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Captain Reptile: Where is it? Where is the formula?
Chris: Rampage is over, Captain Reptile. 'Cause Chris Bradford is here.
[Reptile grabs the pink serum and grows big.]
Reptile: You mean itty-bitty Bradford?
Chris: Lil' Renio ho! Ha!
[Renio charges before the TV turns off.]
Mikey: Dude! I was watching Chris Bradford. Real Earth-style entertainment, yo!
Raph: Too bad, Mikey. We're needed on the bridge.
Mikey: [moans frustratingly.] I miss Earth! I'm tired of space. I miss Master Splinter.
Raph: So do I, little brother. Big time! But we can stop the Triceratons, we can finally go home.
Donnie: [sighs.] Man, it's a long way to the ZZ3 Plural X Beta Galaxy. Even warping is taking forever.
Leo: [stretches and yawns] Yeah, I'd say the far edge of the known universe is a long way.
Fugitoid: The planet itself is Magdomar, which translates as Planet of Ever-Burning Fire.
Mikey: [bored and annoyed] Oh, man! Couldn't we just once go to the planet of Comfy Pillows and Endless Free Pizza?
Fugitoid: It's also the home of Tokka, one of the Six Great Cosmic Monsters of the Universe. It is an ancient Vorkathian Fire Beast protecting the final fragment of the Black Hole Generator with its life.
Casey: If we could keep from losing it this time, we might pull this off.
Fugitoid: Now approaching Magdomar. The Triceraton fleet must be near. We must avoid them at all costs.
April: I see them! On the other side of the planet. Closing in.
Donnie: They're launching Raptors.
Mikey: They're gonna find the Black Hole thingy before us!
Raph: It's not a thingy! It's... never mind. Let's do this. It's our last chance!
Leo: Mr. Fugitoid, full speed ahead.
Fugitoid: Booyakasha!
[Theme song]
[They head to the planet. Meanwhile, Mozar and his soldiers are also trying to find the last piece.]
Mozar: With the Heart of Darkness in my hands, I shall become an admiral once again! And perhaps more.
Zorin: We are entering orbit, Captain Mozar.
Mozar: Send a search team and ready the teleporter. Once they've confirmed its location, I will beam down. I must have the fragment in my claws.
[They arrive at the planet as magma burst from the lava]
Mikey: Whoa! Fire burps, dude!
Fugitoid: Actually, this is the mild, calm part of the planet. That's where the Utrom said the fragment resides.
Casey: Then let's grab it pronto!
Leo: There it is.
[Fugitoid hovers the ship over the fragment and turned on the tracter beam. But the fragment won't budge.]
Donnie: Come on. Come on.
Raph: What's the hold up?
Leo: It's stuck. It'll have to be a manual op. We need a clear landing spot. How about over there?
Donnie: So, uh, where is this Tokka creature, Professor?
Fugitoid: Somewhere close by, but if we act quickly, we-
[He was cut off when something hit the ship.]
Leo: Donnie, report. Who fired on us?
[Lord Dregg appears on screen.]
Dregg: I did! Lord Dregg, you idiotic mutant Terrans.
Donnie: Oh, not him again. Seriously?
Dregg: [enraged] Did you shell-dwellers think that you can escape my wrath? You destroyed my Scorpinoid! He was my favorite pet. I love him. Now prepare to meet a horrifying and depressing end.
Fugitoid: I'm always prepared for that. When all you have left is a humanoid brain, you tend to get-
Leo: Evasive action!
[The Uxlies swerved out of the way from Dregg's lasers.]
Dregg: You jerks!
April: Shields are weakening!
Fugitoid: I think we're in a teensy, tiny spot of trouble. Just a teensy spot, not to worry.
Donnie: Taking a lot of damage!
[Vreen begin to hatch]
April: It's hatching eggs again! That is just so gross!
Leo: Robots coming in fast!
Casey: I got this!
[He fires the Vreen down. The Ulxies started to shake.]
April: Oh, no. Power converters are failing. We're going down!
Fugitoid: Diverting power to thrusters!
Raph: Casey, we got to hit them simultaneously, right on his ship's bug head. One, two...
both: three!
[They fire at the insect ship while the Ulixes crash into the planet. A while later, the turtles, Casey and April leave the Ulixes.]
Fugitoid: I will repair the converters while you find the final piece of the Black Hole Generator. Head north. Good luck, my friends. Stay cool. [laughs.] You get it? I made a funny.
[In the mothership. Dregg's image appears]
Dregg: Triceratons, heed me!
Mozar: Vrinigrath Dregg! Why would criminal scum dare to contact the Triceraton Empire?
Dregg: Oh, that hurts! I am royalty, you fool! And I know where the final fragment of your adored Black Hole Generator is. The Terrapins are on their way to get it.
Mozar: Perhaps I was hasty, your royalness.
Dregg: Oh, that's better. I will help you claim the fragment of your silly toy. All I'm asking is for the Turtles, alive. Oh, and also forty million zemulaks.
Mozar: Agreed. If you find the fragment first, the money and the Turtles are yours.
[The turtles and humans explore the planet. Sudden earthquakes and fire burst from the lava. Everyone avoided them without getting burned.]
Mikey: This whole planet's out to get us!
[They dashed across a stone bridge. Everyone managed to make it past but April trips.]
Casey: April!
[Casey helps her back to her feet]
April: Look out!
[The bridge begins to collapse and they run. ]
Mikey: April!
[They helped the two humans and pulled them safely..]
April: Thanks, guys. We almost bought it.
Mikey: Phew. That was way too close. Ahh!
[The bug ship grabbed Mikey]
Raph: Mikey!
Leo: Oh, no.
April: I got him!
[She fired her blaster before they chase after him.]
Mikey: Let me go, Lord Bugazoid!
Dregg: Oh, you wish to be released? So be it!
Mikey: I didn't mean over lava! Ahh!
[The pincers opened, relasing the orange turtle. Mikey begins to fall but then he was rescued by Leo. They plummet to safety.]
Leo: You okay, Mikey?
[Mikey hugs Leo]
Mikey: My hero!
[Dregg roars in anger and knocks Donnie down. April tries to shoot him but he fires green bombs. The teen managed to catch them.]
Raph: I need some telekinesis.
April: Back at you, Dregg!
[She used her powers and knocked Dregg out of the air.]
Dregg: Why won't you just let me end your pitiful lives?
[Another earthquake. Dregg began to use his spider hand and wrapped Mikey,]
Mikey: Spider hand!
[Mikey shoved April out of the way, allowing the spider to tie him up and being dragged to Dregg. The rocks give way, sending Dregg falling. Leo sliced the rope off of Mikey before he could fall. ]
Casey: Finally. Dregg's harder to squish than a cockroach.
Leo: We better haul shell before the Triceratons find us.
[Another earthquake as magma burst.]
Mikey: Excuse me, dudes. Had a little gas.
Donnie: These earthquakes are being caused by an unstable magma-
[More earthquakes. Raph falls off the ledge but stops in time to get to the top.]
Leo: Raph, you okay?
Raph: I'm alright.
[He looked and then noticed an egg.]
Raph: Is that an egg?
[Raph picks up the egg and it hatches. It was a purple baby turtle.]
Raph: Aw. Some kind of turtle alien. Where's your mama, little guy? Okay, now, go find your nest. Y-you're too close to the bad lava, little fella. Better stay with Uncle Raph for now.
[Raph gets to the top with the baby on his shoulder]
Raph: Hey, guys! Look.
Casey: A baby turtle? What'd you do, lay an egg down there?
Donnie: Not a good time to adopt an alien pet, Raph.
Mikey: Aw, look. He's almost as cute as me.
Raph: Hey! I found him first.
[The alien turtle bit his finger.]
Raph: Youch! Ooh. Hmm. How about I call you Chompy Picasso.
April: What you need to do is find out who his mom is and give him back.
Leo: Forget it! We're on a mission to save Earth, not alien turtles.
Raph: Hold up, we gotta-
Leo: Take cover.
[They hide behind the rock as the Raptors arrive.]
Zax: Captain Mozar, I've located the Black Hole Weapon fragment. Dregg made good on his intel.
Mozar: There it is. The final piece of the Heart of Darkness. The Emperor will reward me gloriously.
Donnie: Oh, no, they found it.
[Chompy squeaks]
Mozar: What is that?
Mikey: Oh, snap. Let's make a break for it, homies!
[Leo began to fire as they run for safety.]
Leo: Retreat! Retreat!
Mikey: Later, dino dudes!
[They use a smoke bomb and disappear. Later, the group reach the generator.]
Leo: Fugitoid, we found the fragment. We'll have it loose in no time. We need a pick-up now!
Fugitoid: [on feedback] Oh, dear. I haven't got the ship's power back online yet.
Leo: What are we supposed to do, carry it on our shells?
Raph: Hey, little guy, if I knew how to find your mama, I'd-
[A loud roar made them tumble and begin to fall. Raph grabbed onto a spike while the others grabbed onto each others legs,]
Mikey: Wow. That was awesome! Good save, Raph.
[They yell as they figure turned around. The thing turned out to be Tokka, the lava turtle.]
Raph: Slipping too much weight!
[They began to fall but they landed safely on the ground.]
Casey: Oh, snap.
Donnie: The fragment's still stuck to Tokka's shell!
Leo: Triceratons have its attention now.
[They begin to run as they dodged some rocks..]
Donnie: April, Casey, get behind some cover.
[They hide behind the rocks]
Leo: Fugitoid, we're gonna try and grab the fragment, so get the tractor beams ready.
Fugitiod: I'll be finished in two shakes of a dongle.
Raph: So what do we do?
Mikey: The only way to get that thing is to climb Tokka.
Leo: That's the plan, Mikey.
Mikey: It is?
Raph: Keep Chompy safe. You'll be okay with April, little buddy.
[Raph leaves Chompy with April.]
April: Guys! Be careful!
[Meanwhile, the Triceratons continue firing Tokka.]
Mozar: Bring it down, or cripple it so we can get the fragment.
[Tokka began to breathe fire and burn the Triceratons. They managed to dodge in time.]
Triceraton: Orders, Captain?
[Armor formed around the Triceratons.]
Mozar: Stand your ground to the very end, Triceratons.
[The turtles climb onto Tokka's shell.]
Mikey: How we gonna get that thing?
April: Yes! They made it! Oh, man. Hey, little guy.
Casey: That thing is actually kind of cute.
[Chompy squeaks, making Tokka roar and turn back to him.]
April: This little creature is the monster's baby.
Raph: Tokka's a mom?
Mikey: Aw. That's adorable.
[Tokka leans down and roars at them.]
April: No charge for babysitting.
[She puts Chompy into Tokka's mouth and gets blasted by the Raptors.]
Mozar: Team 2, attack with Raptors. Get that generator fragment. Failing me means failing to live.
[The Tokka began to eat one of the fleets and Chompy began to fall.]
Raph: Chompy!
[Raph leaps and saves the baby turtle]
Raph: Gotcha!
[Raph and Chompy and tries to use his grappling hook. Mikey saves Raph as he puts Chompy in a corner,]
Raph: You'll be safe here, Chompy. Stay with your mama. Good boy.
[He climbs up the kusarigama and joins the others to push the piece]
Leo: We're almost there, team. Push! Give it everything you got.
[They begin to push with all of their might and the piece begins to fall.]
Mikey: Oh, no! The thingy piece!
[Everything went still in slow motion until it was caught by the Ulixes.]
Fugitoid: I've got it in my tractor beam. Pulling it in now. Too bad the lava isn't hot enough to destroy it, but we will- [gasp.]
[Dregg steals the piece.]
Dregg: So long, suckers!
Raph: No! We had it!
Mozar: Blasted bug! Triceratons, beam me up immediately.
[He teleports back to the Mothership. The rest of the turtles and humans get teleported back to the ship. Tokka roars and starts to go after them by using her thrusters..]
Fugitoid: Welcome back. Apologies for losing the fragment.
Leo: Just stay on Dregg. Don't let him escape.
April: [notices Tokka coming right at them] Um, guys? Is she coming after us or Dregg?
Leo: She can fly?
Mikey: She's gonna ram our ship!
[Tokka flies right papst the Ulxies, making the teens fall.]
Casey: She's still after Dregg.
Leo: Oh, no. Dregg's heading for Mozar's destroyer!
[Dregg appears in Mozar's screen.]
Dregg: Mozar! I've got your precious weapon fragment, but you must destroy Tokka. Give me sanctuary and one hundred million zemulaks, or I drop it into a star.
Mozar: You vile pirate. But I suppose we have a deal. Fire!
[Tokka grabs the mothership and roars. Missiles started to launch at the star]
Donnie: Um, guys? The Triceratons are firing rockets straight into that dwarf star.
Fugitoid: Surely they would not be so foolish as to trigger the destruction of that dying star [stammers.] What am I saying? OF COURSE THEY WOULD!
[The star explodes, sending a supernova. Everyone gets blown back. ]
Raph: Chompy was with her. And now he's gone.
Mikey: Then who's this hitching a ride on your shell?
[Chompy appears on Raph's back.]
Raph: Chompy! Aw, little guy! You're okay. But what about Tokka? She was just trying to protect the fragment and Chompy.
Leo: What about Earth?
[We cut back to Mozar and Dregg.]
Mozar: Thank you for the final fragment. Your hundred million zemulaks are right in there.
Dregg: Where? I don't see anything. Where is my money?
[Mozar double-crosses Dregg as he locks him.]
Dregg: Liars! Cheats!
Mozar could not hear Dredd as he pressed a button to open the airlock.]
Dregg: Huh? Ahh! No! No! No!
[Dregg is in space, freezing to death, this is the exact same pose Dregg does just as the villain in Star wars. However, Hornitron stayed in Mozar's ship and was unable to come to Dregg's aid. With Dregg succumbing to his freezing death, we cut to where Triceratons are completing the Black hole.]
Mozar: It is done! The Heart of Darkness is complete.
Zoran: Captain. A scout Sergeant Zog has found another Kraang outpost.
Mozar: Excellent. Then we shall test the Heart of Darkness on our old enemies.
Zoran: Sir, I have also discovered something you will find amusing.
[Cut to Ulixes.]
Fugitoid: Setting a course for the Milky Way Galaxy.
April: Whoa. Someone's trying to hack our monitors.
Donnie: Dregg again?
Mozar: Terrans, observe. The Black Hole Generator is complete. We are soon to test it on a planet you know all too well. A planet called Earth.
[all Seven-way split-screen of the horrified looks on the Turtles, April, Casey, and the Fugitoid's faces gasping. with shock and horror,]