The Loud House Encyclopedia
The Loud House Encyclopedia

This page describes all of Lance Loud's relationships with his family and friends.

Loud family[]

Lynn Sr.[]

S7E17 The Loud brothers do it again!

Lance and his brother Lynn Sr. making amends.

Lance's relationship with his brother Lynn Sr. is mixed.

It turns out that Lance did not get along well with Lynn Sr., because, the flashback shows in "Home of the Fave", by Lynn Sr.’s presumption that Leonard favors Lance instead of him.

"'Twas the Fight Before Christmas" focuses the strained relationship with Lynn Sr. and Lance. It turns out that despite their strained bond, they do get along in their youth, even enjoying Leonard’s mishaps when cutting trees during the Christmases. However, their relationship became severed five years before the events of this episode. During the White Elephant Exchange game, when Lynn Sr. got himself a new spatula, Lance, smirking maliciously to himself (a smile which Lincoln called "giddy grin" in his narration), decides to mess with his brother by stealing his gift, much to Lynn’s anger. When Lynn and Lance began to fought for the spatula, the fight ends when Lynn Sr. and Lance stepped on Lance’s exercise ball that popped. Lance blamed Lynn, but Lynn said that he picked on him for years. Their bickering became a concern for their father and their respective wives. Finally fed up with each others’ presences, the Loud patriarchs turned their backs on each other, while declaring that they will not spend another Christmas with each other ever again, much to their wives’ dismay. Because of their hatred for one another, Lynn Sr. and Lance faked injuries to avoid seeing each other, but their families saw through their charades.

Five years later, Lance’s nephew, Lincoln, comes up with a plan on how to see each other again. Lincoln, his sisters and Lance’s children trick Lynn Sr. and Lance into coming to spend their Christmas time with Leonard, but Lynn Sr. and Lance are extremely furious upon seeing each other and could not hide their contempt and disdain for one another. When their families and father begged to stay, the brothers begrudgingly agreed for their sake. During their time with each other, their respective children believed that remembering nostalgic fun will brought out the good side in their relationship, but their opinion of each other did not change at all (since Lance recklessly endangering Lynn while sleighing, Lynn Sr. being patronizing to Lance’s gruff singing voice and their overall competitive nature).

At first, Lynn Sr. and Lance began to get along due to their shared nostalgic views, but they turn on each other again when Lance accidentally broke Lynn Sr.’s spatula. However, when Lincoln, Lori and Shelby get trapped in an ice, Lynn Sr. and Lance, horrified by their children’s safety, realize that their own hatred for one another is at fault to begin with, so they set aside their differences and rescued them (and Lynn Sr. as well). After this, Lynn Sr. and Lance reconcile with a hug, declaring that they will not fight each other from henceforth. They almost got into another fight but their wives stopped them.

In "Be Careful What You Fish For", Lynn Sr. and Lance do not fight that often, their bond clearly restored.

In "Bulking and Sulking", Lynn Sr. rents Lance the crawl space above his restaurant for a gym, which ends up inconveniencing him. When he is unwilling to hurt his brother's feelings by telling him the truth, he decides to secretly inconvenience things for him. However, when Lance finds out about this, he is hurt. When Lynn Sr. apologizes and promises to be honest with him from then on, Lance forgives his brother.


S7E17 I'm so happy my two first mates are back together!

Leonard and both his sons.

Lance gets along well with his father, Leonard.


Lance gets along quite well with his nephew, Lincoln.


S7E17 I'm surprised Shane doesn't have a Christmas song for us

Sharon and Lance together.

Much like how Lynn Sr. loves his wife Rita, Lance loves his wife Sharon very much.

His children[]

Lance loves his children very much and is willing to do anything for their happiness and sake.


S7E17 She's off stretching

Lance and his son Shane.

Lance has a good relationship with his firstborn Shane.


S7E17 Sweater Santa will get you a new foot

Lance and his daughter Shelby.

Lance has a good relationship with his daughter, Shelby and even affectionately nicknames her "Shelbs".


Lance has a good relationship with his youngest son, Shiloh.

v - e - d Character Relationships