
[It all started with the normans running off. It is revealed that they are being chased by Raphael and Casey Jones, who tried to stop them.]
Kraang Kraang must evade those that pursue Kraang.
[Raph lunged forward and started punching the Kraang.]
Raph Move it, Casey!
Casey You think I'm on a midnight stroll?
[He ends up grabbing the side and cause the bolts of the fire escape to break off. The two teens crash onto a droid in the alley below.]
Raph They're getting away with the Plutonium. Can't lose 'em. [trips]
Casey Aw, crud.
Raph Are you pulling my sai? Let's go!
Casey I think I lost another tooth.
[Meanwhile Raph sees something.]
Raph What the?
[To their shock, they realized that all of the Krang droids are damaged.]
Raph Who could've done this?
Casey [lifting up his mask] And it keeps getting worse. They took the Plutonium. What do you think they need it for?
Raph No idea. But whoever it was, packed some serious firepower. Let's just hope they're on our side.
[Unknown to them, someone is watching them from the rooftop. The unknown person leaves as soon as he watched them for a second.]

[Theme song]

[In the lair, Leo, Donnie and Mikey are playing the pinball game.]
Mikey uh huh. That's where I want it. That's where I want it. Mm. Aw, yeah. About to hit the high score. Oh, yeah, we're gonna do this.
Raph Great use of your time. While somebody else is out there busting the Kraang's brains in.
Casey And that somebody wasn't us. We got other vigilantes out there going after those alien blobs.
Mikey Sounds good to me. Less work for us.
Raph It's not good. The Kraang stole Plutonium. And whoever took 'em down stole it from them.
Donnie Interesting. Maybe Shredder's going after the Kraang again.
Raph I don't think these were Shredder's guys.
Mikey Ha! I know exactly who's behind this.
[A thought bubble appears to show a squirrel firing lasers.]
Raph [Angrily.] You better not say squirrels with lasers again.
[Mikey looks down sadly, while his brothers look at him in disapproval.]
Donnie So what do we do, Leo? Hunt down whoever's hunting the Kraang?
Leo I think we better blanket the area, keep an eye out. Raph and Casey, stick to the alleyways. Donnie and Mikey, you take the rooftops. I'll cover the sewers. We'll meet back at the lair at midnight.
[Later that night. Casey and Raph look around at the alley.]
Raph You think you can keep up this time, Jones?
Casey What is your problem, Raph? The whole fire escape thing?
Raph Face it, Casey, street thugs and robo-ninjas are one thing. But alien threats from other dimensions are a whole different ball game.
Casey I took on a giant space worm single handedly.
Raph Yeah, you were single handedly eaten by it.
Casey [frustrated] Have you ever fought living intestines? I don't think so!
Raph Bottom line, you're in over your head on this one, Casey.
Casey Trust me. I might not have ninja training, but I've achieved a level of awesome, attainable only by Casey Jones. It's mystical.
[Meanwhile, we see Donnie and Mikey on the rooftop.]
Mikey Whoa, dude. Check it out, Don.
[They look at the destroyed robots. Donnie puts on his goggles and looks at a limb of a Kraangdroid. On his goggles’ view, he saw a lot of carbon.]
Donnie You see this carbon scorching? They were taken out by plasma weapons of some sort, tech that's just as advanced as the Kraangs. We got to warn the others.
Mikey [holding a head] The Kraang is getting their Kraangs handed to them, by those who are not Kraang.
[The head moves, causing Mikey to drop it and yelp. While Mikey smiles nervously, Donnie slaps his head with Kraangdroid hand in annoyance. Meanwhile, Leo is in the sewers alone and sees more droids destroyed.]
Leo Whoa. Whoever did this not only destroyed them, they obliterated them.
[He saw something and pulled out a shard. As he looked closer, he realizes that he knows the owner of the shard.]
Leo Oh no.
[It turns out the shard belonged to Slash. He watched Casey and Raph sneak past and see the Kraang below.]
Raph It's the Kraang.
Casey Piece of cake.
[They leap down but Raph stops Casey.]
Raph Hold on, hothead. Ninjas use stealth. Ever heard of it?
[Slash arrives smirking.]
Raph [Shocked.] Spike?
Casey [Surprised.] Whoa. Is that your old pet turtle? The one who got mutated?
Raph [Unenthused.] Yeah. His name was Spike.
Slash It's Slash now, remember? Good to see you again, Raphael. Miss me?
Raph What are you doing here, Slash?
Slash We're taking care of the Kraang. I got a new partner now.
[Explosions shoots from behind the building as Newtralizer appears and starts to attack.]
Destruction to the Kraang!
Casey So awesome. Who is that?
Raph An alien psycho called the Newtralizer. What are you guys doing, Slash?
Slash What you Turtles couldn't: Wiping out the Kraang. Keep out of the way!
[He starts to attack with his battle mace while Newtralizer gets inside the truck.]
Raph All right, I'll take Slash and Newtralizer. While you hang back and get-
[Casey already went after them]
Raph Aw, Casey!
Casey Goongala!
[Casey starts to attack but gets knocked aside by the Newtralizer’s tail.]
Raph Look out!
[Raph saves him from an incoming truck. Inside, the Newtralizer finds the plutonium.]
Newtralizer Just what I was looking for. And now the Plutonium. Slash, we have what we came for.
[He toses Slash the device. Raph, in anger, started to attack Slash.]
Slash See you got a new partner, too, Raphael. A human?
[Slash sucker-punches Raph and he fell to the ground.]
Slash [Cynically.] You gonna betray him the way you betrayed me?
Raph [Cracking his ribs back and smirks at Slash.] Still holding on to the past, huh, Spike?
Slash [agitated] I told you, it's Slash now!
[He throws Raph away. Newtralizer begins to teleport along with Slash when Casey tries to attack.]
Raph Ooh! I think we're in deep trouble.
[In the kitchen, Casey is clutching his head.]
Casey My head. Raph, ice me.
[Kitty gives Raph an ice pack and gives it to Casey.]
Raph You should have never got involved, Casey. Slash and Newtralizer are way too powerful.
Casey Those two goons are nothing. They lucked out. Won't happen again.
Leo Let's focus, people. We got two crazy mutants running around blowing up the streets.
Raph I think we should shadow the Kraang until they show up.
Donnie Easy. Since Slash and the Newtralizer are using Plutonium to power their teleportation, we can look for traces of residual radiation. Mikey, would you stop eating the Kraang locations?
Mikey [holding the joystick] Hold on, D I'm about to get the high score. And....
[Donnie takes it away]
Miikey Aw.
[At the warehouse, two krangs are patrolling until Slash and Newtralizer appear.]
Kraang Intruders. Kraang must warn-
[They easily defeat them.]
Slash Let's do this.
Newtralizer First we find Kraang communications. Then we blow this place to.... Raka Raka Roka Raka.
Slash Blow this place? Too dangerous. What about the humans out on the street?
Newtralizer Remember the day we met? The vow?
[in a flashback, Slash was being captured by the Kraang until Newtralizer arrives and defeats the krang and frees him from the cuffs.]
Slash I owe you one. The name's Slash.
[Newtralizer just makes a bunch of weird alien noises.]
Slash I can't understand you.
[Newtralizer tries to translate the device on his left armored bracelet. However, he keeps getting the wrong noises as he is heard making grunts, hisses, roars, etc. He bangs on his translator as Slash looks puzzled. Newtralizer then finally gets the correct language.]
Newtralizer I had to help you. These are the most insidious aliens in the ten dimensions. They imprisoned me. They tortured me. I have made a vow never to rest until I annihilate all of them.
Slash I'm with you, brother. Destroy the Kraang at any cost.
[End of flashback]
Newtralizer At any cost, right, brother?
[Outside, The turtles are on the fire escape.]
Leo You think this is the place?
[A robot gets knocked out of the building.]
Mikey Either that, or there's one bangin' party going on in there.
Casey Come on, guys. Let's do this.
[Casey started to go on, but Raph stops him.]
Raph Whoa, whoa, hold up. Who invited you on this stakeout, anyway?
Casey Casey Jones invited himself.
[Slash and Newtralizer continue fighting.]
Newtralizer A Kraang communication orb. Exactly what I was looking for.
[He inserts the cord into the orb. He lifted his com.]
Slash Want to let me in on the plan?
Newtralizer In due time.
[The turtles and Casey arrive in the warehouse]
Mikey Whoa. It's the Newtralizer. I totally named that guy.
Donnie Actually, I named him.
Mikey (mocking Donnie) "Actually, I named him."
Leo Hit 'em hard and fast.
Raph Except for you, Casey. You hold back.
[Mikey and Leo charged but the Newtralizer easily beat them. Slash jumps down and Donnie jumps on his shell before he gets swung back.]
Slash Eager for another beatdown, Donatello?
[Pucks hit him making Slash roar.]
Casey Leave him alone!
[Slash grabbed Casey and threw him aside.]
Raph Casey!
[Raph tried to attack but they teleported to different directions and ended up being beaten down. Newtralizer throws a disc bomb and disappear.]
Donnie Holy mackerel! Run!
[They escape but Casey is stuck, He jumps off and falls. He leaps out of the way, just as the explosion encountered and some of the debris is about to land on him. Raph saves Casey.]
Leo You guys all right?
Casey Yeah. We're cool.
Raph Cool? You would've been flattened if it wasn't for me.
Casey I've done the same for you, Raph.
Raph Oh, yeah? When was that?
Casey Like, dozens of times-
Raph If you didn't slow us down, they would've never gotten away.
Casey Are you kidding me?
Raph Why? You think this is a joke?
[They glare at each other.]
Casey You know what, Raph? Forget this. I'm out of here.
[Casey begins to leave]
Raph Good. Just go.
Casey Good. I'm going!
Leo Casey, wait. Hold on.
[Leo and Mikey glare at Raph.]
Raph What? If he's gonna act like a baby, I don't want his help.
Mikey Not cool, Raph. People have feelings, dude. Real squishy feelings.
Raph Well, I'm not people.
[On the rooftop.]
Leo This better be good, Donnie. What are we doing up here?
Donnie We are gonna listen in on everything Slash and the Newtralizer say. While I was wrestling with Slash, I slipped a spy roach on him. We'll be able to hear everything they say through my T-phone. I know, awesome, right? I'm smart.
Raph Nice, and here I thought you were just getting beat up.
Donnie Yeah, well, uh, I was multitasking.
[Down below. The roach begins listening on Slash's shell.]
Newtralizer The Kraang orb revealed a new weapon. They're testing it on the docks at midnight. We can use it to wipe out the Kraang once and for all. We can destroy this whole stinkin' city.
Slash And every innocent human with it. Are you crazy? I'm here to take out Kraang, not people.
Newtralizer Why should I care? I'm not people.
Mikey Sounds oddly familiar.
Newtralizer If it comes down to it, I won't take any chances, brother.
Leo Okay, this just got real.
Raph Let's end this.
[At the docks, the turtles climb through the cargo and see the Kraang. They begin to open the portal and bring in a new machine.]
Mikey Is that the new weapon they were talking about? Whoa. Oh, doesn't look like much. Never mind.
[The machine moves to reveal a walker.]
Kraang Kraang, over here. Move in the direction known as this way. Kraang targeting target.
[It shoots a cargo and the droid falls. The Krang gives a thumbs up, squeaking happily.]
Kraang That is what is known as awesome.
[Newtralizer and Slash arrive.]
Newtralizer So here's the plan. You distract the Kraang, I'll hijack the walker.
Slash And I'm supposed to trust you inside that thing?
Newtalizer I know how to pilot it, and you don't have a choice.
[He leaves Slash.]
Leo Here's the plan...
[Newtralizer appears on the top. Alerted, the Kraang electrocutes the alien newt. He crashes to the ground just as the foot starts to step on him. He dodged as Slash joined in.]
Newtralizer Slash, keep the Kraang busy. I'm going for the walker.
Kraang Kraang, attack all non-Kraang. Repeat, attack-
[The turtles join into battle. Raph starts to take down Newtralizer as the robot ship starts to fire lasers. Newtralizer climbed to the top.]
Kraang Kraang, watch out for Kraang. Stupid Kraang.
[Donnie throws a bomb at the machine]
Donnie Here goes nothing.
[The laser explodes the bomb. Newtralizer jumps on the antenna, breaking it and setting the hatch open. He tossed the Krang out and started to control the ship.]
Kraang Kraang walker has been Kraang-jacked by the alien amphibian. Kraang, retreat, retreat.
[The laser that started to destroy the krang is about to crush Slash.]
Raph Spike!
[Raph pushes Slash out of the way.]
Slash [Grateful.] You. You saved me, Raphael.
Newtralizer I'll destroy you all.
[Slash teleports inside.]
Slash What are you doing? They helped us fight the Kraang.
Newtralizer [Angrily.] This is my battle. I don't need them.
[Slash begins to attack his enemy, trapping him in the debris by smashing his tail and infusing him with the robot.]
Newtralizer [Furious.] Slash, how could you, brother?
Slash [Coldly.] You're no brother of mine.
[Newtralizer is about to fire only to get his laser struck by a ninja star, thrown by Raph. They got off and landed on Mikey.]
Mikey Raph! Caught you, bro.
Newtralizer Rokka rokka rokka.
[The Newtralizer was about to aim his laser at the turtles]
Casey Goongala!
[grenades strike the machine.]
Raph Casey? You're back?
Casey I figured I'd wait for you all to be in trouble, and then I'd make an awesome heroic entrance. Pretty cool, right?
[The turtles begin to charge at the machine. They run and get cornered. Casey began to use a puck bomb into the machine and destroy the power cell, setting an explosion. Newtralizer groans and tries to teleport but nothing happens. He escaped as the machine exploded.]
Mikey You've been newtralized, son.
Raph Thanks, Spike. I mean Slash. You know, there's always room on the team for one more.
I need to go my own way, Raphael. Think I'm better off solo. Goodbye, brother. I'll see you all again someday.
Raph Goodbye Spike
[Slash leaves]
Casey Don't sweat it, Raph. You still got Casey Jones on your team.
Raph You did awesome, Casey. Best partner a turtle could have.
Leo It's been a long day, guys. Let's go home.
[Everyone leaves, not noticing that the alien newt reappeared with a new power.]