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Toriko Wiki
  Jewel Meat  
Japanese 宝石の肉ジュエルミート
Romanized Juerumīto
English Jewel Meat
Type Meat
Capture Level 48 (varies depending on age)
Location Regal Mammoth
Price 100 grams for 5,000,000 yen
Debut Appearance
Manga Gourmet 36
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Jewel Meat (宝石の肉ジュエルミート Juerumīto) is a part of the Regal Mammoth that combines the taste of all the different parts of the animal. With an incandescent lamp-like radiance that dulls jewels and lights up a night sky, it provides light to the entire Regal Mammoth's body. As it is located in a different location in every mammoth, it is almost impossible to find.

The Jewel Meat is the Main Course of Sunny's Full Course Menu.


Though the Jewel Meat has an incredibly ethereal appearance, it still holds tastes of an extremely hearty down to earth meat flavor. It has a mellow aroma that puts high class perfume to shame and even raw, the taste is so delicious that Toriko was brought to tears upon first eating it. Different parts of Jewel Meat also have different textures and flavor, some pieces tasting more like one type of meat than other types. It is shown that it can be eaten raw and that the size of the Jewel meat is proportional to the size of the Regal Mammoth it was harvested from. Jewel Meat is such a high quality ingredient that even the Battle Wolf, Terry Cloth, whose diet is composed solely of foods found in the Gourmet World, is able to eat it. Merely cutting a piece causes the juices to fly in the air in a glittering stream comparable to fireworks. When eaten, it temporarily infuses the eater with a shiny glow by filling every single cell of the eater with its radiance.

It takes decades for Jewel Meat to regrow in a Regal Mammoth after the meat is harvested. Jewel Meat can also be preserved, apparently through drying the meat, though it will lose its glow and some of its taste.



In ancient times, it was considered analogous to a wedding ring, and in contemporary times, as proof of one's strength in being able to slay a Regal Mammoth and to find the Jewel Meat. In Biotope 1, IGO staff members extract Jewel Meat without killing the mammoth in order for the meat to be harvested regularly.

Regal Mammoth Arc[]

After Toriko takes the Jewel Meat from the Regal Mammoth and present parties dine on it, he tries to put it as the Meat Dish in his Full Course Menu. However, Sunny objects, claiming that because he is the shinier of the two, the Jewel Meat suits him more and that he should put it on his Main Dish. The two argue until it is decided that Sunny should take the Jewel Meat due to compatibility (in the anime, this is comically shown as a Rock-Paper-Scissors match that Sunny wins).

Toriko's Break Arc[]

While Toriko and Komatsu were at Bar Meria, Meria served them some Jet-Black Rice along with dried Jewel Meat.

GOD Arc[]

Meat - Toriko and Komatsu

Meat Dish

At Toriko and Rin's wedding reception, it was served as a Side along Galala Gator of an End Mammoth steak with Meteor Garlic on top.



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