
The Mystic Orb is a weapon in Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


The Mystic Orb is an orange object with three black, three-fingered hands encircling it. It was originally owned by Baron Draxum. The Orb has the ability to send lifeforms to a mystic paradise within a powerful mystic membrane. The black arms extend themselves away from the Orb to manually capture victims. The Orb magically pacifies those trapped inside it, making its prisoners accept their surroundings and even consider them pleasant. However, Draxum is able to break the pacifying magic seemingly due to his familiarity with it and being perturbed to the necessary degree. Exploiting physical insecurities at the bottom of the membrane is the best way to escape from the inside of the Orb.

The Orb is unlocked by first swiping a hand over the Orb, causing the black hands to dissipate, then entering the passkey by pressing the correct characters, dialing the lock, and finally pushing the Orb's halves together. When being dialed, the Orb beeps upon being incorrectly aligned. If the Orb's physical form is damaged, it weakens the trap and those inside are released slowly, body part by body part. However, duct tape is strong enough to seal its fractures.


The Orb debuted in "Insane in the Mama Train". Draxum gave the Orb to Big Mama in exchange for her allowing the Foot Clan aboard her train and not inquiring about what the Foot's plans were. Big Mama then slowly began to use the Orb to capture individuals for her Battle Nexus.

The Orb abducted Meat Sweats from his houseboat in "Pizza Puffs".

Foot Recruit was taken from her home in by the Orb's hands in "Always Be Brownies" as she studied J.I.T.S.U. despite her attempt to combat it.

The Orb reappeared in "Raph's Ride-Along". While in her Battle Nexus luxury box, Big Mama tasked her assistant with guarding the Orb.

In "The Clothes Don't Make the Turtle", Hypno-Potamus was stolen from the Magic Town House by the Orb while he was entranced by his own spell.

In "Battle Nexus: New York", Big Mama captured all of New York City's inhabitants with the Orb (sans the Mad Dogs, Ghostbear, Hypno, Meat Sweats, and Carl Sando) for her Battle Nexus Wizbang. However, April O'Neil, Draxum, Foot Recruit, Splinter, and Todd Capybara eventually escaped.

Michelangelo suggested they free the trapped civilians from the Orb in "Finale Part 1: E-Turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", but was denied by Splinter who believed it was best to protect the civilians from the Shredder. Draxum held the Orb in while trying to devise a way uncover Splinter's buried knowledge on how to defeat the Shredder.

April and Draxum worked together to stop the cracks in the Orb from growing with April wrapping the Orb in duct tape in "Finale Part 2: Shreddy or Not". Draxum eventually ordered April to flee with the Orb after the Foot attacked the lair.

April assured Leonardo that she had the Orb in her possession still intact upon being asked in "Finale Part 3: Anatawa Hitorijanai".

In "Finale Part 4: Rise", Draxum released everybody who was trapped inside the Orb free after the defeat of the Shredder.
