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[Episode starts at the airport where Raphael blow blands, he stands up.]
Raphael: [grunts.] Ah. So he wants to be tough, huh?
[Michelangelo lands on Raphael.]
Michelangelo: I think he does, dude.
[The reason they land is that the unknown red alien rogue they are fighting with!]
Leonardo: Donatello, watch his hands! [Alien shoots Donatello with his plasmatic blasters.]
Donatello: Whoa! Oh! Plasma blasters? What else has this guy got up his sleeve?
Donatello: [helps his brother to stand up] I told you there was nothing to worry about. Hey look! There's the Technodrome.
[Donatello points to the Technodrome that was destroyed and in ruins.]
Donatello: I'm getting a signal, come on.
[Scanner beeping.]
[They enter the destroyed Technodrome.]
[Beeping contines.]
[Back with Leonardo and Raphael enter April's apartment and see April tied up at the chair and her mouth shut. Raphael comes and get the tape off of her.]
April: [grunts] Get out! It's a trap!
Donatello: Quick! It's gonna explode any second!
[Both throw Dregg and the body into Dimension X portal]
Dregg:[last words] No!
[With portal closes, body explodes and Dregg dies]
Leonardo: Hey, guys! Could you let us down...gently.
[After Dregg's death, turtles returned home]
[Suddenly, the popping is heard.]
Raphael: What's that?
Donatello: Whoops.
[Turtles enter the kitchen, where Donatello's popcorn machine is going out of control.]
Michelangelo: Yep. We can handle everything, all right.
Raphael: Except, Donatello's cooking.
[As the popcorn continues to fill the room, we fade out, ending the episode and the series.]