The Data Pheromone System (
It is a system designed to send chemical signals to a receiver without the need of electrical circuits. This achieved via the use of pheromones, similar with ants using pheromones when finding food, to let their companions know of its location. It is unknown how the receiver of the transmission receives the pheremone signal, though it can be assumed that it retains not having any eletrical circuitry as well.[1]
The system was designed as an alternative to electrical transmission in Academy City. The system is apparently weak to heat, like that from a blowdryer.[1]
Shinyaku Toaru Majutsu no Index[]
Baggage City Arc[]
- Main article: Baggage City Arc
While in Baggage City, Kumokawa Maria suspected that the system had been implanted on her clothes. She believed that this was done to allow Kihara Kagun, the person she was looking for, to use the system in order to prevent her from finding him.
In an attempt to destroy the system that she suspected, though never confirmed, was bugged on her clothes, she stripped out of her maid clothes, much to Oumi Shuri's consternation, in order to blow dry them as she said the system was weak to heat. After doing so, it was never confirmed if the system was actually used or if it was just paranoia on her part.[1]