The Real World, Part 2
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2003) episode
The Real World Part Two
Season Code: S03E23
Episode: 75
Original airdate April 2, 2005
Written by Michael Ryan
Supervising Producer Lloyd Goldfine
Producers: Gary Richardson
Frederick U. Fierst
Al Kahn
Norman Grossfeld
Thomas Kenney
Directed by Roy Burdine
Story Editor: Michael Ryan
Episode chronology
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"The Real World, Part 1" "Bishop's Gambit"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 3
October 9, 2004 - April 23, 2005
List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes


  1. The Christmas Aliens
  2. Space Invaders, Part I
  3. Space Invaders, Part II
  4. Space Invaders, Part III
  5. Worlds Collide, Part I
  6. Worlds Collide, Part II
  7. Worlds Collide, Part III
  8. Touch and Go
  9. Hunted
  10. H.A.T.E.
  11. Nobody's Fool
  12. New Blood
  13. The Lesson
  14. The Darkness Within
  15. Mission of Gravity
  16. The Entity Below
  17. Time Travails
  18. Hun on the Run
  19. Reality Check
  20. Across the Universe
  21. Same As It Never Was
  22. The Real World, Part 1
  23. The Real World, Part 2
  24. Bishop's Gambit
  25. Exodus, Part 1
  26. Exodus, Part 2

Season 1Season 2Season 3Season 4Ninja TribunalFast Forward - Back to the Sewer

"The Real World", Part 2 is the seventy-fifth episode of the animated series 2003 TV series, which originally aired on April 2, 2005. It had 3.98 million views on the 4Kids website as of 2008.


Leonardo and Usagi travel to Battle Nexus to seek the help from Daimyo so he can help Leo to get his family back. However, things are not supposed to be that as they should be since Ultimate Drako arrives and attacks! With the help of Splinter and the three other Turtles, have defeated the villain!!

Appearing in The Real World, Part 2[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]


Objects and vehicles[]



Voice-over introduction[]

Leonardo: When did enemies coming back from the great beyond become the rule instead of the exception? My family and I were enjoying some well-deserved downtime when suddenly we were attacked by a foe we thought long gone. [Splinter: Drako. Leonardo: And the Daimyo’s son.]  Somehow he was back, back for revenge. There was blinding flash of light, and I found myself in a strange world with no clue how I got there and no way to get home. But at least I had a friend. [Leonardo: Usagi!] Now with Usagi's help, I hope to reach the Battle Nexus and ask the Daimyo to use his dimension spanning powers to help me in finding my missing family. I know it’s a long shot, but right now, it's the only shot I have.


Leonardo and Usagi arrive at the Battle Nexus. All is quiet and the stadium is abandoned, as there is no tournament going on. The friends enter the Daimyo's palace. As they approach the Daimyo, he seems old and weak, with a long beard. The Daimyo is accompanied by the Gyoji and has his War Staff on display. Leo and Usagi kneel before the Daimyo and Leo begins to tell him about Ultimate Drako's treachery and asks for help in finding and rescuing his family. During the request, the Daimyo is sleepy and inattentive, but Gyoji urges Leonardo to continue. As Leo finishes his story, the Daimyo stirs and suddenly grows angry. The Battle Nexus overseer blames the Turtles and Splinter for the loss of his son and orders his guards to lock Usagi and Leonardo in the dungeons forever. With this, the Daimyo’s personal guards rush into the chamber and surround our shocked heroes, who fight off the guards and escape.

A bit later, Leonardo and Usagi re-enter the palace. Leonardo decides that they will need to steal the Daimyo’s War Staff in order to save Splinter and the other Turtles. Usagi notes that they'll also have to help the Daimyo, who clearly isn’t in his right mind.

Cut to the Palace hall, where Leo and Usagi have snuck into. They stealthily take out two cloaked guards and use the very same cloaks to disguise themselves. Re-entering the Daimyo’s throne room, Leonardo and Usagi quickly dispatch three more guards and grab the War Staff as the Daimyo continues in his fretful slumber. Suddenly, the Gyoji appears. Leonardo tells the aide that he doesn't wish to fight, but surprisingly, Gyoji states that he wishes to help them and beckons the two heroes to follow him.

In a nearby antechamber, Gyoji instructs Leo on how to use the War Staff. While doing so, the Daimyo's assistant summons a scrying window to view Splinter and the other Turtles. The window reveals an unconscious Splinter who is being held in the very dungeons of the palace! Leo tries to summon his Sensei, but is unsuccessful. Gyoji tells Leonardo to try to save his brothers instead, but his attempts keep failing. His brothers Michelangelo, Raphael and Donatello are simply shifting momentarily (as it was seen in the other episodes of where the Turtles are and Leo was the one who's making them disappear was foreshadowed). Frustrated, Leo hands the Gyoji the War Staff for help. The blue bandana Turtle despairs over his failure and asks what is he doing wrong. With this, the Gyoji comforts him, saying that someone's very powerful blocking his desperate attempts to save his family and enjoys suffering from his frustration and ignorance, but surprisingly, he erupts in laughter as he transforms into Ultimate Drako, now holding both the War Staff and the Time Scepter.

As Ultimate Drako reveals himself, Leo and Usagi attack, but their efforts are futile as Ultimate Drako simply uses the Time Scepter to freeze them. The villain then uses the staff to transform the palace into a harsh, rocky desert. Leo and Usagi stand on a plateau where they're surrounded by a torrent of purple wind and hulking enemies. As our heroes unsheathe their blades, the zombie warriors of past Battle Nexus champions begin to attack. Usagi is knocked to the ground and Leonardo is left alone to defend him.

As Ultimate Drako watches Leo struggle, he uses the War Staff to summon the Daimyo and Splinter and prepares to finish them off as well.

As Ultimate Drako is about to slay the Daimyo; he suddenly has a moral dilemma (after all, half of him is still the Daimyo’s son). As he argues with himself over what to do, he doesn't realize that Splinter has awakened. Master Splinter attacks the evildoer, grabbing onto the War Staff. As they fight over possession of the staff, Splinter somehow activates its powers. Splinter summons his sons to him, and Raph, Mike and Don appear in a flash of green energy. The three brothers attack Ultimate Drako, who drops the Time Scepter and relinquishes the War Staff to Splinter. As Mikey and Raph grab the Time Scepter, energy begins to leap between it and the War Staff and then shoots out all around the cursed Battle Nexus. The palace reappears around the group while Leo and Usagi find themselves standing in the stadium.

As the energy hits Ultimate Drako, it separates the being back into its two original forms (Drako and the Ultimate Ninja). Drako is confused and asks how can this be, moments before turning into dust. The Ultimate Ninja is the last one, but now, he has change of heart as it was seen when he sees his father and sincerely apologizes to him for his actions, as he sees himself in a face of death after change of heart. The two then turn into statues and crumble into dust.

The heroes begin to look around in puzzlement - no one knows how the staves did these things. Suddenly, Lord Simultaneous appears and takes his Time Scepter. Simultaneous explains that the Scepter has a mind of its own, and naturally put everything the way that it should be (with a little help from the War Staff). Simultaneous sees a great mess, he is very frustrated and expresses of how much tired he is by cleaning after maniacs and madmen. The Daimyo is still dozing, moaning about the loss of his son. Simultaneous looks at the Daimyo stoically, then turns to the Turtles and tells them that he will demonstrate the good that the Time Scepter can do, when wielded by virtuous hands. With that, the time lord turns the pile of ash that was the Ultimate Ninja into his eight-year-old self. The boy rushes to his father, crying about having an awful nightmare. The awakened ruler hugs his son and explains that he too was having a bad dream, but now everything was going to be all right.

Usagi tells Leonardo that it has been an honor to fight with him, and the two bow to one another. Our heroes bid farewell to their samurai friend and Simultaneous sends everyone back to their appropriate time and place.

The Turtles and Splinter arrive back in their lair. Casey arrives and states that he's been looking for them for the past ten minutes and asks them if they've been playing some kind of ninja hide 'n' seek game with him. The Turtles smile and declare that it's good to be home.

See also[]


Raph: What the shell?!
Donny: Mikey! Raph! You're young! And alive! And Mikey, you have both arms!
Mikey: Good to see you too Donny, I think.


  • It was revealed that the reason why Mikey, Raph, and Donnie were phasing in and out in their episodes prior to this was because Leo was trying to use Daimyo's War Staff to bring them to the Battle Nexus.
  • The world Splinter ended up in after the events of "Reality Check" was the Battle Nexus, but was thrown in the dungeon by the grieving Daimyo, who had placed blame on Splinter and the Turtles for the death of his son.
  • Ultimate Ninja and Drako separate into their original bodies thanks to the Time Scepter and War Staff, but both turn to stone and crumble into dust.
  • Lord Simultaneous reappears in the episode and reclaims the Time Scepter. He also restores the Ultimate Ninja as a small child.
  • Upon getting back to the lair, it seemed like the Ninja Turtles and Splinter were gone from Earth for only ten minutes.
  • Klunk makes a cameo appearance at the end of the episode when the Turtles arrive back at the lair.

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