと同様、走ろうと思えば四つ足に、何か捕まえようと思えば「手」に。逆 に意識してコントロールすることも可能。普通の人狼は完全な狼形態にはなれないし、変形も遅い。ベオに言わせると中途半端だしイミわかんな いwww見てると気分悪くなるよね wwwみたいな。以上うんちく。服は橙子さんの趣味という想定です。 - Birthday: January 1
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 Mahoutsukai no Yoru - Chapter 12: "Witch on the holy night II"
- ↑ Mahoutsukai no Yoru - Extra Chapter: "A Honeyed Adventure"
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Mahou Tsukai no Yoru - Extra Story: "Potete dormire, ma nessun rida"
- ↑ Fate/strange Fake Volume 3 - Prologue VIII: "The Star Performers' Feast (Part 1)"
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3
[] TYPE-MOON Fes. Official Pamphlet 10th Anniversary Q & A Booklet:
Q: What do the Quality/Quantity/Composition of Regression to the Age of Gods mean in Beowulf's profile? Do Ploys, Arcueid, and Heroic Spirits have such designations? And what would their number be?
Q: What do the Quality/Quantity/Composition of Regression to the Age of Gods mean in Beowulf's profile? Do Ploys, Arcueid, and Heroic Spirits have such designations? And what would their number be?
A: Regression to the Age of Gods represents the extend at which they are capable of reproducing the Mysteries that existed on Earth before True Magic. Consider it to be like that, their own style of Magical Circuits. Quality represents "how distant from what humans are capable of" their pure Mysteries are. Quantity represents power. The higher the quantity, the greater the degree of influence over the surrounding environment. Since Beowulf only has a quantity of C, he can only display his power to an individual, or over a village.
Composition represents the era of the "Mystery". In terms of magecraft, it would be like Rune, Kabbalah, Black Magic and such.
Ploys are not of Age of Gods, so they cannot be assigned a number in Regression to the Age of Gods.
For Arcueid... Princess Arcueid should qualify. "Quality: B Quantity: A++ Composition: Before Common Era, pseudo-deified natural phenomenon"Q:べオのプロフィールにあった神代回帰の質/量/編成とは何ですか?プロイやアルクや英霊にも同じものがあるのでしょうか?だとしたらその数値は?
アルクは......姫アルク状態ならアリ。「質:B 量:A++ 編成:西暦以前までの、擬神化される自然現象」といったところ。 - ↑ Mahou Tsukai no Yoru - Scene
Main characters: Aoko Aozaki • Alice Kuonji • Soujuurou Shizuki Secondary characters: Touko Aozaki • Lugh Beowulf • Tobimaru Tsukiji • Kojika Kumari • Housuke Kinomi • Yuika Suse • Ritsuka Suse • Eiri Fumizuka • Kazuki Yamashiro • Yurihiko Tokitsu • May Riddell Archelot |