marks the bicentenary of Jane Austin’s death.
Thank goodness her books remain as alive today as they always have.
Suitable for hand-stitching (as shown above) or machine-stitching (as shown below) you will need an experienced hand when cutting and stitching the silhouettes.
And here is a little tip for getting the fusible paper off the back of the applique shapes easily - once you have fused the tracing to your chosen fabric, peel a small corner away prior to cutting the shape out. You will then have a starting point for peeling the paper away once the shape is cut out.
Peel a corner then lay the backing paper back down to cut out the shape.
You will find it easy to peel the backing paper using the pulled corner. |
So join with me and create the perfect resting place for your cup-of-tea as you enjoy your next great read.