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Toriko Wiki
Rest Room
Japanese 休憩室レストルーム
Romanized Resutorūmu
Aliases Safe Spot, Break Room
Location Gourmet World (originative)
Debut Appearance
Manga Gourmet 266
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A Rest Room (休憩室レストルーム Resutorūmu, also named as Gourmet World Break Room by Toriko) is a special safe haven that is designed to completely remove the presence of a small surrounding from any dangerous predators. They primarily exist within Gourmet World, although one also existed within the Human World's 1st Biotope which was used by Ichiryu as a means to test the Four Heavenly Kings in finding his Main Dish

Rest Rooms can also be created by beasts known as "Camping Monsters," such as the Octomelon, thus making such creatures (if tamed) perfect for acting as a tent. However, a beast of a higher Capture Level than said Camping Monster will eventually be able to find it.


A Rest Room is not only a place where one can rest but also a place where they are completely invisible to the naked eye. The Rest Rooms are designed so that any beast that walk the area are completely ignorant of its presence, simply walking past the area where the Rest Room is located. It seems that the only possible way to detect the Rest Room is through having an intense sense of smell as the Rest Room completely blocks off anything that the other senses can detect (sound, electromagnetic waves as well as any sense of feeling are completely undetectable as stated by the other Heavenly Kings). 

The Rest Room's outer shell acts as a transparent bubble that keeps all of the contents within the bubble completely invisible and simply looks as if there was nothing there. It is able to endure mass amounts of damage as shown when Zebra had completely ravaged the whole of the 1st Biotope yet there was no rubble where the Rest Room was located. However, while they are durable, they are not indestructible as Toriko states that a Rest Room can be easily destroyed by the harsh changes that the Gourmet World goes through daily and these changes can completely demolish a Rest Room. 

Camping Monsters[]

Rest Rooms are not limited to static grounds as stated by Chichi, whose house was hidden in a Rest Room created by an Octomelon, as creatures such as the Octomelon are capable of hiding their own presence from any predators thus creating a sort of mobile Rest Room should one decide to use them as a form of transport. The danger of this method in comparison to the static version of a Rest Room is that if the beast itself is confronted by another beast with a much higher Capture Level, it will be discovered even if it is hidden, meaning that the passengers as well as the beast itself will be in danger of a stronger opponent, much like how a static Rest Room can be destroyed by the sudden harsh changes in the Gourmet World. 

Known Camping Monsters Species[]

Aside from creatures, one person has been shown to have the ability to create a form of Rest Room. Joie is capable of creating a Warp Kitchen which functions much like a Rest Room by creating an unknown space which has differing properties to the outside world.


A Rest Room functions as a hospitable area for anyone who seeks any form of safety in Gourmet World. The space which is created by a Rest Room has differing properties in comparison to the outside world. The outside creates a form of defense mechanism which nulls the other senses, giving the room its invisible like nature. By nullifying the senses of a beast, the area within a Rest Room becomes uninteresting as beasts will believe it is simply an area without any form of food that can satiate their appetites. Because of its nature in being unable to be detected, a Rest Room's function is near identical to the properties of the Back Channel from the physical world's perspective; undetectable and almost nonexistent.

It seems that the only possible way to detect the Rest Room is through having an intense sense of smell as the Rest Room completely blocks off anything that the other senses can detect (sound, electromagnetic waves as well as any sense of feeling are completely undetectable as stated by the other Heavenly Kings).

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