
Arena Walk 3Arena Walk 2Arena Walk 1Crystal GlanceCrystal GlanceArena WalkArena WalkEirikBears Paw 1Bears Paw 2Bears Paw 3Bears Paw 4Bears Paw 5Bears PawBears PawBears PawBears PawFynnSirikDepot of SvargrondJessicaNellyLurikSirikBerthaCaptain BreezeldaCaptain HabaCorner Shop (Shop)Svargrond TowerCorner ShopCorner ShopCorner ShopCorner ShopSvenDankwartTempest In A MeadhornMammoth BellyFurrier Quarter 1Furrier Quarter 2Furrier Quarter 3Mammoth HouseFurrier QuarterFurrier QuarterFurrier QuarterFurrier QuarterFimbul Shelf 1Fimbul Shelf 2Fimbul Shelf 3Fimbul Shelf 4Fimbul ShelfShelf SiteShelf Site (Street)KjesseSvargrond TempleGlacier Side 1Glacier Side 2Glacier Side 3Glacier Side 4Glacier SideGlacier SideSpirit Homes 1Spirit Homes 2Spirit Homes 3Spirit Homes 4Spirit Homes 5Spirit HomesPilchard Bin 1Pilchard Bin 2Pilchard Bin 3Pilchard Bin 4Pilchard Bin 5Pilchard BinRaven Corner 1Raven Corner 2Raven Corner 3Raven CornerJanzShady Rocks 1Shady Rocks 2Shady Rocks 3Shady Rocks 4 (Shop)Shady Rocks 5Shady RocksBuddelSkiffs End 1Skiffs End 2Skiffs EndTrout Plaza 1Trout Plaza 2Trout Plaza 3Trout Plaza 4Trout Plaza 5 (Shop)Trout PlazaTrout PlazaTusk Flats 1Tusk Flats 2Tusk Flats 3Tusk Flats 4Tusk Flats 5Tusk Flats 6Tusk FlatsTusk FlatsTusk FlatsIskanHalvarHawkyrThorwulfIyadFrost ManorSvargrond Streets
About this image
  • Arena Walk (*)
  • Bears Paw (*)
  • Corner Shop (*)
  • Fimbul Shelf (*)
  • Furrier Quarter (*)
  • Glacier Side (*)
  • Pilchard Bin (*)
  • Raven Corner (*)
  • Shady Rocks (*)
  • Shelf Site (*)
  • Skiffs End (*)
  • Spirit Homes (*)
  • Trout Plaza (*)
  • Tusk Flats (*)

Put your cursor over the map to see where the streets, houses, and NPCs are.


Arena Walk (*)It runs down from the Arena entrance vertically
Bears Paw (*)Connects the houses directly north, west and south of the depot
Corner Shop (*)Connects the depot with the shops and the boat (harbor)
Fimbul Shelf (*)Runs in the south-west part of the city connecting a few houses next to some ice grounds
Furrier Quarter (*)Runs vertically connecting Fimbul Shelf until touching the Spirit Homes in the north
Glacier Side (*)Running half a circle around the temple in the north-west part of town touching with Spirit Homes
Pilchard Bin (*)A block of flats south-east of depot
Raven Corner (*)Small corner with three houses connected with Bears Paw
Shady Rocks (*)Running north of depot, vertical and horizontal
Shelf Site (*)One house connected with Glacier Side, one level up in the west of town
Skiffs End (*)Running between Buddel and the Trout Plaza in the most southern point of town
Spirit Homes (*)Running in north-west corner of town around temple, touching with Glacier Side.
Trout Plaza (*)Running in an angle below Bears Paw
Tusk Flats (*)Connecting a few houses in the north-east corner of town, north of Corner Shop

Some Svargrond buildings and NPCs lie outside the city beyond named streets:
North of the city:

North, in the Arena:

North, on Formorgar Glacier:

West, in Formorgar Glacier:
