The current taxonomy version is ott3.7 (click for more information). See the OTT documentation for an explanation of the taxon flags used below, e.g., extinct
species Curcuma longa ncbi:136217 (gbif:2757624, irmng:10208096) (OTT id 168258)
View this taxon in the current synthetic tree
Amomum curcuma, Curcuma brog, Curcuma domestica, Curcuma longa vanaharidra, Curcuma ochrorhiza, Curcuma soloensis, Curcuma tinctoria
life > cellular organisms > Eukaryota > Archaeplastida > Chloroplastida > Streptophyta > Embryophyta > Tracheophyta > Euphyllophyta > Spermatophyta > Magnoliopsida > Mesangiospermae > Liliopsida > Petrosaviidae > commelinids > Zingiberales > Zingiberaceae > Curcuma