
Fansites are sites which players of the game create and run externally. Running a fansite has a number of responsibilities and costs, including maintaining the site's content and moderating the site's forum (if any). Officially, there are three kinds of fansites, judged by their supported status: Unsupported, Supported, and Promoted.

Unsupported Tibia Fansites can be referenced in-game or on the official Tibia forums, but you could still be banished if that website violates any of the Tibia Rules. For example, encourages players to buy items/accounts for real-life money.

Supported Tibia Fansites are permitted by CipSoft and can be linked in-game or on the official forums. These website have content on Tibia but are not regularly updated.

Promoted Tibia Fansites are also permitted by CipSoft, like Supported Tibia Fansites, but are known to be regularly updated.


The Supported and Promoted fansites can be seen below.

Site Name Logo URL Language(s) Item Description
BomDiaTibia BomDiaTibia https://www.bomdiatibia.com/ Portuguese Journal Shield
El Podcast Tibiano El Podcast Tibiano https://www.elpodcastibiano.com/ Spanish White Lion Doll
FunTibia Funtibia https://www.funtibia.com English, Polish and Portuguese Dread Doll
GuildStats Guildstats https://guildstats.eu/ Polish, English, Dutch, Portuguese Majestic Shield The only fansite with complete guild statistics, including an extensive comparison tool.
NabBot NabBot https://nabbot.xyz/ English Mini NabBot Discord bot for Tibia.
Portal Tibia Portaltibia https://www.portaltibia.com.br Portuguese Epaminondas Doll
Rookie.com.pl Rookiecompl https://rookie.com.pl/ Polish Baby Munster A Polish fansite about Rookgaard
TibiCam.com TibiCam com https://tibicam.com/ English
Tibia Daily Tibia Daily https://tibiadaily.com/ English
Tibia Live Tibia Live https://tibia.live/ English
TibiaBosses TibiaBosses https://www.tibiabosses.com/ English Crunor's Heart
TibiaData TibiaData https://www.tibiadata.com/ English
TibiaDraptor TibiaDraptor https://tibiadraptor.com/ English Draptor Doll
TibiaDuality TibiaDuality https://tibiaduality.com Spanish, Portuguese Duality Doll
TibiaEvents TibiaEvents https://www.tibiaevents.com English Memory Box
TibiaFanart.com TibiaFanart https://www.tibiafanart.com/ English Yeti Doll
TibiaGallery TibiaGallery https://tibiagallery.com/ Portuguese, Polish, Spanish, English, Swedish, German, French, Finnish, Turkish Bella Bonecrusher's Doll
TibiaGoals TibiaGoals https://www.tibiagoals.com/ Portuguese, Polish, Spanish, English Luna (TibiaGoals) TibiaGoals.com celebrates game achievements and promotes mental health through Tibia's positive influence, inspiring players to dream big both in-game and in real life.
TibiaHome TibiaHome https://tibiahome.com/ Portuguese, Polish, English, Spanish Evora
TibiaLabs TibiaLabs https://tibialabs.com/ English Wicked Witch
TibiaLatina TibiaLatina.Wikia https://TibiaLatina.Fandom.com Spanish Black Knight Doll A wiki in Spanish.
TibiaLife TibiaLife https://www.tibialife.com.br/ Portuguese Adamant Shield
TibiaLight TibiaLight https://www.tibialight.com/ Portuguese The God's Twilight Doll A fansite that offers playing guides and hints.
TibiaMagazine TibiaMagazine https://www.tibiamagazine.net Spanish Midnight Panther Doll In this fansite you can find news, articles, a monthly magazine about Tibia, and much more.
TibiaMaps TibiaMaps https://tibiamaps.io/ English Armillary Sphere (TibiaMaps)
TibiaMisterios TibiaMisterios https://www.tibiamisterios.com.br Portuguese Dark Wizard's Crown Fansite offers mysterious information about Tibia in Portuguese.
TibiaQA TibiaQA https://www.tibiaqa.com English Omniscient Owl TibiaQA is a knowledge board, where players can ask questions and receive answers from the community.
TibiaTales TibiaTales https://tibiatales.com/ Spanish, English Aylie Tibia Tales is a Tibia fansite that focuses on fanfictions, and a platform for fanfiction creators on Tibia. Ultimately it is a fansite full of creativity.
TibiaVIP TibiaVIP https://tibiavip.app/ English Dark Oracle Statistics about guilds, worlds, players, bosses, houses and character auctions. Lottery system and exclusive Bot for Twitch with Tibia commands.
TibiaWiki.com.br TibiawikiBR https://www.tibiawiki.com.br Portuguese The Epic Wisdom A wiki in Portuguese
TibiaWiki TibiaWiki https://tibia.fandom.com/ English Heavily Bound Book
Tibiapedia.com Tibiapediacom https://tibiapedia.com/ Spanish Tibiapedia
Tibiopedia Tibiopediapl https://www.tibiopedia.pl/ Polish, English Ferumbras Doll