
You see a cluster of solace.
It weighs 2.80 oz.


Required for Umbral Creation - to create and refine Umbral Weapons.

When combined with Dream Matter, it can create very strong materials.

  • 1x Dream Matter + 20x Cluster of Solace → attempt at creating a crude umbral item.
  • 75x Cluster of Solace → attempt at improving a crude umbral item into an umbral item.
  • 150x Cluster of Solace → attempt at transforming an umbral item into a master umbral item.

In average, 2100 Clusters of Solace are spent on creating an umbral master item, according to Umbral Creation/Statistics. For more information about the process of creating, improving and transforming umbral weaponry, see Umbral Creation.

In Lower and Upper Roshamuul you can complete tasks for Inquisition gold, 100 of which can be exchanged for a Cluster of Solace at Sandomo in the Lower Roshamuul Inquisition base.

In Upper Roshamuul you can complete the tasks there for Essence of Wishful Thinking and Dread. Morax (in his dream realm) will exchange these items for Clusters of Solace, 1 Cluster for 3x Essence of Dread and 1 Cluster for 2x Essence of Wishful Thinking.

You can also obtain them from Unrealized Dream very rarely.

Obtained in the Roshamuul Quest.


It used to have a World Transfer restriction of 100 (1 stack) between updates 10.38 and 10.90.

Trade Details

Buy From

SandomoRoshamuul100 Inquisition Gold

Sell To

No NPC buys this item.
