The White Princess of the True Ancestors, Arcueid Brunestud.
Unique existences even among the vampires, the True Ancestors (真祖, Shinso?) are incarnated Nature Spirits, being classified as Elementals,[1][2] said to be the original bloodsucking species independently established by the Planet as its sense of touch.[3][2]
Elemental royalty,[4] they are vampiric creatures from birth, however, unlike the Dead Apostles and other blood-sucking species, the root of their bloodlust is psychological rather than physical. Also, because they are part of nature, they can use the power of Marble Phantasm to change the world around them according to their thoughts.
True Ancestors can be classified as a type of greater fairy and their Foundation is of a Mystery that cannot be reached through magecraft.[5][2] They are said to be Planet-class Spirits, a rank higher than Divine Spirits.[6] As they receive backup from the Planet, it can be said that the limits of their actions are the limits of nature itself.[3][2]

Crimson Moon Brunestud, the True Ancestors' progenitor.
At an undetermined point of time in the past, Gaia, the will of the planet, suffered with the indiscriminate corruption that humans caused in the environment. Because at the time it lacked the means to defend itself from humans, Gaia sent a plea to the other celestial bodies for help, on the criteria that only a planet is able to correctly judge another of its kind.[7][8][2]
The one who answered Gaia's plea was Brunestud of the Crimson Moon who offered a pact to the planet: in exchange of being allowed to live on Earth, Crimson Moon would allow the creation of a self-defense mechanism for the planet based on him. From this pact between the Ultimate One of the Moon and the will of the Earth the True Ancestors were born as a Counter Force with definite form,[1][2] created for the purpose of returning the planet to its original state, before the corruption caused by humans.[7][8][2]
Despite their origins as anti-human entities, Alaya does not see the True Ancestors as targets. That is because the True Ancestors are extensions of the World, mediators of nature, before being enemies of humanity.[9] However, differently from Divine Spirits, they are supernatural beings born from the World without the interference of people.[1] That which is desired by the planet but not by humanity is bound to fade from the observable world and decline in numbers. When Arcueid Brunestud (Remake) was born in the 12th century, the True Ancestors had decreased to a mere hundred, from which the majority were killed when the White Princess went berserk.
While the birth of a True Ancestor goes along the lines of a natural phenomenon that happens when needed, Arcueid’s case was more of an artificial occurrence premeditated by the other True Ancestors. And yet her appearance is special among the True Ancestors as she was created with a female body which is rare among the True Ancestors, probably because the original Crimson Moon had a male body. Their reason behind this was quite simple: they wanted the advent of a stronger, more perfect existence that would be capable of hunting down their fallen brothers (the Demon Lords) and their renegade children (the Dead Apostles).[10][11]
In the same way that humans perceive the vampires who prey on them as "evil", from the standpoint of the True Ancestors it is the humans who enjoy the blessing of nature all the while plundering its resources that are "evil".[3][2]
Unlike Dead Apostles who were once human, True Ancestors are endowed with their predetermined abilities from birth, and are unable to improve them through the sucking of blood.[4]
Vampiric Impulse[]
While being born from nature just as any natural spirits, the True Ancestors are fundamentally copies of the Crimson Moon with minds and bodies modeled after humans, the latter done so under the principle that it would be best for them to resemble those who they are supposed to rule over. Because Crimson Moon was their basis, the True Ancestors not only turned to be detached from nature’s desire of protection from humans but also inherited a terrible flaw from the original: Vampiric Impulses (吸血衝動, Kyūketsu Shōdō?).[12][1][13]
A purely psychological impulse that pushes them to suck the blood of others, because there is no physical reason behind those impulses there is no definite cure for them. Thus, the True Ancestors need to sleep through their childhood until they are mature enough to have self-control. Normally, a True Ancestor cannot dream, but in Arcueid's case, she must dream a little since her meeting with Shiki Tohno (Remake). From that point on, the True Ancestors must use their own powers to keep the vampiric impulses in check. That is why, even though they have the capacity to manipulate nature at will, they never fight at 100% as most of their powers is already being used to restrain themselves.[1][13]
However, because there is no end to the vampiric impulses, they do not disappear and instead accumulate with time. Eventually, those impulses will become too powerful to be restrained and threatens to take over. When they realise that they will become unable to control this impulse sooner or later, the True Ancestors choose eternal sleep for themselves. In a way, this is the lifespan of those who have none to begin with - an end to their long journey.[1][13]
Demon Lord[]
There is also the case of the Demon Lords (魔王, Maō?, Devil), fallen True Ancestors who succumbed to their blood thirst and became a threat both to humans and the True Ancestors themselves.[1] As they no longer needed to suppress their thirst, they could employ their powers to their full extent and therefore vastly overwhelm their still restrained kin. It was with the purpose of their elimination that the True Ancestors caused the birth of Arcueid Brunestud (Remake).
In the original Tsukihime, all of them had long been eliminated before the events of the story. In the Tsukihime Remake series, at least one Demon Lord survived into the recent past and was nonlethally pacified by Mario Gallo Bestino.[14]
It should be noted that despite the name, they are not to be confused neither with the demonic ethereal beings born from human belief, nor with the oriental demons of Japanese folklore known as Oni.
Brunestud (ブリュンスタッド?) is a title bestowed upon all True Ancestor royalty who come close in power to Brunestud of the Crimson Moon by displaying the ability to manifest his Millennium Castle Brunestud through Marble Phantasm. While the True Ancestors have no proper concept of hierarchy, those able to manifest the castle have been uplifted as royalty. The only current two True Ancestors to have ever held the name in the entire long history of the race are Arcueid Brunestud (Remake), the White Princess of the True Ancestors, and Altrouge Brunestud, the Eclipse Princess of Black Blood.[15][16]

Luminary Form of Arcueid Brunestud.
The True Ancestor royalty can also enter a state called Rapid Expansion (急膨張, Kyū Bōchō?) (InflationWP (インフレーション, Infurēshon?)), a phenomenon more simply called Luminary (光体, Kōtai?, localized as "Luminous Body" in Melty Blood Type Lumina and "Lumina" in Tsukihime A Piece of Blue Glass Moon).[17][18]
Prior to his death, Crimson Moon took provisions to make his return possible. All True Ancestors have a Reality Marble implanted within them. Whenever a True Ancestor attains a level of power close to the original, this implanted seed will allow Brunestud to take over his body. Still, because all True Ancestors are born with the fundamental flaw of bloodlust, he needed to create more perfect successors. And so Brunestud decided to teach them how to make their own kind themselves in order to speed up the creation of a proper vessel for his revival. Arcueid and Altrouge are apparently two of such attempts.[9]
Among the True Ancestors, those who could manifest the Millennium Castle, through their Marble Phantasm ability, were given the title of Brunestud and regarded as royalty. This is the reason why the True Ancestors call Arcueid, who is considered the only successful clone of Crimson Moon, the princess of the True Ancestors.[15][16] There is also the case of the half-breed princess of the Dead Apostles, Altrouge Brunestud, who is the only known case of a child being successfully born between a True Ancestor and a Dead Apostle.[15][16]
Altrouge was born from Crimson Moon's machinations in searching out other methods for preparing a body of proper purity for his revival due to no regular True Ancestor coming to possess his level of power.[9] She normally lacks the normal powers of a True Ancestor, and thus cannot use Marble Phantasm to summon the Millennium Castle or move from one place to another by recreating her body,[19] but she is capable of summoning the Crimson Moon.[20] That is the reason why she is one of the two possible successors of Crimson Moon and why she has inherited the name of Brunestud, but she is generally considered too "unstable".[9]
There are different levels of power in the True Ancestor hierarchy, but Arcueid Brunestud (Remake) is a sublimation on the level of the First True Ancestor, she is beyond the other True Ancestors.[10][11] But all True Ancestors possess power beyond human comprehension from the moment they are born. There are few who can match them in terms of strength, speed and endurance. They are a completely different species from the originally human Dead Apostles, no religion's purification ritual works on them, nor does sunlight faze them — they are beings infinitely close to immortality.[3]
And the bite of a True Ancestor is not only capable of infecting the body with the vector of vampirism, but also the victim's soul. This was the case with Michael Roa Valdamjong (Remake), whose vampire status was transferred through his reincarnations.

They have the normal vampire claws, and very few Conceptual Weapons can harm them. All vampires can ignore damage from most sources as their body will revert to the pre-damaged state rapidly, a Conceptual Weapon such as the Black Keys used by members of the Holy Church nullifies this ability.[21][22] At night they are almost invulnerable, and their power is at its peak during the full Moon.[23]
During the night, all of their Lines and Points of Death disappear, rendering them indestructible; however, they show up again when Shiki "kills" the very nature from which Arcueid draws her strength in one of the endings. Even if their entire body is torn apart at a conceptual level, they can re-imagine themselves a new concept from scratch, even though it takes the majority of their power to do so.[24][25]

Mystic Eyes of Enchantment.
The True Ancestors also have Mystic Eyes that enable limited control over others, such as the ability to plant suggestions. The color of their eyes changes to gold when they are active, thus revealing them as possessing the Mystic Eyes of Enchantment.
Marble Phantasm[]

Millennium Castle Brunestud, the ancestral lair of True Ancestors.
The True Ancestors can use Marble Phantasm, which can literally change reality to create any naturally occurring effect.[26] And those who can summon the Millennium Castle Brunestud, the ancestral home of the True Ancestors are counted as their royalty.[15][16]
The True Ancestors receives backup from the planet as part of the Counter Force. They have the ability to increase their fighting power to one level above those they face while drawing upon it, and it is said to be virtually unlimited.[2][18] As they receive backup from the planet, it can be said that the limits of their actions are the limits of nature itself. If the planet is thought of as a single organism they are like its white blood cells, regarding the humans who consume nature as an element that must be exterminated.[3][2]
Within the annals of the Church, records of fighting a True Ancestor are few and far between. They pull their power from the very world itself. In order to defeat them, it means you’d require a Conceptual Weapon capable of defeating the world itself. But of course, no such weapon exists. And so, granting them a death through external factors is impossible.[2]
But it is possible to cut them off from this power by killing the land around them or sealing them off from the world through a powerful Bounded Field that rewrites the world by switching the terrain effect with a different terrain effect or a Reality Marble that overwrites the current world. While their connection to nature can be interrupted by any such barrier, the ability to actually cut them off from the supply depends on what is being used as energy to hold up the barrier because the overwritten world generally has an even more colossal world seeping up from underneath it to return it to normal. The only ones who may be able to cut them off from their energy source completely is an alien deploying a Reality Marble.[27]
Event Storage[]

Arcueid Brunestud's Lumina form using a gravitational sphere to perform Event Storage.
True Ancestors possess the ability of Event Storage (事象収納, Jishō Shūnō?, translated as Phenomenon Containment in Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon-): it allows them to conceptually and physically store that which is on the surface of the planet, the ability to requisition Textures. The ability is on the level of the Authorities possessed by Divine Spirits. Differing from the Authorities of Divine Spirits that are classified as "skills", Authorities of the planet are classified as a "system".[28]
Arcueid Brunestud, having entered her Lumina form, possesses the capacity to store the entire planet's Texture within a gravitational sphere.[28][18]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6
[] Tsukihime Dokuhon PlusPeriod - TSUKIHIME Dictionary: True Ancestor [Term], p.183 True Ancestor [Term]
A singular existence amongst the bloodsuckers. Characteristically close to elementals.
They were created by the planet, which had no tangible method of self-defense against humans. Because of this, it could be said that they are nature's sense of touch. "If mankind is to be ruled, let man be the model." Under this premise, they were created with a mind and body structure similar to humans. However, there was a birth defect. The True Ancestors bore a flaw, the vampiric impulse. Probably, it's because the original that was used as a reference had contained that flaw as well.
Each and every True Ancestor is burdened with the desire to drink the blood of the very humans they were meant to rule. And, in order to suppress that impulse, they consume their own willpower. Those that can change the state of the world merely be thinking are instead forced to use almost all of those "thoughts" to restrain themselves.
But, everything has a limit. Unable to resolve the problem at its root, the vampiric impulse accumulates, until finally it becomes impossible for them to control with their power alone. True Ancestors that have become unable to control their desires fall into an eternal slumber. It could be said that this is the lifespan of those who have no end. Also, there were those among them that succumbed to their desires and began indiscriminately drinking human blood. Known as Fallen Ancestors, they are powerful to the point that it is said to be completely impossible for humans to oppose them.
Their creation was not influenced by human ideas, so they are not a type of Divine Spirit. They are an existence desired by the world, but not by humans. Because of this, they have gradually gone into hiding and dwindled in numbers. Though they have definite form, they can also be considered a kind of Counter Force.
…If you want to know what a Counter Force is, please refer to Kara no Kyoukai.真祖【用語】
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- - Midnight Rainbow route - Day 9: "Arc en Ciel I"
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4
[] Tsukihime Material I - GLOSSARY: True Ancestor, p.100-101 True Ancestor
The original bloodsucking species.
One of the races of so-called nature spirits, fairies independently established by the planet as its sense of touch. A completely different species from the originally human Dead Apostles, no religion's purification ritual works on them, nor does sunlight faze them — they are beings infinitely close to immortality.
As they receive backup from the planet, it can be said that the limits of their actions are the limits of nature itself. If the planet is thought of as a single organism they are like its white blood cells, regarding the humans who consume nature as an element that must be exterminated.
In the same way that humans perceive the vampires who prey on them as "evil", from the standpoint of the True Ancestors it is the humans who enjoy the blessing of nature all the while plundering its resources that are "evil".真祖
人間が自分達を捕食する吸血鬼を『悪』だと捉えるように、真祖にとっては、星の恩恵を受けながら資源を略奪する人間は『悪』……という事なのだろう。 - ↑ 4.0 4.1 Fate/Grand Order - Archetype: Earth's profile translated by UdonSamurai at Reddit
- ↑
[] Kara no Kyoukai Special Pamphlet - Encyclopedia: Faeries [Others], p.041 [T] Faeries [Others]
Ouji Misaya's Familiars.
Originally, Faeries are considered the nature's sense of touch, something that humans cannot perceive.
However, there are indeed some Faeries who were born wearing humans' imagination as shells.
Ouji Misaya's Familiars are false Faeries. They are formless low-rank Spirits possessing the image of woodland Faeries.
They can indeed wield a portion of the original Faeries' powers due to wearing Faerie-like shells.
The Faerie-disguises are thought to be the creation of Misaya's Master rather than hers.
As an aside, true Faeries at the scale of capable of being perceived by humans are called Elementals. A certain white vampire seemed to be of this class.
One more thing, the Foundation of Faeries and Elementals are of a Mystery that cannot be reached through magecraft.妖精【ようせい】【その他】
黄路美沙夜が使役《し えき》していた使い魔。
更に余談ではあるが、妖精・精霊もその基盤は魔術では成しえない神秘である。 - ↑
[] Fate/complete material IV: Extra Material - Fate/EXTRA - Characters - Gatou Monji & Berserker, p.254 Gatou Monji & Berserker
Gatou Monji is an strange Master that worships Berserker as a God. He is a man that carries various religions so his speech can't be understood. Berserker was originally an spirit from the Earth called "True Ancestor" but, due to Gatou's misconceptions that say "she = God" her status downgraded from Planet to God, making her unable to properly display her abilities. During battle her Noble Phantasm uses gravity as means of attack, causing great damage.臥藤門司 & バーサーカー
臥藤門司はバーサーカーを神と崇める変人マスター。彼は様々な宗教観を持つ人物で、話が通じない。バーサー カーは本来"真祖"という地球の精霊だが、臥藤の"彼女=神"という勘違いにより星から神へと格を貶められ 、能力を上手く発揮できない。戦闘では重力で攻撃する宝具を使い、大ダメージを発生させる。 - ↑ 7.0 7.1 Shingetsutan Tsukihime Prologue - 1/ Before then
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Kagetsu Tohya - Ten Nights of Dream - Crimson Moon
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 Kagetsu Tohya - Ten Nights of Dream - Crimson Moon /2
- ↑ 10.0 10.1
[] Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS2 Manual - Dictionary: True Ancestor [Term], p.053 True Ancestor [Term]
A singular existence amongst the bloodsuckers. Characteristically close to elementals.
They were created by the planet, which had no tangible method of self-defense against humans.
Because of this, it could be said that they are nature's sense of touch. However, there was a birth defect. The True Ancestors bore a flaw, the vampiric impulse.
Each and every True Ancestor is burdened with the desire to drink the blood of the very humans they were meant to rule. And, in order to suppress that impulse, they consume their own willpower. Those that can change the state of the world merely be thinking are instead forced to use almost all of those "thoughts" to restrain themselves.
But, everything has a limit. Unable to resolve the problem at its root, the vampiric impulse accumulates, until finally it becomes impossible for them to control with their power alone. True Ancestors that have become unable to control their desires fall into an eternal slumber. It could be said that this is the lifespan of those who have no end.
Year by year their numbers dwindled, until by the time Arcueid was born in the 12th Century, only a hundred individuals remained.
Also, there were those among them that succumbed to their desires and began indiscriminately drinking human blood. Known as Fallen Ancestors (Demon Lords), they are powerful to the point that it is said to be completely impossible for humans to oppose them.真祖【用語】
中には欲求に負け、無差別に人の血を吸うようになった真祖もいる。彼らは堕ちた真祖(魔王)と呼ばれ、人の力で滅ぼすのは不可能とされた。 - ↑ 11.0 11.1
[] Tsukihime Material I - CHARACTER Profile: Arcueid Brunestud, p.6-13 Arcueid Brunestud
- Gender: Female
- Age: 17 (self-proclaimed)
- Blood type: Unknown
- Height: 167cm
- Weight: 52kg
- Birthday: December 25th (self-proclaimed)
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- Likes: Movies, novels, going out, at home dates, Shiki’s verbal abuse, kitties
- Dislikes: Snakes, boredom, pollution, Shiki’s verbal abuse
- Natural enemy: Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, Retrograde Canal
Comment from the illustrator: True Ancestor, a vampire born as one. One of the main heroines in A Piece of Blue Glass Moon, and the poster girl for Tsukihime as a whole. A character designed after idea of an un-vampire-like vampire. Not the best person to have as an ally and the absolute worst to have as an enemy. Her long skirt form at the second half of Ciel’s route was meant as little surprise. It goes to show how much I can’t let go of my habits.
Explanation: A True Ancestor who, around the year 1200, spawned naturally, as True Ancestors always do. It was soon discovered that her specs were a far above the True Ancestor standard. It was decided impromptu that she was to be educated for anti-corrupted True Ancestor purposes. She woke up only to kill corrupted True Ancestors, and went to sleep after defeating her target. Somewhere along this cycle, she was tricked by the mage Roa into drinking human blood, causing her to go haywire. After killing all the True Ancestors who raised her, she regained her sanity and locked herself in the Millenium Castle. After that, she formed a new cycle where every time Roa reincarnated, she would visit the world outside the castle, punish him, and return to sleep. This princess is a killer machine who never experienced anything other than fighting and doesn't care for "useless" matters. Or rather, was.
The main heroine of the story. She has the appearance of a woman around 16-17. Her real age is about 800-900. That said, the total time she's been active is less than an year. She's a genuine bloodsucker who came to Souya town in pursuit of the vampire Roa. An invigorating heroine with looks and a personality unbecoming of a vampire, who gets killed by the protagonist in her introduction scene. She gets interested in Shiki's murder skills and asks him for his help. She's Chaotic Good. Introverted (extroverted when it comes to Shiki), cheerful, and active. Since her appearance is stuck in an late teens form, her mental age is also not matured. Not caring about details is in her personality. She got happy-go-lucky ever since Shiki killed her, but she still has her vast knowledge and dry humor (her logical nature as a True Ancestor), resulting in an unbalanced personality, carefree yet intellectual.
After being broken as a True Ancestor beyond repair, she grew greatly interested in Shiki, and this interest eventually developed into affection, which was taken to extreme level of loving Shiki's life, so she wants to protect not only Shiki himself, but also everything Shiki approves. Except when she is rampaging or awakened. In Ciel's route, the awakened Arc's directive was to first obtain Shiki, and only then respect his life. And to obtain Shiki, she chose the frightening method of eliminating all obstacles.アルクェイド・ブリュンスタッド
- 性別:女性
- 年齢:17歳(自称)
- 血液型:不明
- 身長:167cm
- 体重:52kg
- 生日: 12月25日(自称)
- 属性:善性・中立
- 好きな物: 映画、小説、おでかけ、お部屋デート、志貴の暴言、子猫
- 嫌いな物: 蛇、退屈、環境汚染、志貴の暴言
- 天敵: 直死の魔眼、逆行運河
「真祖」と呼ばれる生まれながらの吸血種。本作『-A piece of blue glass moon-』で描かれるメインヒロインであり、月姫という物語全体の顔役となるキャラクター。
西暦1200年頃、他の真祖たち同様に自然発生した真相だったが、そのスペックが他の真祖たちより遥かに優れたものである事が判明。 気頃、 対「堕ちた真祖」用としての教育を施される事となった。
自分を育てていた直祖たちを殺め尽くしたのち、正気を取り戻した彼 女は自らを「千年城」に封じ込める。
その後はロアが転生するたびに千年城から外界に赴き、処罰しては成 に戻って眠るという事を繰り返していた。
戦闘しか経験した事がなく“無駄”という事柄を知らないキラーマシー ンみたいなお姫さま――だった。
本編のメインヒロイン。女性、外見年齢は16〜17才前後。実年齢は 800〜900年ほど。といっても、実際に活動していた時間は1年に満た ない。吸血鬼ロアを追って総耶の街にやってきた純正の吸血種。吸血鬼 にあるまじき外見・性格をしており、登場するなり主人公に殺されるさ わやか系ヒロイン。志貴の殺人スキルに興味を持ち、協力を求めてくる。
中立・善。内向的(志貴に関わる事なら外向的)、陽気、能動的。外見 午前の十代後半で止まっている為、精神年齢も成長していない。細かい のスにしない、さっぱりした性格。志貴に殺されてからは人のヌボ く」な性格になるが、本人の豊富な知識とドライさ(真祖としての合理性) もあり、お気楽なのに理知的というアンバランスな性格になっ ている。
シエルルートの覚醒アルクは『まずは志貴を手に入れて、その後に彼の人生を尊重する』というものに。応責を手に入れるまでの過程で、邪魔者はすべて排除しようというおっかなさ。 - Gender: Female
- ↑
[] Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS2 Manual - Dictionary: Vampiric Impulses [Term], p.057 Vampiric Impulses [Term]
The base desire possessed by both True Ancestors and Dead Apostles.
In True Ancestors it is merely a bad habit, but in Dead Apostles it is a means of staying alive.
For those Dead Apostles who used to be human, it is something not entirely dissimilar from an expression of love.吸血衝動【用語】
真祖のそれは病であり、死徒のそれは生存手段である。人間から死徒になったものは、それが人間でいうところの愛情表現に近いのだと論じている。 - ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2
[] Tsukihime Material I - GLOSSARY: Bloodsucking Impulse, p.101 Bloodsucking Impulse
Even the god-like race of the True Ancestors harbour a flaw from the moment they are born: to seek out the blood of humans, not because they need it to live, but out of a primitive desire to ingest the information of intelligent lifeforms — this inclination of their kind is called the bloodsucking impulse.
Basking in the pleasure, the True Ancestors who keep on drinking blood eventually become powerful vampires and begin to defile the world - a fall into beasthood. To avoid this wretched fate, they use this awesome power of theirs to control the bloodsucking impulse.
When they realise that they will become unable to control this impulse sooner or later, the True Ancestors choose eternal sleep for themselves. In a way, this is the lifespan of those who have none to begin with - an end to their long journey.空想具現化
いずれ衝動を抑え切れなくなると悟った時に、真祖は自ら永眠を選ぶ。それが本来寿命のない彼らにとっての寿命であり、永き旅の終わりである。 - ↑ Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- - Midnight Rainbow route - Day 12: " Crimson Vestiges II"
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3
[] Tsukihime Dokuhon PlusPeriod - TSUKIHIME Dictionary: Brunestud [Term], p.188 Brunestud [Term]
Despite being Arcueid's last name, strictly speaking it is actually more like a title. It is possessed by all of the members of True Ancestor royalty.
The Millennium Castle Brunestud where Arcueid had sealed herself away is not her original creation, but was actually created in the past by the most powerful True Ancestor, using marble phantasm. That original lord of Castle Brunestud died long ago, but ever since those True Ancestors capable of forming the castle have been uplifted as royalty. This is why the True Ancestors, who have no concept of hierarchy, nevertheless call Arcueid their princess.
After being tricked by Roa and killing most of the True Ancestors, Arcueid crucified herself on the throne of the castle she materialized herself. A thousand chains stretched from the castle's outer walls to the throne, so that she may seal herself away forever.
In Melty Blood, the Tatari Arcueid materialized the Millennium Castle. Later, in Re-act, it also appeared in her Arc Drive.
Currently, there are only two bloodsuckers with the name of Brunestud: Arcueid and Altrouge.ブリュンスタッド【用語】
- ↑ 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3
[] Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS2 Manual - Dictionary: Crimson Moon [Term], p.060 Crimson Moon [Term]
Another name for the organism that was used as the template for the True Ancestors. Also known as the Crimson Moon Brunestud.
After he vanished, individuals close to him in power started being honored with the title of Brunestud.
However, in the long history of the True Ancestors, only two have ever received the name.朱い月【用語】
ブリュンスタッドの名を冠する真祖は、彼らの長い歷史の中でも二体だけとされる。 - ↑
[] Tsukihime Material I - GLOSSARY: Luminous Body, p.101 Luminous Body
Rapid expansion (Inflation). A phenomenon more simply called "Luminous Body".
An excited state only possessed by True Ancestor royalty. When a True Ancestor's body is completely destroyed by some means, this reaction is said to occur. It was the result of Arcueid, a "small yet massive being", losing the container called 'body' and consequently having the compressed magical energy released, causing her lifescale to expand. Arcueid's consciousness exists at the core of the light, but since the barrier called 'body' doesn't exist, it is a state where in this excess of magical energy "an image of herself as she imagines it" is projected and diffused.
If a True Ancestor still brimming with magical energy is imperfectly destroyed, it will reemerge through just this energy that had been stored within its body and destroy human settlements in the form of a calamity, as a revenge mechanism. Inflation does not occur with Arcueid having her power stolen by Roa and fatally wasting away, but the Arcueid in Ciel route who killed Roa, was troubled by the bug that was her love for Shiki, and could no longer control her bloodsucking impulse could cause this phenomenon. Or rather, ended up causing it.光体
ロアに力を奪われ、衰弱死を迎えているアルクェイドではインフレーションは起きないが、シエルルートでロアを殺し、志貴への恋心によってバグを起こし、吸血衝動を抑えなくなったアルクェ - ↑ 18.0 18.1 18.2 Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- - Midnight Rainbow route - True End - Day 14: "Stone Unyielding"
- ↑
Kagetsu Tohya - 27 Dead Apostle Ancestors Series, 9/Altrouge Brunestud vampire of the Dead Apostles. Mix of True Ancestor and Dead Apostle.
Can be called Arcueid's big sister. But her look is that of a 14 year old girl.
Usually, she has no special powers, and can't utilize Marble Phantasm.
But she can, like a magical girl, transform in two stages or something like that.二十七祖シリーズ。
が、魔法少女よろしく、二段変身するとかなんとか。 - ↑ Melty Blood - Night on the Blood Liar route - Block K: 5/Hologram Summer, Lord of Lies
- ↑
[] Melty Blood Act Cadenza PS2 Manual - Dictionary: Black Keys [Weapon name], p.056 Black Keys [Weapon name]
The throwing swords wielded by Ciel.
Weapons for use against vampires, monsters that distort the laws of nature. These "keys of providence" call forth the original laws of nature the vampire was subject to as a human.
Ciel carries a large number of these concealed on her person, but what's under her robes is actually just the hilts. She materializes the blades by passing magical energy through pages of the bible. Because the black keys are quite compact before this transformation, the maximum number she is able to conceal at one time is close to 100.
Despite their appearance black keys are not designed for swordplay, but are in fact throwing weapons. The Burial Agency even has a secret technique called the Iron Plate Effect that allows them to throw more effectively.
Because Ciel has mastered this technique, her black keys are capable of boring through concrete walls. They are counted as one of the basic weapons of the Church, but the fact that they're relatively hard to use means that very few executors favor them.
Also, besides the Iron Plate Effect, there are other secret throwing techniques such as the Cremation Rite and Internment Rite. The Cremation Rite, in particular, is used in Ciel's Last Arc.黒鍵【武器名】
鉄甲作用の他に火葬式典、土葬式典と呼ばれる投擲秘術があり、シエルのラストアークはこの火葬式典を使用したもの。 - ↑
[] Tsukihime Material I - GLOSSARY: Black Keys (for real), p.98 Black Keys (for real)
The essential equipment carried by Ciel. A sacrament of the Church crafted on the basis of the provisions for mourning and burying the dead. Since regular attacks have little effect on the heretics bearing the curse of immortality, these were devised with the goal of properly reverting them to corpses and returning them to dust.
Pages torn from a book of holy scripture are fixed into the shape of hilts with magical energy, which is then passed through those hilts during battle to form the blade portion, shifting into automatic baptism mode.
They are mainly used for throwing, and generations of users have devised many throwing techniques such as shadow suturing, time jumping, the iron plate effect, cremation rite, internment rite, and conclave.黒鍵 (真面目に)
主に投擲に用いられており、歴代の使い手によって影縫い、時飛び、鉄甲作用、火葬式典、土葬式典、コンクラーベなど多数の投擲法が編み出されている。 - ↑ Tsukihime - Near Side: Arcueid's route - 12/ The World of the Moon
- ↑ Tsukihime - Near Side: Arcueid's route - 3/ The Black Beast I
- ↑ Tsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon- - Day 4: "Fire and Blood I"
- ↑
[] Tsukihime Material I - GLOSSARY: Imagination Realisation, p.101 Imagination Realisation
Marble Phantasm.
An ability possessed by the nature spirits that are the planet's sense of touch, allowing them to reconstruct the world through probability alteration. By connecting their will to the world, they can transfigure it into whatever environment they imagine. However, the same cannot be done with things like humans or animals, which exist independently of the world. Imagination realisation is purely the ability to freely transform one's surroundings.
Moreover, the reason why the Millennium Castle suddenly appeared in the city of Souya in the Ciel route is simply because its True Ancestor lord (Arcueid) willed it into existence.空想具現化
なお、シエルルートにおいて総耶の街に突如として千年城が出現したのは、あくまでも城主である真祖(アルクェイド)の意志がその城を作りあげていたにすぎない。 - ↑
[] TYPE-MOON Fes. Official Pamphlet 10th Anniversary Q & A Booklet:
Q: When White Len pulled Arcueid into her world, there were descriptions of the support from Gaia being cut off, can all users of Reality Marble do that?Q: When White Len pulled Arcueid into her world, there were descriptions of the support from Gaia being cut off, can all users of Reality Marble do that?
A: That's in the story of Melty Blood Re-Act. Reality Marble is not the alteration of things or events, but overwriting (covering). Thus, what White Len said is possible. It is like overwriting existing field effect with another one. However, even if the field is changed, whether Arcueid's support would be severed depends on "what power is used to construct the boundary field". If an alien deployed the Reality Marble, then Arcueid's support may be completely cut off.
By the way, a Dream Boundary Field at Len's level will just make Arcueid say "O? I will get serious now!", and then she will blow it away in one shot after requesting the Planet's support. It is like an even greater world emerging from underneath the overwritten world. Simply put, White Len is but a clown.... sad... real sad.Q:白レンは自分の世界にアルクェイドを引き込むことで、自然からアルクェイドへの供給を絶っていたような描写がありましたが、これは固有結界を使える者なら誰でもできるのでしょうか?
余談ではありますが、白レン程度の夢結界じゃあ、アルクが「はんと?じゃあ本気出す!」と星からのバックアップ要請をあげたら結界ごとあっさり吹き飛びます、白レンが。上書きした世界の下から、もこもことさらに巨大な世界がわき上がってくるワケですな。つまり白レンはピエロ......憐れ......憐れ......。 - ↑ 28.0 28.1
[] Tsukihime Material I - GLOSSARY: Event Storage, p.101 Event Storage
An ability of the True Ancestors, the planet's sense of touch. The conceptual and physical storage of things reared on the planet's surface. Every creature that has appeared on the face of the planet——it is something that requisitions textures.
In terms of Divine Spirits it's an ability on the level of an Authority, but since this an Authority of the planet it is a 'system' rather than a 'skill'. The gravitational sphere that appeared at Arcueid's feet when she had become an Astral Body was of a scale great enough to store the entire planet's texture.事象収納