Corporate Raiders from Dimension X
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987) episode
Season Code: 03
Episode: 25
Original airdate October 27, 1989
Written by David Wise
Episode chronology
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"Mutagen Monster" "Pizza by the Shred"
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1989 Season
September 25, 1989 - Feburary 9, 1990
List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes


  1. "Beneath These Streets"
  2. "Turtles on Trial"
  3. "Attack of the 50-Foot Irma"
  4. "The Maltese Hamster"
  5. "Sky Turtles"
  6. "The Old Switcheroo"
  7. "Burne's Blues"
  8. "The Fifth Turtle"
  9. "Enter the Rat King"
  10. "Turtles at the Earth's Core"
  11. "April Fool"
  12. "Attack of Big MACC"
  13. "The Ninja Sword of Nowhere"
  14. "20,000 Leaks Under the City"
  15. "Take Me to Your Leader"
  16. "Four Musketurtles"
  17. "Turtles, Turtles Everywhere"
  18. "Cowabunga Shredhead"
  19. "Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers"
  20. "Camera Bugged"
  21. "Green With Jealousy"
  22. "Return of the Fly"
  23. "Casey Jones - Outlaw Hero"
  24. "Mutagen Monster"
  25. "Corporate Raiders from Dimension X"
  26. "Pizza by the Shred"
  27. "Super Bebop & Mighty Rocksteady"
  28. "Beware the Lotus"
  29. "Blast from the Past"
  30. "Leatherhead: Terror of the Swamp"
  31. "Michelangelo's Birthday"
  32. "Usagi Yojimbo"
  33. "Case of the Hot Kimono"
  34. "Usagi Come Home"
  35. "The Making of Metalhead"
  36. "Leatherhead Meets the Rat King"
  37. "The Turtle Terminator"
  38. "The Great Boldini"
  39. "The Missing Map"
  40. "The Gang's All Here"
  41. "The Grybyx"
  42. "Mister Ogg Goes to Town"
  43. "Shredderville"
  44. "Bye, Bye, Fly"
  45. "The Big Rip-Off"
  46. "The Big Break In"
  47. "The Big Blow Out"

1987 Season1988 Season1989 Season1990 Season - 1991 Season1992 Season1992-1993 Vacation in Europe sideseason1993 Season1994 Season1995 Season1996 Season

"Corporate Raiders from Dimension X" is an episode of the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series.

Appearing in Corporate Raiders from Dimension X[]

Major characters[]

Minor characters[]

  • Russian Pizza Room Waiter (Barry Gordon)
  • Octopus Inc. Interviewer (Pat Fraley)
  • Angry Octopus Inc. Worker (Rob Paulsen)
  • Brainwashing Speaker Voice (Cam Clarke)
  • First Octopus Inc. Businessman (Townsend Coleman)
  • Second Octopus Inc. Businessman (James Avery)
  • Octopus Inc. Board Meeting Businessman (Peter Renaday)
  • Octopus Inc. Receptionist (Jennifer Darling)
  • First Octopus Stadium Businessman (Peter Renaday)
  • Second Octopus Stadium Businessman (Peter Renaday)
  • Third Octopus Stadium Businessman (Pat Fraley)


Objects and vehicles[]



The Turtles listen to April's newest broadcast, which reveals that men in business suits have kidnapped high ranking corporate executives, and the remaining execs are threatening to leave. Leonardo wonders if they should help, but Splinter, Raphael and Donatello all think that this is not their kind of crime.

However, the latest executive kidnapped works for a massive baking company that is the nation's biggest supplier of pizza crust dough, and a global pizza shortage is expected due to disruption of company operations. Taking this very personally, the Turtles decide that they're going to investigate.

They stake out another massive corporation that is due to be attacked, and see suspicious business-suited men with laser guns. Leonardo manages to get a briefcase away from them, and finds it full of stuff from the conglomerate Octopus Inc.

Unfortunately, they don't have much of a chance to infiltrate the conglomerate, given how they look. Michelangelo suggests that they get Casey Jones to infiltrate the place and find information on them. They lure Casey to the park with a fake personal ad claiming that they are going to rob a candy machine. He promptly attacks the Turtles, causing more damage to the machines than they would have. After Raphael subdues him, they explain what they want him to do.

Casey applies for a job at Octopus Inc., where his "ruthless violent attitude" and "take-charge aggressiveness" is immediately welcomed. He's brought into a new employee training program that hypnotically turns people into mindless slaves. Casey tries to escape, but is held back in his chair.

While the Turtles are anxiously waiting, more laser-toting businessmen arrive to take over a small corporation. As Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael are driven to seek cover, Donatello whips out the Retro-Catapult to fling garbage at them... but misses and hits his brothers instead. Donatello hits them with a bucket of water, which leaves the men confused and unable to remember what happened.

The Turtles infiltrate the building disguised as repairmen, and find Casey still being brainwashed. Donatello squirts Casey with water, breaking him out of it, and the human destroys the hypnotic equipment.

They accidentally overhear a board meeting where a man declares that the Octopus Stadium will be filled with all the brainwashed employees later that day, for the Grand Arising, after which they will take over the world. They keep squirting the brainwashed men, but soon discover someone has cut off the water supply to the entire building, leaving them no choice but to flee when the water runs out. With this, the Turtles realize that someone who's not brainwashed is pulling the strings.

In the office of the president of the company, they find Shredder, Rocksteady and Bebop. After a massive fight, Casey and the Turtles are tied up and thrown in with an old man who has also been tied and gagged.

Leonardo manages to free himself using a hacksaw, and frees the others. They find that the old man is the president of Octopus Inc, Octavius Ogilvy; his hearing aid is broken, which made him immune to the hypnotic brainwashing. He shows them the blueprints for the Octopus Stadium, which reveals to the Turtles that the "Grand Arising" is to raise the Technodrome to the surface.

At the stadium, Donatello tinkers with the hydraulics under the stadium. But instead of the Technodrome, a vast octopus-shaped device arises from the ground and sprays the audience with water, causing all the gathered executives to wake up from their hypnotic spell.

Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady all flee the stadium, and the Turtles are congratulated by Ogilvy, who vows to make the world a better place. Raphael opines that "it may not be a realistic ending, but it is a happy one!"

See also[]

Notes and errors[]

  • A shot of the businessmen entering the Incredibly Large Corporation was repeated after a shot was shown of the Turtles laying on a heap on the street.
  • Krang does not appear in this episode.
  • This is the episode where Donatello first utilizes the Retrocatapult, which was first introduced in Return of the Fly.
  • As the Turtles and Casey Jones discover Shredder, Leonardo speaks in Raphael's voice.
  • The shot of Leonardo saying "There's only one thing to do, Donatello, let him have it!" followed by Donatello holding the water spray was frozen.
  • When Raphael said there's too much violence in today's workplace, his mouth didn't move.
  • When Raphael said "nice work Leonardo, you really showed those guys", his mouth didn't sync up.
  • When Leonardo pries open the briefcase, his katana blade is too short, and then disappears altogether.

Home media releases[]


  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Volume 5
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Season 3
  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Complete Classic Series Collection