You see Timur.
NPC Bubble D
  • Equipment and general goods!
  • Selling ammunition and buying bows and crossbows!


Central shop on Fibula


He pays the most for bows and crossbows.


To change these transcripts, edit the transcripts page for Timur.

Player: hi
Timur: Welcome to my little shop, adventurer! First read my blackboards.
Player: job
Timur: I am selling equipment. Do you want something?
Player: equipment
Timur: I sell torches, scrolls, documents, parchments, ropes, fishing rods, arrows, bolts, and a nice helmet.
Player: name
Timur: I am Timur. Sorry, I have not much equipment for sale. The business is running low.
Player: time
Timur: I am sorry, I have no watch.
Player: weapon
Timur: At the moment I have no weapons to offer. Weapons are very rare on this isle, so I have to buy a few.
Player: wolves
Timur: They are everywhere around the village.
Player: Fibula
Timur: It's a very nice isle. But we don't have enough weapons to defeat the many wolves.
Player: Timur
Timur: I am Timur. Sorry, I have not much equipment for sale. The business is running low.
Player: bye
Timur: Bye, bye.

