
Fate/complete material (フェイト/コンプリートマテリアル?) is a collection of artwork and supplementary information from the Fate/stay night series of games, similar to Plus Period. It is divided into five volumes. Udon EntertainmentWP has secured the rights to release the books in English. The first volume was released in June 2014.[1]

Name Release date English release date Series
Fate/complete material I July 2, 2008 May 27, 2014 Fate/stay night
Fate/complete material II June 30, 2010 March 7, 2017 Fate/stay night
Fate/complete material III October 29, 2010 N/A Fate/stay night
Fate/complete material IV June 25, 2011 N/A Various
Fate/complete material V February 25, 2012 N/A Fate/hollow ataraxia


External links[]

Main works
Fate/Zero (AnimeMangaSound Drama) • Fate/stay night (Fate (AnimeManga) • Unlimited Blade Works (AnimeMovieManga) • Heaven's Feel (Movies(Presage FlowerLost ButterflySpring Song) Manga)) • Fate/hollow ataraxia (Manga)
Fate/Extra series
Fate/EXTRA (MangaLast EncoreRecord) • Fate/EXTRA CCC (Manga) • Fate/EXTRA CCC Fox TailFate/EXTELLAFate/EXTELLA LINK
Fate/Grand Order series
5th Anniversary "under the same sky"ArcadeChaldea Case FilesDuelFate/Grand Order (Anime (First OrderMoonlight/LostroomAbsolute Demonic Front: BabyloniaDivine Realm of the Round Table: CamelotGrand Temple of Time: Solomon) • Manga (Epic of Remnant (AgarthaSalemSE.RA.PHShimousaShinjuku) • mortalis:stellaturas réalta) • Stage Plays (Divine Realm of the Round Table: CamelotAbsolute Demonic Front: BabyloniaThe Grand Time Temple: Solomon)) • From LostbeltThe Heroic Spirit Food ChroniclesHeroic Spirit Lore ~Henry Jekyll/Hyde~Murder at the KogetsukanStrange Tales of Heroic Spirit Lore ~King of the Cavern, Edmond Dantès~A Study in the Dubious Meiho ManorVRWaltz in the MOONLIGHT/LOSTROOM
Other Works
The Adventures of Lord El-Melloi IIThe Case Files of Lord El-Melloi IIDominate Grail WarFate/Apocrypha (AnimeManga) • Fate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYA (Anime) • Fate/LabyrinthFate:Lost EinherjarFate/PrototypeFate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky SilverFate/RequiemFate/Samurai RemnantFate/strange Fake (MangaWhispers of Dawn) • Fate/type RedlineFate/unlimited codesFate/unpublished materialFate/Zero Next EncounterGarden of Avalon
Parody Works
Carnival Phantasm (TAKE MOON) • Fate/Grand CarnivalFate/Freedom OrderFate/GUDAGUDA OrderFate/KOHA-ACEFate/Grand Order Gutentag OmenFate/Grand Order Gutentag Omen AdiosFate/Grand Order: Medb・Medb・Medb! Shimo Aono WorksFate/Grand Order MyCraft LostbeltFate/Grand Order QuestFate/IxtellaFate/mahjong night: Holy Tile WarFate/Pixel WarsFate/school lifeFate/stay night Comic BattleFate/tiger colosseumFate/Zero BlackKoha-AceLearn with Manga! FGOTeach Us FGO! The Grand Order of Greats and LegendsToday's Menu for Emiya FamilyTYPE-MOON Academy Chibichuki!Fate/Grand Order: Heian HEROES Piyo WorksYokai PARADE Piyo Fate/Grand Order WorksYokai PARADE Piyo
ArgonautsCaren SeriesChaldea Security OrganizationChurchCryptersClan CalatinEnforcement KnightFour FlushFour Heavenly KingsGerman Third Reich(Artificial Heroic Spirit Soldiers Held Krieger) • Godbreaker AllianceHassan-i-SabbahHeroic Spirit SwordmasterHornetImperial Japanese ArmyJapan's Three Great MonstersKnights of FiannaKnights of the Red BranchKnights of the Round Table(Lion KingLostbelt) • LōkapālaMachine GodMage's Association(Clock TowerAtlasWandering Sea) • Marble Trading CompanyNew Five Great MafiasNine Fox FoundationNine WorthiesOlympian SoldierOlympus Defense ForceSakura FiveShingon Tachikawa School(Eiten) • ShinsengumiTamamo NineThornTwelve OlympiansTwelve Paladins of CharlemagneWestern European PlutocracyZugzwang
Admirable Great TacticsAdvantageAge of GodsAhnenerbeBajiquanDivine ConstructDivine SpiritDragonDragon SmokeFuyuki CityGrand OrderHeroic SpiritHero of JusticeLostbelt KingMagecraftMagical GirlMasterMoon CellNight Wars of the British EmpireNoble PhantasmParameter RulesRound TableSaberfaceSaintServant(AlterClass CardDemiGrandHighLilyPseudoSantaServant Universe) • Servant UniverseSkillWild Hunt
Holy Grail Wars
FuyukiMoonTrue & FalseGreatAinsworthTokyoImperial"After"SubcategoryGrand Orders
Tsukihime series
TsukihimeTsukihime PLUS-DISCKagetsu TohyaMelty BloodMelty Blood Re-ACTMelty Blood Act CadenzaMelty Blood Actress AgainHana no MiyakoTsukihime -A piece of blue glass moon-Melty Blood: Type Lumina
Fate series
Fate/stay nightFate/hollow ataraxiaFate/ZeroFate/tiger colosseumFate/unlimited codesFate/EXTRAFate/EXTRA CCCFate/EXTRA CCC Fox TailFate/EXTELLAFate/EXTELLA LINKFate/EXTRA RecordFate/PrototypeFate/Prototype: Fragments of Sky SilverFate/LabyrinthFate/ApocryphaFate/kaleid liner PRISMA☆ILLYAFate/school lifeFate/strange fakeFate/Grand OrderFate/Grand Order ArcadeFate/RequiemFate/type RedlineFate:Lost Einherjar
Other works
All Around Type-MoonApril Fools' Day (Imperial RomaSensha Otoko) • CanaanClock Tower 2015Clockwick canaan-vailDDDDoujin worksFire GirlGirls' WorkKara no KyoukaiKoha-AceMahou Tsukai no YoruNotesTake MoonThe Adventures of Lord El-Melloi IIThe Case Files of Lord El-Melloi IIThe Room of the April WitchTsuki no SangoTYPE-MOON Fes.
Art books and Materials
Character MaterialFate/complete materialFate/side side materialePlus PeriodTYPE-MOON Ace