
Lizard NPCs (16 NPCs)

Name Job Buy/Sell Location
Chartan Chartan Rebel
Clan Leader
✓ Zao Rebel Camp
Chrak Chrak Supervisor ✗ Chazorai (Isle of Strife), high up a mountain.
Cranky Lizard Crone Cranky Lizard Crone Fisherman ✗ Souleater Mountains.
Ezean Ezean Rebel
✓ Zao Rebel Camp
Izsh Izsh Representative ✗ Razachai
Izzkl Izzkl Unknown. ✗ Dream Scar
Lizard Prisoner Lizard Prisoner Rebel ✗ Chaochai, on the Muggy Plains.
Lizard Tunnel Guard Lizard Tunnel Guard Guard ✗ Inside the Lion's Den.
Rebel Rebel Rebel ✗ Zao Rebel Camp
Sessek Sessek Food Shopkeeper ✓
Sissek Sissek Banker ✗ Moonfall's bank.
Zalamon Zalamon Cleric
✗ Eastern Zao Steppe, in his palace.
Zarak Zarak Knight Guild Leader ✓ Yalahar, Foreigner Quarter
Zizzle Zizzle Rebel ✗ Northern Zao, deep below the draken fortress.
Zlak Zlak Rebel ✗ Razachai, north of Zao, west of the Rebel Camp.
Zurak Zurak Ferryman ✗ Muggy Plains and Chazorai (here).