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Toriko Wiki
Toriko Wiki
  Milk Whale  
Japanese ミルクジラ
Romanized Mirukujira
Type Mammal
Capture Level 21
Habitat Seas
Debut Appearance
Anime Episode 42
[v · t · e]

Milk Whales (ミルクジラ Mikukujira) are large baleen whales with white skin covered in black spots like a cow's hide. Unlike most whales whose blowholes only release water, a milk whale sprays a high-quality milk from its blowhole. This milk is 1,000 times fattier than that of any land mammal, is thick, deeply sweet, and contains a ton of nutrients. In addition to drinking, this milk is also good for use as a milk bath to make your skin silky smooth.


If something has a milk whale stressed or frightened then it will not produce its milk. If left in such a state for long enough, a milk whale will stop producing milk permanently.


Gourmet King Deciding Battle Arc[]

Sunny sought to collect milk from a Milk Whale to satisfy Chris the Seven-Color Nessie as part of the Gourmet King Championship.


