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Toriko Wiki
Toriko Wiki
  Tuna Pig  
Japanese マグロ豚
Romanized Maguro buta
Type Mammal
Capture Level 10
Length 150cm
Height 60cm
Weight 100kg
Price Tuna pork goes for 100g/8,000 yen; pork portion goes for 100g/2,500 yen
Habitat Open spaces (difficult to breed in captivity)
Debut Appearance
Manga Chapter 96
Anime Episode 39
[v Â· t Â· e]

The Tuna Pig is a pig whose lower half is that of a tuna's. The tuna half of its body tastes like real tuna while the pig part isn't half bad for pork either, being reasonably juicy and fatty. Tuna Pig bones also make an excellent soup stock that blends both pork and tuna flavors. It was one of the many ingredients used by Komatsu when he was recreating the Century Soup, although it is not known if this ingredient made it into the final version of the soup.


  • The Tuna Pig was created by Keita Matsuzawa from Ibaraki prefecture.